Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Broke Down Mountain

Broke Down Mountain

Location: Belkadon, Rakata Mountain
Tags: Millia Korraay Millia Korraay

It seemed they both had their own ideas about the situation at hand, but Mi'la felt that Millia was on the right track. "Right, it makes sense, for all we know their own people ruined the plan here." She agreed, still feeling like something was missing in this puzzle. "Well, you're the germ expert, so I think you might be onto it." She teased, even though this was a virus, and not a germ, it didn't matter; she thought it was amusing at least.

Millia's comment made Mi'la's face light up, the Twi'lek seeming to take the words as a compliment. In truth, Mi'la wasn't sure how to process this fully. "Wow, no one has every told me I have nice germs before, thank you." She giggled, feeling these alien sensations starting to worm her way into her brain, but she managed to pull them back ever before it escalated into any further action.

It was nice to know these things she was feeling were felt by Millia as well. "I would very much like to explore that, further, with you and not in a lab harboring potentially lethal viruses." She smiled, biting the corner of her lip, those very distracting thoughts creeping in once more.

Of course, then reality had to step in. Millia's words caused Mi'la to take in a breath, using her calming techniques as she attempted to separate herself from her emotions. Millia was right, and as nice as this was, they weren't exactly safe. "You're right, forgive me, your presence just...fills me with warmth, and distracts. I don't wish to impede our progress, nor risk harm to you for distractions." She didn't wish to let go either, but, this wasn't a permanent thing. Letting go of the hug, Mi'la followed by taking Millia's hand, nodding with a bit of a sly grin. "Long as you don't mind my sweaty palms, I'm not against it." She confirmed, looking towards one of several doors.

Now to figure out where the comm terminal was. Thankfully, DATA's nimble scouting would allow him to pin down just where that would be.
Location: Belkadan, Rakata Mountain
Tags: Mi'la Undari Mi'la Undari

Millia giggled at the comment about Mi’la having nice germs. The Twi’lek Jedi had so many nice things about her that Millia was willing to include her germs in the list without argument. How else could anyone explain that Millia willing held her hand first and then put her arm around Mi’la for support. After that she hadn’t even flinched when Mi’la extended her arm around Millia’s waist as well.

When Mi’la expressed the desire to explore their feelings further, and more specifically away from this facility Millia hummed in consideration. What would that mean? Would that be what normal people consider a date? Millia had never been on a date before. Rarely even had an attraction to another individual besides acknowledging the fact that they were attractive. And it had taken only one look at Mi’la to know she was beautiful.

She blushed at the thoughts in her head and tried to place them in a compartment somewhere that they could be retrieved later. But she smiled and blushed deeper when Mi’la put words to the thoughts in Millia’s head. Like Mi’la Millia didn’t wish for the contact they had initiated to end. Millia held her breath as her fingers slowly ran along Mi’la’s waist as she removed her arm at the same time as Mi’la was.

When Millia’s hand was secure within Mi’la’s she let out her breath slowly, happy that they had not disconnected completely. “Sweaty palms are a small price to pay…” Millia giggled as she could feel the perspiration of her own palms. “And yet another shared quality between the two of us.” Maybe the feeling they were sharing caused the sweaty palms? Another interesting question.

They started towards a series of doors and that got a slight frown from Millia. She was about to ask where to begin when DATA’s chirps came over the comm. “Thanks buddy. You’re a lifesaver,” Millia said to the droid of the comms. She turned to Mi’la with a smile. “DATA says that the comm console we’re looking for is through the west door.” She pointed to the mentioned door and waved her hand to activate it.

Broke Down Mountain

Location: Belkadon, Rakata Mountain
Tags: Millia Korraay Millia Korraay

Millia's touch lingered on Mi'la's mind for a long moment, feeling her fingers against her back, moving across her, she let out a sigh as the sensations parted. Thoughts of a 'date' were on Mi'la's mind, though where and when she couldn't even fathom thinking of. Later thoughts for a later time, no matter how nice those thoughts seemed. She hadn't had a connection like this, there had been people she felt drawn to of course, but...actual sensations like this were something else. Feeling the warmth of Millia's body against her hand as she withdrew, perhaps for the first time Mi'la understood why attachment was seen as such a hot topic for jedi; it was quite a temptation.

