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Brighter days ahead (a sekalus story)

Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko
Brighter days ahead
A sekalus story


Quote -
"Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that. Everyone is a moon, and has a dark side which he never shows to anybody. We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light."
[member="Lynn Corerunner"] Ξ [member="Jessica Med-Beq"] Ξ [member="Salllkar volling"]

It was time. Two years in planning two years since the shadow of darkness stopped clinging to her shoulder and died out. Three years in training her people's most talented force users of her world others that we're not her padawan. There was seventeen now only four. She was harsh in the training and her demands high for what was about to begin. Although the others didn't make it as far they still receive training to continue to help the people of sekalus. As for the other four and soon outsiders who heeded Sanya's call to make a change for the good of her people. No one so far knew of the plan that part kept as secret. She knew there was some on the world who would try to prevent what was about to happen. They were the ones who believed in the ways of the dark side who beloved in the ways of the black rose.

Still the plan couldn't stay secret anymore. Her people knew it was happening just not when. At the time everything was still hypothetical. It was still in the stages of how it would go down. But as queen, a leader and inspiration to her people she didn't have the right to make this choice for them. A public vote for the citizens had been cast. When polls came in it was sixty eight in favor of the dark nexus been no more and twenty two against. Sure a lot of the croa population was always on the side of Sanya there were still those angry at her for their transition into the beings they are. It wasn't her fault. She was a victim to it just like they were. She didn't create the croa virus but she didn't regret it's existence. She liked what she became.

Sanya watched over the illuminated city from the spire. So full of life and many of those still been twisted by the dark side that tainted the planet. Even though to some level she was able to resist its call they couldn't. She turned away from the window over looking the city as Asuna walked into her office. “Malady. Your students have gathered at the location and the others will be here shortly.” “Thank you Asuna. I would like a moment alone. Could you get my speeder ready. I'll not be long.” She said almost distant. Asuna soon left the room to the speeder pad that was connected to the room. She walked over to the white marble desk putting her sabers inside. She doesn't know why she held into them. Another thing tainted in the dark side. Her armor was already in the speeder and so was her sword. Even if something did happen she wouldn't be defenceless.
Sal sighed she hadn't been a jedi in a long long time.
she looked at her newly remade saber with two blades at the same end like a fork. her last one stolen and sold by the jedi Jaii not that she cared.
she discovered the planet Asop. an obvious message from her old master.
she still carried her corps in her saber as a focousing crystal. well now more as a momento in it's pommel.
there was a problem with being a Shard. people expect you to be more force attuned than you actually were.
Jessica briefly returned to Ringo Vinda after the pirate attack on the planet, which forced her to rebuild the orbital drydocks overthe planet and to use the control tower of the small craft surface factory as a temporary headquarters. Summer was carrying the resulting baby from their relationship, she accepted as much. Now she was invited to visit Sekalus, another place that played host to a disaster not unlike Christophsis, but unlike Christophsis, there was no crime syndicate to defeat, no multi-phase military campaign involved, just a pandemic. The Croa virus. Perhaps people expected me to be the "brains" behind an operation like this. Then again, it might be clear to the operation's sponsor that I am one of those geniuses from whom a lot is asked. But reverting the Force-nexus on Sekalus back to neutral? she thought, before boarding the Neimoidian Yacht and using Instinctive Astrogation Control for the umpteenth time and performing those topological calculations in her head. While she is doing those calculations, certain parts of her brain are heavily stimulated and activated, even though her Force-batteries are used at a rather low intensity. She also acquires the feeling that her frontal lobe is running hot when that power is in use. Once that is done and over with, knowing that it is a long-haul flight, she can more easily afford a detour or two.

[member="Lynn Corerunner"] [member="Sanya Val Swift"] [member="Salllkar volling"]
Lynn in the cockpit of her ship as it's auto pilot led her to her destination. In front of her was a large book that delve into Nexus' and the history and creation of them. Lynn was a bit surprised when the maker of her two new guns refused payment and merely asked for help cleansing a Dark Side Nexus. This was no easy matter and Lynn was a bit worried being she was only a Padawan, but she wouldn't be alone and she was well read. The more she read the more it became clear she could not change it to a light side nexus. The taint of the dark side would never be fully erased. Though from their conversations, Sanya was ok with a neutral nexus.

