Glancing his eyes slowly over to the steaming mug, he gave a gentle smile and gripped it with his left hand, sipping it. It felt warm, his whole body starting to warm up after the cold trip through the shuttlecraft. The wounds he been inflicted, started to slowly seal up and heal over in a brand new batch of skin, as if it was skin graffed. Having his eyes closed, he savored the taste and looked over the mug, the aroma being a pleasant smell to the Human.
Tiland Kortun
is a genius then for making something so good tasting and with an aroma better than Kamoniaan Tea. Have to remember to order some if I run into him. Exile...such a strange word but probably just as fitting, considering no person probably will pick up what I have done in the last year. Galactic Alliance have my head, Maw have my head, New Imperial Order would rather disintegrate me...I don't know, maybe Exile is a better term, we all bear our sins on our heart and eyes."
Giving a weak chuckle, he coughed for a moment before placing the cup back down onto the stall. The Mask that the Whipid been looking at, whispered in the powers of the Dark Side, something that time seemingly forgot and stood still for when Dalos was able to make it a reality.
When the concoction was ready, Dalos would pick it up with his right hand and gave a sniff with his brows furrowing. What a disgusting smell...then again, he seemed sincere on not wanting to poison him. Lifting it up to his lips, he started to swallow the sludge from the bowl and tapped the back of it with his left hand to get all the contents into his gullet. Placing it back down in a hurry, he covered with the left hand over his mouth, feeling the acid reflux kick in but kept it down while coughing a few times.
When the painful feeling in the Humans throat finally finished and one last cough, he would start to glance to the side at the airport security then back forward. Not feeling much different, he was going to speak until his eyes widened a bit. The security guard had a scar on the left part of his neck, the blaster itself had seven scratches over the top barrel. Passing by, a wanderer was holding a piece of paper in the left hand with the Aurbesh word of A on it.
Glancing then finally towards the Whipid, he gave a quick nod and shook his head a bit. Reaching into his pocket, he would pull out a large stack of Underworld Credits, a total of twenty thousand Underworld Credits and motioned towards the
Mask once again while hopefully retrieving the lightsabers he have given, unless they were now destroyed.
"Never in my life, have I seen so clearly. Thank you. I hope this is more than enough for the trouble I have taken upon you...the Mask as well. It projects to them, what you believe is Fearful and your echoes your voice louder than before. I hope that...satisfies the agreement between us on paying what I believe it is worth?"
Velok Brokentusk