They were equally blushing now, which was a comfort for Mi'la, as she had a series of nervous giggles come over her, and felt a slight shift in Millia; though what that shift was she didn't know. "Don't fret, there will be time for more of this exploration later." She teased, knowing that there were in agreement in this notion, but for their own sake, they would need to put it aside.

Feeling Millia's hand against hers, that smile never left her face. "I would say it's a bargain really, to hold your hand for so little." She winked, unable to fully pull her gaze away from Millia, though they began to move along. "We seem to have alot of those. It's nice." She held back on saying more, she felt that if she expressed more of her thoughts that they might never stop appraising one another. Sweaty palms aside, they had a job to do. With DATA's wise input, they had a way ahead, and Millia opened forth the door, leading them further into the medical facility.

As the door parted, the pair were treated to a long hall, lined with numerous doors; walking past, the small window on each door gave view in a small patient cell, several of them contained long dead and rotted away corpses. Mi'la seemed a bit perturbed at this, looking to Millia, squeezing her hand just a tad tighter. "Well, that explains what happened to the patients..." She muttered, feeling a rather noticeable echo in the force up ahead. "Something...something is wrong, I can feel it..." A dull pain struck, hitting her in the chest, and causing her to halt. Reaching out a hand, Mi'la targeted the door at the other hand, and opening it.

Hate. There was so much hate here. She could feel it seeping in from the patient rooms, like a poison, it was reaching her, and deep down, she felt the emotions beckoning her to continue on. If it was merely just from her unique situation in the Force, she wasn't certain, but she would look to Millia with genuine concern. "So much hate here....something wrong happened here Millia." She muttered, wanting rather badly to reach the comm room, which seemed to be in the next room.

Upon reaching it, several consoles sat dormant, but there was some sort of communication devices linked into them, as a mess of wires were run through the floor and walls, along with the two withered husks of a Rakatan, and a humanoid, their bodies seemingly tangled in a violent embrace.

None of this bode well.
Location: Belkadan, Rakata Mountain
Tags: Mi'la Undari Mi'la Undari

Millia would not have been surprised if the blush on her cheeks lasted for a week when the time came that she and Mi’la would be forced to go their own ways. That thought brought a momentary frown to her lips before Mi’la confirmed that they had many things in common, and it was nice. Like Mi’la the Kuranu Knight was only able to keep her eyes fully forward part of the time. More than half the time she at least had the Twi’lek in her peripheral vision. Probably about a third of the time her focus was completely upon Mi’la. She validated these actions within her thoughts by convincing herself that she was open to the Force and any threat would be sensed even if not seen.

As they started into the long hallway her thoughts about the Force were confirmed. She started to feel something. It wasn’t much yet, but enough that Millia’s muscles tightened in preparation. Like her counterpart, Millia was upset by the dead in what amounted to their cages. She returned the squeeze of her hand with a forced smile. She was suddenly longing to go back to the surface and explore the strange feelings she was developing for Mi’la instead of pushing forward. But that was not the Jedi way. She managed to push on until Mi’la spoke her concerns. Millia felt it too, but it was not as strong inside of her as it appeared to be in Mi’la.

Millia stepped closer to Mi’la as the Twi’lek seemed to falter just slightly. Her hand left Mi’la’s and returned to the Twi’lek’s waist for more support. It didn’t seem completely necessary, but if things suddenly turned she didn’t want Mi’la to fall. And she honestly enjoyed the feel so much that any excuse was a good excuse.

All Millia could do was nod at the comment of something bad happening. She was what the Jedi would call a generalist when it came to the Force. Old saying, Jack of all trades Master of none. That applied to Millia, at least for the moment. Mi’la’s gift made the Force in the floor or anything she touched more likely to find a way into the Twi’lek Knight. Millia was a bit jealous if she was honest.

When Mi’la started forward again Millia matched her step for step, not caring about security as much as supporting her new friend (that was all she could think to label her as at the moment). When they reached the desired comm room Millia gave a gasp. The scene was one of struggle. Curiosity made her want to ask Mi’la to try to “see'' what had happened here, but concern made her bury that wish quickly. “Someone tried to get information out,” she surmised out loud pointing to the humanoid corpse. “They were stopped by the Rakatans…” she pointed to the other. “But why did they both die? And how did no one find them?” They were internal questions given voice. Two heads were better than one.

