Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Eleandra H'Avelle

Brill said:
[member="Eleandra H'Avelle"], yes! We'll need to remedy this right away! Drop me a PM or a message on Skype! :D

[member="Ashe the Reaper"], [member="Azalus"], ya'll can't be stoppin' dis boom-boom-pow. TRIPPIN' ON DEESE MINES. Look out below!

[member="Sarge Potteiger"], I TOO AM FOND.
I have your Skype? :O *checks his Skype list* Oh, yeah, I have your Skype. :p
Wanna join a pirate crew? We could use a demolitionist.

Would be like Firefly, only with a Wookiee, a perpetually hungry Gammorrean, a Falleen murderess, a questionably sane Sith Master, and a couple Black Sun buddies.

Aaaaaaaand we just got attacked on Coruscant. By Sith Troopers. And we killed most of them. Thermal detonators!

Also, I'd hit you with a Kayle, but you're so damn cute. And furry. Furry people UNITE!
[member="Kaiden 'Papa' Rohn"]

Awww.... Couldn't we just shoot you all and steal your furball? No? I'll take a crack at it... *Pulls out a couple SMGs*

Malik Rodarch

I smell a future RP/conflict!

[member="Kaiden 'Papa' Rohn"], [member="Thryykarr"]

Also, please don't eat me, [member="Gorg"]

*Stops getting out the salt and garlic*
<<"B- But! I haven't eaten all hour! You make good food! Little onion, little garlic! Mmmm, good cat!">>

[member="Brill"] :p

Malik Rodarch


I found it on google while searching for a good image of his bombs.

*bites [member="Gorg"] *

Maybe you taste good!

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