Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Bringing pew pew back

[member="Myles Skyreaper"]

I'm offering a faction that is being built from the ground up, heavily focused on character development. The Shrouded is not the run-of-the-mill republic. It will be filled with rivalries, internal power struggles, conflicting interests, corruption and dark plots up to the highest levels of government. We also focus on developing as much stuff as possible via RP, down to the aspects which would usually be ignored, such as the formation of the various branches of the government, military and intelligence departments, the construction and acquisition of ships/assets, the development of new technologies and ships, etc. Basically, we are attempting to set up a faction which focuses a lot on detail.

As for IC specifics, higher govt positions can only be acquired via RP. Also, at the moment we are doing an establishment/foundation thread (literally just started), so if you want a certain rank in the military and are interested in RPing how your character obtained that rank, this might just be the thing for you.
Kainan Wolfe said:
[member="Myles Skyreaper"]

The Shrouded is not the run-of-the-mill republic. It will be filled with rivalries, internal power struggles, conflicting interests, corruption and dark plots up to the highest levels of government.
How is this different and more importantly better than the Galactic Republic that the vast majority of Chaos at least on some level was glad to see collapse and end. Things like rivalries, power struggles, and corruption are the exact opposite of what a Democratically centered Republic ideally should be.
Myles Skyreaper said:
How is this different and more importantly better than the Galactic Republic that the vast majority of Chaos at least on some level was glad to see collapse and end. Things like rivalries, power struggles, and corruption are the exact opposite of what a Democratically centered Republic ideally should be.
[member="Myles Skyreaper"]

Precisely. Which is why the Shrouded stands out from other Republic-themed factions. As for the collapse of the Dominion, as far as I know that was rooted in some OOC disputes. Wasn't around when those happened, I'm simply using the collapse of the Dominion as a backstory for the new faction.
[member="Kainan Wolfe"]

I have to admit the Shrouded Republic sounds like an exact carbon copy of the Dominion and everything that was fundamentally wrong with that faction ultimately leading to it's down fall.

Specifically blending Light and Dark side ideologies and attempting to force them to not only coexist but do so peacefully. Another thing being the practice of this idea of the ends justifying the means and calling yourself a Republic and a Democracy.

What you describe is less of a Republic and more of an Imperial themed concept. Which is fine.
Myles Skyreaper said:
[member="Kainan Wolfe"]

I have to admit the Shrouded Republic sounds like an exact carbon copy of the Dominion and everything that was fundamentally wrong with that faction ultimately leading to it's down fall.

Specifically blending Light and Dark side ideologies and attempting to force them to not only coexist but do so peacefully. Another thing being the practice of this idea of the ends justifying the means and calling yourself a Republic and a Democracy.

What you describe is less of a Republic and more of an Imperial themed concept. Which is fine.
I am attempting to do something a little different. The idea is that power within the faction is obtained primarily through backdoor deals, political alliances, propaganda and manipulation, instead of violence. Think Palpatine's Republic.
[member="Kainan Wolfe"]

Palpatine literally reorganized the Republic into an Empire as soon as he removed all opposition to his rule. Like I said If you wanted to run an Empire style faction I have no issue with that. If you want to run a Republic style faction I have no issue with that either.

This straddling the middle thing though has never succeeded. Or I guess I should say as yet to succeed. How do you propose to be the first to do it successfully?
Myles Skyreaper said:
[member="Kainan Wolfe"]

Palpatine literally reorganized the Republic into an Empire as soon as he removed all opposition to his rule. Like I said If you wanted to run an Empire style faction I have no issue with that. If you want to run a Republic style faction I have no issue with that either.

This straddling the middle thing though has never succeeded. Or I guess I should say as yet to succeed. How do you propose to be the first to do it successfully?
What I am attempting to do here, is to get activity out of the various groups and organizations trying to keep eachother in check. The difference between Palpatine's overthrowing of the Republic and the Shrouded, is that the Shrouded really does seek to uphold democratic values. However, it is far less idealistic and a lot more pragmatic when it comes to what means to use in order to further its agenda. Think 1950's "Red Scare" America, a republic which is not afraid to use force and subterfuge in order to promote its democratic values and which accepts the idea that some exceptions have to be made in order to find the most efficient solution. The belief is that the Old Republic's and Empire's near-total embracing of one side of the Force, led to their downfalls. With the Shrouded, an attempt is being made to manage the darkside/lightside conflict in such a way as to prevent that from occurring again. By openly allowing and regulating both sides of the Force spectrum, the Shrouded is attempting to avoid a situation where one group goes to ground and secretly plots to overthrow the entire system.

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