As her ship left hyperspace, Lynn put her book away and flew her ship into the atmosphere. After giving her clearance code, she made her way to the dark planet surface. he could not help, but notice that the planet looked like a darker version of the core planet, Corsaunt; Well, before the One Sith. Lynn brought her ship to the hanger she was instructed to land in and then powered down her ship, "Well Arnine? Ready to see what kind of trouble we can get ourselves into today?" The droid beeped a few times and one would think there was something sarcastic about the droid's response, "Hey now, I don't always rush into things." She smiled and helped her droid into the speeder she had on her ship. After securing her ship, she dropped the loading bay door and powered the speeder out heading for the site of the Dark Side Nexus. The loading bay door closing after she left.

[member="Sanya Val Swift"] [member="Salllkar volling"] [member="Jessica Med-Beq"]

Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko
[member="Salllkar volling"] Ξ [member="Jessica Med-Beq"] Ξ [member="Lynn Corerunner"]

Sanya let out a small sigh straightening her clothes before she began to walk to the small landing pad where the speeder was. She climbed in and unlocked her screen of her datapad to go over the notes. Asuna piloted them to the location whilst staying above the traffic below them. Her armor moved side to side and rattled at every turn. Although soon they would clear the larger buildings. "Asuna. I hope this works. If not it will be a while before we try again." She said almost doubting the plan. The dark side had lingered on this world for a long long time. Really she tried not to think of the worse scenario. Asuna looked to Sanya with a small hopeful smile. "Have faith. You have worked hard and so have your students. I'm sure the outsiders will make a big difference too. Failure is only a learning curve anyway. So don't give up." It was an inspirational little speach she said. Enough to put a faint smile on Sanya's lips. "I'll never give up. The moment I do I will have given up on my people, I'd never forgive myself if I did." She said in reply. "Did you get confirmation on the voi's been at the city temple and the secure com's." "Yes it's all there. Got confirmation this morning." "Good."

The speeder soon began to drop down towards a domed building. It was small but it was a makeshift temple for training rather than housing the force useres of the world. As the speeder entered the hanger her four students had been waiting. Two of them where croa and twins the other two was a human and twi'lek. Non of them dressed in robes just casual clothes that didn't restrict movement. Although all of them had a hooded cape like her own. Like Jedi and robes that was the symbol for sekallien force users. Sanya got out from the speeder with the four bowing. "Hello master swift." They all said. "Hello students. Please make your way to the holo room. I will wait for our guests to arrive." Non of them said a word as they left the hanger. As for sanya she went back to the speeder to pull her armor out and putting it on. After she put the chest piece on it would all lock together.
[member="Sanya Val Swift"]

Sall's old ship the stardog entered orbit.
she sighed. a habit she developed over the centuries she was becoming a little to organic thanks to the centuries of bounty hunting.
her body had lasted well but she has ignored her nature for too long.
for years it has only been the old push and pull stuff like a force bitchslap backed up by whatever droid she had as a body. for a good few decades an old B-1.
now this was a task get back to what her old master would have liked.
" Ok Rhomba im back to the olg Jedi thing. I was barely a Padawan when those Clones killed you. " she looked at the cracked dead crystsal in the pommel.
"But i came back i'm a knight now. idiots must be desperate to take me back. " she sighed again taking her ship in to dock.
after docking she pulled out her old TTS-1 to the location she was given.
it looked like all the others had arrived.
" My apologies Masters Runner Beq and Swift it looks like i am late. "
[member="Lynn Corerunner"][member="Jessica Med-Beq"]
Now that she arrived at Sekalus, at the other end of the galaxy from Ringo Vinda, she was thankful for running her brain very hot a while earlier. Really, it was the endpoints of the flight that asked the most attention: even intermediate stops between jumps would simply be about refueling. Most of the time, it can be done in orbit. But [member="Sanya Val Swift"] supplied coordinates to her; she was a little late to arrive at the location indicated by said coordinates. That was of help, of course, true, but she was unfamiliar with Sekalus. An uneventful arrival in-system in which she could swiftly get to the domed building, using a broomstick that she hasn't made that much use of for a time. True, Jessica would use her broomstick, which allowed her to carry 10 kg outside what she can strap on her armor, and make haste, arriving at the designated location, a domed building that Sanya used for training Force-users, shortly after [member="Salllkar volling"] did. Plus that broomstick was actually more maneuverable than speeders she could rent. Yet where was [member="Lynn Corerunner"]?

