Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Brighter days ahead (a sekalus story)

Sall climbed aboard her speeder .
" I have to admit my force skills have deteriorated over time. " she sighed.
letting the repulsors take her weight she looked over to [member="Jessica Med-Beq"]
" that warm enough for you? i dont realy do the warm thing. and i have no idea what we are doing."
[member="Lynn Corerunner"][member="Sanya Val Swift"]
"That's warm enough for me" she told [member="Salllkar volling"] while some of the heat has already dissipated.

While the speeder no longer seemed to have the heat of a sauna, she knew that she needed her brain to be able to be used at its full power if she wanted to be fully effective at using the Force. Perhaps it was a function of quantum magic relying much more on one's computational power than the other methods. But she knew that a quantum wizard's ability to use the Force degraded along with its mental abilities, independently of the wizard's Force-batteries. Yet she also knew that most methods of cleansing a dark nexus involved steadily increasing the value of a in the alignment spinor. If one increases the value of a to a+d, d being a positive real number, the new alignment spinor will then be (a+d, b, c)/((a+d)2+b2+c2), with the denominator for normalization. Hence one can easily imagine the process of cleaning up a Force-nexus to be a power-consuming endeavor requiring several people: I can't do it alone, and Sallikar can't provide that much more help. What I can do is use Electric Judgment: it's the only spell I have that is guaranteed to increase the value of a. But to increase the value of a until the expectation value exceeds -1/3, that is, ((a+d)2-c2)/((a+d)2+b2+c2) > -1/3, will require me to make what Electric Judgment I can cast count, she thought.

"We are almost there" the driver of the speeder told the group while in the middle of a snow field.

[member="Lynn Corerunner"] [member="Sanya Val Swift"] [member="Stardust Raxis"]

Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko
[member="Lynn Corerunner"] Ξ [member="Jessica Med-Beq"] Ξ [member="Salllkar volling"]

Sanya listened to the girl feeling uncertain of her abilities to help. It wasn't anything uncommon for someone. Everyone at some point in their life goes through it. Really it all boils down to confidence. "Help is help. No matter how small or big the contribution is you are still doing good. Just believe in yourself and your abilitys. Also as I was told many times when I was a Jedi. Be mindful of your thoughts." The girl seemed to be occupied by her studies. Head in the books so to say. Sanya's mind drew back to what civilians where doing so far out this way. There was no mines around here and there where Charon in the area. Something about it gave her a bad feeling. Lynn would ask her a very good question. One she slightly knew the answer to. "Well if I read right. A long long time ago around when the first ever republic was founded. Sith species came to this world to seek refuge or some sort of power play and advantage. People of this world looked up to them as gods getting everyone to practice the sith arts. Those found to be force users where trained as sith. After generation and generation the dark side began to manifest into the world its self. The strongest point is the old temple that had been rebuilt. I'm hoping that the long absence of a strong dark side presence has made it weak enough to pull this off."

The speeder slowed down and dropped in altitude. By now the heat was unbearable. But Sanya herself wouldn't survive the harsh cold for long. At least with heat she wouldn't get any severe illnesses putting her at risk. "When we land we can find a spot to out up the shade. All we need to do then is confirm everyone is in position." Within a few minutes they had touched down.

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