“The communication equipment doesn’t look like Rakatan stuff,” Millia observed. “DATA. Get to our location.” She smiled and turned to Mi’la. “If the communication is still stored in the traitor’s, for lack of better work, device perhaps DATA can get it out.”

Broke Down Mountain

Location: Belkadon, Rakata Mountain
Tags: Millia Korraay Millia Korraay

As bad as the sensations she was feeling was, Millia's touch made it far more bearable. If not the sensations that prodded her forward, the arm coiled around her waist was a very pleasent distraction; one she wished she had more time to focus on. Her hand set itself on Millia's, effectively trapping her hand in place, and holding on to it to battle against the sinister sensations that were assailing her. A part of her wanted to depart as well, focus more on this bond between herself and Millia, but again, she had to remind herself how not helpful that was in the moment.

A thought did come to her mind before they opened the door; what would it feel like to kiss Millia?

It was a fleeting thought, one that immediately began to get a rise out of Mi'la, and was thankfully shunted away as the scene before the pair unfolded. Frowning, Mi'la put more pressure against Millia's hand, feeling the flow of negative emotions slowly fading, yet there was a disturbance here yet. Looking to the woman with a frown, Mi'la felt that something terrible was about to happen, though what exactly she couldn't be sure. "I...I don't know, but I feel like something is very, very wrong." She said, leaning into Millia now, eyeing the room, and finding little to assist in eliminating her worries. Still, Millia felt nice. "Maybe there's a recording, something we can use?" She asked, waiting in Millia's embrace for DATA to arrive.

When the droid did arrive, he would of course be able to access the console, as well as view past recordings. It seemed that the console had recorded not only the failed attempt to broadcast to some planet with unusual coordinates, but it would be able to be retrieved if the pair desired it. What was more troubling however, was a series of binary transmissions that seemed to go through out the facility. Another recording was found as well, showing a Rakatan and a Human struggling in front of the console, before managing to kill one another. The time placing it shortly after the failed upload, and the binary transmissions. As well as a system message showing the entire complex has it's communication array shut down. There were still several questions that loomed, none of which seemed resolved by the droids attempts.

Mi'la did not like it one bit.
Location: Belkadan, Rakata Mountain
Tags: Mi'la Undari Mi'la Undari

Mi’la was having a hard time with things. Perhaps on top of her psychometry gift she was also a bit empathic. If that was the case Millia was glad that her most powerful gift was telekinesis. Moving things with your thoughts didn’t seem like it was likely to affect her physically much unless she overexerted herself. Millia was doing her best to help, both with physical support with her arm and bodyweight supporting Mi’la as much as possible. As they walked Millia got the strange sensation of wanting to kiss Mi’la. She wasn’t sure where the thought came from, but as quickly as it was there it vanished in the face of the situation. She looked at Mi’la for a moment wondering if perhaps the thought came from Mi’la, but seeing the Twi’lek’s lips the thought returned and Millia assumed it was her own curiosity. Again she forced the thought down.

Millia was a silent support for the moment. Until DATA arrived there wasn’t much within her expertise here. The best she could do was to support Mi’la. The droid hovered in shortly after they arrived in the communications room. He chirped something ominous at the sight of the two bodies, but organic death was not something that computed as a danger to the droid. DATA didn’t need direction to know what he was called in to access. He hovered down to the device and linked up.

“Looks like there is,” Millia said as DATA’s projector came to life. Millia watched with a frown as the video recording of the fate of the two bodies they saw was shown. DATA warbled that there were several audio and one binary recordings also existed and that communications from the facility were shut down. “A failsafe?” Millia questioned out loud. “Ok save all of it. Compartmentalize it so that it doesn’t get into your core memory anywhere.”

Millia looked to Mi’la and sighed. “I think we should pull back,” she said with concern. “At least for a bit. We can analyze what DATA found. Maybe send it on to someone outside the system and then come back in if we see a need.” It was not like Millia to prioritize welfare over knowledge. And truth be told if it was her risk alone she might have pushed on. But she didn't want to risk Mi'la. It looked like she could use a rest.