"Sorry for my tardiness, ladies and gentlebeings"
Lynn's speeder shot through the city with such sharp turns. At the speed she was going the Force was needed to keep from crashing. Her speeder made it's way to the location given. Once arrived she parked her speeder then made her way up the stairs to the meeting area. Once she came to the door, she removed her hood and entered. Upon entering she saw she was last to arrive and there were many present. She bowed slightly and took a spot near a blonde and waited for the information to be given. She was nervous if they would actually be successful, but if it meant saving the planet, she was willing to try.

[member="Sanya Val Swift"] [member="Salllkar volling"] [member="Jessica Med-Beq"]

Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko
[member="Salllkar volling"] Ξ [member="Jessica Med-Beq"] Ξ [member="Lynn Corerunner"]

Sanya smiled as they had all arrived. Two of the apologized for been late when in fact they where earlier than expected. "No worries your all actually half hour early. To start off I'd like to thank you all for responding. It means a lot to me and my people. Would you like to follow me then we can go over the plans." She turned around the metal soles of her armor thudded against the stone floor. The building wasn't big from side to side. Rather it was longer reaching below the surface of the city. The room was only a few hallways away and they reached it soon.

"Bux, Hirani, Lily, Lilith. Please welcome salllkar, Jessica and Lynn." Sanya said introducing her students to the outsiders. In return they bowed to then as a sign of respect and a greeting. "Asuna bring up the globe on display please." A large bule image of the world displayed that was in real time. Images provided directly from the Inquisition space ring. "As you may already be begging to feel it and been noted this world has a strong dark side presence all over. I've spent a long time finding where it's strongest in each region." Several locations the highlighted in red that was all over the world. "All these places are where the core of the nexus draws it's focus. It's also where it's most dangerous for us. If we stay in these places to long it will effect your abilitys and just like a disease will slowly consume you. It's why everyone here will be in pairs. We will look after our partners and make sure we are safe to continue."

As she was speaking sanya was also trying to get a read on the three. The shard was difficult. She'd encountered a shard here on the world and a body been made in the works. Even that one she struggled to read. Then there was Jessica her force signature was potent meaning she'd received plenty of training and probably ways to cope long duriations of the darksides graps. Then Lynn, she had the smallest signature here. From guess she was a padawan or early days of been knighted. But that was a guess at most. "If you all may. Can you state at what level you are and how long you have been training form? Also any medical problems you may suffer? Don't worry this information won't leave this room." These details needed to be known.

The first part was for sanya to know who would be best paired with who. The second part was for their partner in case something happened. Letting them know sent the right action could be taken in such events. "Twins? You both will stay in the city since you both are familiar with the layout below the surface. Asuna will tell you your location over the secure com. Please make sure to collect them on your way out." "Yes master swift." The both said at the exact same time. They had a habit for that. For a while it was amusing after it became normal. "Bux, Hirani you will take the grass lands. Same as the twins Asuna will give you the exact location over the com." "Yes master." "Okay master." They said after one another. Only Sanya and Asuna here knew where every location was.
Sanya Val Swift said:
"If you all may. Can you state at what level you are and how long you have been training form? Also any medical problems you may suffer? Don't worry this information won't leave this room."
"I am a pretty advanced Jedi Knight, for six years or so I have been using the Force on a regular basis and, in the years before that, I used it for mechu-deru. Please forgive me for my idiosyncrasies; I tend to see the Force in mathematical terms. As for medical problems, I do not suffer from medical problems"

Sure, Jessica would be the one to quantize magic, and thus the alignment operator can be seen as a three-dimensional, unitary-vector-valued bosonic spin operator whose components are real-valued and, from that logic, people would conflate Force-alignment with the expectation value of its alignment spinor. Let (a,b,c) be an alignment spinor, such as a2+b2+c2 = 1 by definition of unitarity. (Even though a,b and c can be complex-valued, they are usually taken to be real-valued and, furthermore, positive real numbers) Given that the eigenvectors are (1,0,0), (0,1,0) and (0,0,1), with eigenvalues 1, 0 and -1 respectively, the expectation value of the alignment operator is thus a2-c2 so a is known as the light-presence and c, the darkness-presence. Usually light side is taken to mean that the expectation value is 1/3 and above, dark side -1/3 and below, and neutral between ­±1/3. Which would mean that she would need to modify the Force-spinors of a place so that the expectation value of each of the locations reach acceptable values. preferrably as close to 0 as possible. [member="Sanya Val Swift"] highlighted as a Force-nexus would be within a range where people usually think people or nexi to be neutral. But she didn't expect [member="Lynn Corerunner"] or [member="Salllkar volling"] to understand that; however, she accepted that it was a dangerous operation, costing energy, and that she would have to mind her own value of c.

"Usually the first component of the alignment spinor represents light, the second represents neutrality and the third represents darkness. You're essentially asking us to decrease the value of the last component of the alignment spinor of those locations and shift the mathematical representation of Force-alignment towards larger values of the other two"
" Uuuuuh yeah im pretty much only good at hitting things." Sall admitted. dam she felt useless here " I kind off drifted away from the force for a long time." she admitted. feeling more useless here. she looked to the others. dam would you all speak so i don't have to? she thought to her self.
" umm can i ask why we are here? i was told this was a test?" she asked honestly not sure what she was expected to do.

[member="Jessica Med-Beq"][member="Sanya Val Swift"][member="Lynn Corerunner"]
Lynn gave a slight bow with her head as the students greeted her. Regardless of being introduced, she felt very out of place here. She didn't even know Sanya anymore than the person who made her guns.

Luckily, they were expected to socialize. They moved to the reason everyone was there quickly. Lynn listened to everyone speak, noting Jessica was a bit to technical, but Salllkar was simple. "Uh, I am Lynn Corerunner, Jedi Shadow Padawan. I have trained in the Force all my life and kind of specialize in thus sort of thing." Her face became a bright red as everyone looked at her. She may be a warrior, but big groups were a much different beast.

[member="Sanya Val Swift"] [member="Jessica Med-Beq"] [member="Salllkar volling"]

Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko
[member="Salllkar volling"] Ξ [member="Jessica Med-Beq"] Ξ [member="Lynn Corerunner"]

Sanya smiled as each of them spoke her tail flicking around. Already Sanya get a clue of what type of person Jessica was with her calculated way of understanding how they were going to suppress and change the world nexus. She'd lean against the side of the holoprojector as salllkar asked the question with a small laugh once the shard finished the question. "No, no. This isn't a test. It's indeed the real thing. Although I guess you can look at it like a test. I will be honest. I can't be certain this will work but I can't give up on my people." Walking around the hologram of the world she would run over in her mind the best pairs for the last of them. Salllkar and Lynn where the two who had to be put with either herself or Jessica. If they were put together it could mean not a lot is been put into a location.

Her attention would stay on the hologram thinking for a momet. "Jessica, salllkar you both will be a pair." Sanya asked with a location in mind. The two remaining spots where as bad as each other one extreme cold the other hot. "You both would be going north to kura. I've had thermal clothing and fur overly to keep warm, a heater and torches put in a speeder. It will be dark there this time of year so be careful. Asuna will take you to the speeder. So you may decide between yourself who drives. Also one more thing. Wampa’s are a real problem up there." She'd look down away from the image to the shy girl with a faint smile. "Lynn you're with me. We have the Ilet dunes and it will be red hot there so we will have plenty of water and some parasols to give us shade." The shade wasn't to keep the heat off them but rather the sun from burning them.