Broke Down Mountain

Location: Belkadon, Rakata Mountain
Tags: Millia Korraay Millia Korraay

The discovery did not sit well with Mi'la, but what was even more alarming was DATA sensing that by downloading the data, another series of transmissions were now being sent out through out the station, some sort of 'purification protocol' was going into effect. What that meant, was left entirely up to the mind of the droid, but one had to assume it wasn't a good thing. Looking to Millia, that thought struck her again, sill and mad as it was, it was there. She struggled to set it aside. "I agree, this place isn't safe. With everything here, not to mention the unknown, I don't want to risk it." The 'it' she was referring to was of course Millia. Perhaps the bond between the two was causing this shared mindset, but it wasn't really a thing they could look into at the moment. Not to mention this emotional tug of war in her mind was driving her nuts. "As much as I'm enjoying your touch, it's becoming a struggle to not think of several things." She tried to say it with confidence, but her cheeks flushed and her lekkus coiled around her neck. So much for that idea.

Nodding, she pulled gently, hand still on Millia's to indicate it was time to leave. "Come on, we should get going, look over the data somewhere safe." Attempting to lead Millia out of the facility however, the droids that DATA had encountered were now coming online with one directive; eliminate all signs of organic life.
Location: Belkadan, Rakata Mountain
Tags: Mi'la Undari Mi'la Undari

Mi’la was worried, Millia could tell that. Worried for Millia more than for herself. A feeling that was similar to what Millia was feeling in reverse. It was confusing and invigorating that Millia knew this about someone just being close to them, not having to talk about them. Other feelings were felt through her bond with Mi’la that made her blush as much as Mi’la was, and she was quite glad that she didn’t have lekku that would further show what she was thinking outwardly.

“Yes,” Millia said as Mi’la suggested that being as close as they were was both a thrill and a detriment to the mission. “I think this closeness is something we need to explore in a safer locale.” Mi’la took the lead and was pulling her by the hand before Millia could take the time to step away. The Kuranu Knight followed quickly on the Twi’lek’s heels.

They didn’t make it far before danger assaulted Millia’s senses. Almost to the point that she had forgotten the warmth still in her cheeks. She could hear the clanking of heavy droid feet and looked around to see what direction they were coming from. Of course they blocked the exit. “DATA get out of here. If you don’t hear from me in two hours you’re to send the information you’ve got to the Council.” DATA beeped an affirmative and hovered away.

Millia looked to Mi’la and took in a deep breath. The cyan blade leapt to life as Millia assumed a defensive stance. “Looks as though it will be a fight to get out. Time to make Master Velieris proud,” she said with a smile. She didn’t like to fight. But if a couple dozen battle droids needed to be disassembled to get her and Mi’la out of here it would be a small price to pay. Ready to leap into action she nodded for Mi'la to take the lead.

Broke Down Mountain

Location: Belkadon, Rakata Mountain
Tags: Millia Korraay Millia Korraay

"We keep saying that, like it makes handling this any easier." Mi'la jested, taking the woman away, nearly halfway down the hall before she realized what was underway. The oncoming danger was not lost on Mi'la as well, though she had mistook it for another sensation all together. It wasn't easy being within someone's mind, aware or not, it was distracting; not to mention embarrassing as well.

As Millia gave the order to DATA, Mi'la's hands did the unthinkable, as she let go of Millia's hand to take up both of her sabers, the lavender blades igniting, as she gave a knowingly glance to Millia, a smile following shortly after. "I'm sure she'd be very proud, long as we keep our wondering thoughts a secret." Mi'la giggled, both blades moving as she took up her defensive posture, right blade angled high, left blade angled low. She preferred using an Ataru and Soresu stance with one blade, but that was a down side with using two blades at once. "I'll go first, draw their fire, just be careful." She said gently, briefly wondering if perhaps she could arrange to practice some with Millia, perhaps that was another opportunity for deepening their bond. Again, she pushed the memory aside, focusing on the here and now, before moving towards the door, keeping both blades before her, and motioning the door ahead over.

As the door to the lab opened, there were nearly ten droids already moving into the room, with another dozen set through a now open door from the console the pair had fiddled with earlier. It was a bit of a surprise for Mi'la at first, but it did not stop her offensive. Aware of Millia behind her, and the woman's discomfort with combat, she leapt up, more a short hop than anything. Both blades moving before her, letting her mind withdraw and her body moving to answer the call of the force, batting and deflecting the several series of blaster shots that moved towards her. Side stepping the shots she could and knocking back that what she could, Mi'la winced as several shots impacted off of the shielding that protecting the several protected vials and containers, not wanting to think what she might unleash if she was careless. Her deflections proved useful however, as she managed to drop three droids from the defensive alone, but it did not help with the additional droids moving to replace the recently destroyed models.