“Any more questions before we go?” As se asked the question she would hand out the remaining secure com's she realised one was missing from the case. “Asuna? Where missing one.” “Oh! Apparently one was faulty and with short time they wasn't able to get another for us and have it synched up with the network.” “I'll have to make due and use my own.” She didn't like this and left a bad feeling sitting in her stomach. Even if her own was already synched up to the network there could have been many people skilled enough to have tampered with it.
" Great in with the Math nerd. " she joked trying to smile and failing.
well fine her body could match most of a jedi's skill's admittedly she couldn't do most of the things due to the lack of organic parts.
she turned to [member="Jessica Med-Beq"] " Looks like we are going to be working together. " she offered a robotic hand.

[member="Sanya Val Swift"][member="Lynn Corerunner"]
"This is where my own skill in pyrokinesis is going to be handy: even if the heaters fail, I will still be able to keep us warm. Don't forget that lightsabers can also be used as light sources" she told [member="Salllkar volling"] and Asuna, before boarding the speeder with the broomstick in tow.

She knew that equipment is more susceptible to fail in the sorts of environments where Wampas could live. Also, she was grateful for having such a vast repertoire of Force-powers, such as the infamous "elemental trinity" (pyrokinesis, cryokinesis, Electric Judgment for light-siders/Force-lightning for dark-siders) that most Force-users aspiring to be "mages" would learn and use in battle and, to a survivalist, pyrokinesis was the most important of the gang. It would seem that her more cerebral nature would predispose her to certain areas and approaches to magic, and render certain spells a lot easier to do, especially those that required hefty doses of intellect to actually have a sliver of chance to work. But she laments that the supply of Force-trainers wishing to teach such things is a little low. Yet there are times where people desire a given Force-power (and it happened more often than one would usually think) after facing a situation where that particular power would have made a difference. Knowing that pyrokinesis would be of use in a cold environment, she turns to Sallikar, hoping that the shard would understand that pyrokinesis can be used for something other than a weapon:

"Try making the atoms in the air inside the speeder dance, but just fast enough to make us comfortable"

[member="Sanya Val Swift"] [member="Lynn Corerunner"]
" umm i dont realy feel the cold. i do have in built Variable-output blaster cannon in my right arm a Concealed grenade launcher Electroray discharger Class-C thermal detonators Coma gas canisters and Self-guiding minirockets. kinda make up for the lack of force skills. " she joked.
" Cost a fortune to get this body I've had it for 2 centuries. i don't intend to lose it. " Sal admitted following the human
She looked to [member="Jessica Med-Beq"] and sistened to the instruction.
" Ahh similar to Microwave technology? creating vibrations to induce heat. " she focused and found the process simple.
soon the air was she assumed warm for the Jedi.
" My scanner says it is 57 degrees i hope that is sufficient to you're needs? " she said emotionlessly to the jedi.
[member="Sanya Val Swift"][member="Lynn Corerunner"]
Lynn stood there, itching to leave the crowded room. She wanted to be doing something, but running in blind was not what she wanted ether. She was a bit confused by the group assembled noticing that none of them had experience in this line of work. Being honest, this was a new experience for her as well which made this all the more dangerous. She only fought the dark side because that was what her father did and she wanted to continue his legacy. She lost her father as a young girl and he died because of her so it was her duty to continue to fight the Dark Side in his place.

She watched the pairings unfold and saw she was paired with the leader, which made Lynn wondered if she was looked at as the weakest present, but in reality she wasn't too concerned if she was. As Sanya spoke about where they were going Lynn shrugged, "The heat really doesn't bother me." Though, she would soon be realizing this was not true with where they were going. As the others left, Lynn grabbed her ear comm and handed it to Sanya, "You seem nervous using yours, use mine. I don't need to talk so you can do it for both of us." She smiled, in reality she was very uncomfortable here, something was wrong with this place, but Lynn wasn't sure it was the Nexus.