What was nice though, was Millia would find herself able to feel Mi'la's movements, aware of her partners motions and thoughts as she was making them, almost as if they were part of the same nervous system in a fashion. One might imagine that such an ability made it far easier to work in tandem, now that she was aware of what Mi'la was thinking and doing; and the Twi'lek with Millia in kind.

Location: Belkadan, Rakata Mountain
Tags: Mi'la Undari Mi'la Undari

“I’m not sure Master Velieris would care if wandering thought came out as long as I didn’t get defeated by a bunch of droids,” Millia joked with a laugh. “She wasn’t very traditional. A wayseeker now actually. Though I’m not sure that means she would be totally accepting of what I’m feeling here right now,” Millia gave a nod letting Mi’la take the lead. Her two blades would do better to combat the blaster fire from the attacking droids.

She was comforted by Mi’la’s presence. Millia was always a little jittery at the beginning of a battle. She would never just outright run, or duck and turtle, but it took her a moment to get from curious explorer to the warrior she had been trained to be. That transition took less with Mi’la present than it had with her former master. While Millia still was a step behind Mi’la she was off to the side taking on some of the blaster fire before her confidence built to the point that she started to lash out. Switching from Forn VI for defense to Form IV for offense Millia would use her own instincts along with the nudges from Mi’la the Kuranu Jedi would leap into the air, strike at a droid and then use a flip or lunge off a wall to return to a defensive position beside Mi’la.

The combat bond and natural abilities had the number of droids dwindling from dozens to about ten and then half as many as that. “Looks like we’ll be able to make it out of here after all. Master Velieris owes me a nice meal. Said I’d never survive a fight without her.” She gave a chuckle. “Of course she’d probably end up buying you the meal and saying you dragged me through.” The confidence of the purple-skinned Knight was short-lived as a blaster bolt got past both Mi’la and Millia’s defenses to strike Millia in the left elbow. “Damn it. ‘Always dreaming before doing’, Master would say,” Millia played off the pain with a hissing laugh. “I’m fine,” she assured Mi’la. She fought mostly one-handed anyways, especially against a blaster wielding opponent. “Let’s just push the pace so that I can dress the wound before I need that bacta we discussed earlier.” It was a surprising amount of moxie from Millia. Something that was not faked, but only came out when she was threatened.

Broke Down Mountain

Location: Belkadon, Rakata Mountain
Tags: Millia Korraay Millia Korraay

Millia’s comments provided a much needed bit of humor before the fray that ensued. Giggling before she was subjected to a hail of blaster fire, one might think Mi’la crazy, but press on the Twi’lek did.

The two becoming one might not have seen noticeable to some, but it soon became apparent as their combined defense began to break down the onslaught of the droids. Mi’la drew on the Force, her speed increasing, blades snapping as she smashed bolts back into their metal attackers.

She could feel Millia’s movements as part of her own, watched at the grace of which she moved in her placements, a bit in awe of how this whole thing seemed to pay off, and the speed at which their foes failed. It was that moment of introspection that a blaster shot sneak through, landing a blow on Millia‘s arm. A rush of concern came over her, as her defense changed into an offensive. Going to one saber, Mi’la threw out her second blade Guiding it with the Force as she killed three of the droids with a wide arced throw about the room.

At least Millia seemed in good humor about it, though Mi’la kicked herself for the failure on her part. Oh well, live and let learn. With the renewed vigor, the pair would be left with smoldering wreckage of the droids. Powering her sabers off, she looked to Millia, immediately wanting to look the woman over. “Alright, let’s get out of here before we get any more of those things.” She advised, having to stop herself as she almost took Millia’s arm, wanting to try and strip away the pain, but thought better of it. Taking Millia’s good hand into her own, Mi’la trapped it between her hands, letting out a breath as she did so. “Well, seems we’ll have plenty of time to think on things, while you heal.”

Ideally with no more surprises, she’d hope to lead Millia out of there, and set forth on a whole torrent of burning questions that she had involving the Kuranu woman.