[member="Sanya Val Swift"] [member="Salllkar volling"] [member="Jessica Med-Beq"]
"Oh, yes, that should suffice"

The Shard listing what weapons she could be expected to use for the road ahead made Jessica feel assured that she wouldn't have to use the Force that much: she knew that, while much more powerful than the Shard was, her ability to use the Force was not infinite. Using pyrokinesis, as instructed, [member="Salllkar volling"] turned the speeder's internal space into a temporary sauna but she would put up with it for now, heavily sweating, because she expects the heat to dissipate over time, and not just through the bubble roof of the speeder, although it is the main location through which the heat would dissipate. Oh and she could count herself lucky that the ceiling was high enough not to bump her head on it when closed (and she thanked the Force for the Neimoidian Yacht in this respect because there were species like Besalisks, Wookiees that worked on its design). In this then-shimmering heat, her ability to think clearly is impaired. So that would be the time for her to do what some people called shutting their brain off (even though they really mean turning off their cognitive functions), and then she would simply sit still without doing much of anything, while the speeder cools down the further north they go.

[member="Sanya Val Swift"] [member="Lynn Corerunner"]

Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko
[member="Salllkar volling"] Ξ [member="Jessica Med-Beq"] Ξ [member="Lynn Corerunner"]

Sanya gave lynn a warming smile shaking her head making her tail flick. "No no. Don't worry. You'll need it for when the time comes." She could feel the girls nervous energy even someone without the force would feel it. Was the girl scared of sanya? It wouldn't be a surprise. Many people hate her species for the negative rumors and how they became to be apart of the galaxy. Of course it was pinned on Sanya as it's Creator and nurturer. She didn't create it but fell victim to it. A moment of passion was what led to this life. Nothing more than a simple kiss to the woman she now calls her wife. Maybe that's a reason sanya had accepted it. In been croa she was like her wife. Still sanya was guessing. As they walked to the speeder with everything in the back sanya opened the passenger door for lynn. "Here." Sanya watched the girl get in before the door was shut and moved around to get in her side.

The engines let out a roar as they started up. Her armor had made sitting slightly uncomfortable as she had to lean slightly forwards to avoids crushing the base of her tail. As they set In motion and gained altitude she'd look over to lynn. "Everything okay? You seem nervous." With a small smile sanya would push out her force slightly filling the speeder with light side energy. It might have helped calm the girl also help her fight back the grasps of the dark side.

The journey took a while and as they hit the edge of the Ilet dunes green would become scarese and the tempereture began to rise. She'd put on the air conditioning to help but the further they went the less it was effective. They where minutes away from the location and as they flew the speeder would pass over what seemed like civilians.
Lynn place the comm on her ear, she didn't really like them, but then again not many force users were her type. She didn't feel special in anyway, but flow walking and farsight were rare. Though at this moment she had no control of flowalking, it just happened. She nodded in thanks as the door was held open for her. She took a seat and sat silently. She was still a bit off on why she was here, she was a new padawan. Sure her Master was a renowned Jedi, but that didn't make Lynn one. She decided to spend the time studying as they drove. Lynn pulled out a datapad that had belonged to her father. It use to be for games, but she had updated it to tie into the Galactic database.

She also had access to the Silver Jedi archives with it, well the stuff she was allowed to have access to. She was trying to solve how to turn the Dark Side Nexus, especially since she didn't have the ability to use Force Light which would have been the most logical way to cleanse it. As she was studying her mind was pulled out by Sanya's question, "Huh? N-no, just I feel....unfit for this sort of thing. I only know the basics anyways so I am not sure I will be of much help." She continued flipping through her studies, "Wait, why is there a Dark Side Nexus here in the first place?" Lynn wondered why she had not questioned this until this point which made her wonder if she had gotten in way over head. Who were these people anyways?

[member="Sanya Val Swift"]

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