Location: Belkadan, Rakata Mountain
Tags: Mi'la Undari Mi'la Undari

Millia could feel Mi’la’s concern when she was struck, but was glad that they were able to take care of the remaining droids and move on without battle composure. She supposed that was a win for them, and a mark against the traditional Jedi philosophy that caring about someone too much would cloud a Jedi’s mind and make them forget what needed to be done. Millia could have insisted that they left after using her powers made Mi’la fatigued in the first room. Mi’la could have forgotten about the fight and moved to protect Millia when she was injured. Neither did so. And yet the entire time thought Mi’la floated around in Millia’s mind, and she knew the reverse was true as well.

Millia smiled and gladly allowed Mi’la to clasp her hand. “Out would be good. My speeder should have something to patch the wound for now,” she said in a brave tone. “I want to say it’s not that bad, but on the other hand if you’re going to fawn over me while I heal it might be worth a dip in a bacta tank.” She gave a wink as they rushed through the facility back to the first room they had entered.

Upon exiting the facility the Jedi would find DATA hovering beside the speeder. <”Good to see you Jedi. I didn’t even start a chrono. I knew it would not take you two hours to get through those old droids.”>

Millia smiled. “DATA says he knew we could get out of there.” She nodded to the side compartment of the speeder. “There should be a few bacta patches and some bandages in there,” She said as she rolled her sleeve up over the blaster wound. “I could probably use some help with that. What do you think? Am I going to make it?” The Kuranu Jedi turned to show the wound to Mi'la.

Broke Down Mountain

Location: Belkadon, Rakata Mountain
Tags: Millia Korraay Millia Korraay

Though the thought did come into Mi'la's mind, she held back on ceasing her defensive; after all, stalling the current victory would only lead to further disaster. Regardless, she was happy to find that Millia was relatively unharmed. Of course, her mind immediately went to treating the injury of the woman, but that was all in due time. The color came back to her face at the mention of having to climb into a bacta tank, several images bubbled to her mind, and the Twi'lek winced as she wasn't sure if Millia had picked up on it as well. "Oh, I-I don't meant to fawn, just.... I mean, I was concerned but..." Clearly she was making excuses.

With Millia in hand, and arriving at the speeder, listening to the droid chiming at her, Mi'la giggled as Millia explained what the droid had said. She knew a bit of droid speak, but it was nice to know she wasn't that bad at understanding it. Regardless, she began to grab for a medical kit to assist in treating Millia's wounds, and stopped as Millia rolled up her sleeve, the Twi'lek biting her lip gently as she neared. "I'm not sure, I think you'll require immediate medical attention. Might even hold you for observation." She jested, taking Millia's arm and raising it up, feeling her smooth skin against her hand. Her blush hadn't faded, even as she administered a bacta spray and bandaged the wound, her hands lingered on Millia's arm still. Gently rubbing and smoothing out the bandage, her eyes lingering on Millia. "I...honestly don't know how to handle any of this." She said quietly, her hands both clasped around Millia's arm, gently squeezing it, careful to avoid the wounded area.

Location: Belkadan, Rakata Mountain
Tags: Mi'la Undari Mi'la Undari

“I’m suddenly wishing you were a healer,” Millia said with a smile. “I would be the best patient if you were the one holding me…” the sentence paused as Millia’s mind drifted. A myriad of images had been in her mind since the battle was done. Some she knew were her own thoughts, but she was pretty sure that some were coming over from Mi’la through their bond. It was comforting knowing that both were having the thoughts, but it made Millia a little nervous as well. If it was just her having these thoughts she could bury them and move on. The fact that it was both of them meant more than likely thoughts would become actions at some point. Millia wasn’t sure she was ready for that. “...for observation,” she finally finished after the pause.

Millia gave Mi’la a smirk. Neither of them were healers, but both of them were knowledgeable enough to know the wound on her arm wouldn’t require proper medical attention unless it was left to fester and become infected. No matter how distracted Mi’la made Millia there was no chance she would allow a wound to become infected.

Millia could feel Mi’la’s blush and it formed on her own cheeks as well. Every second that Mi’la’s nimble fingers spent dressing her wound made her thoughts wander further into an abyss of gleeful companionship. It was something that Millia never expected to feel. Sure the New Jedi Order didn’t preach avoidance of personal connections as they had in the time before Palpatine’s Galactic Empire, but it wasn’t something that was exactly encouraged. Millia was afraid to be too close to most people, so she never imagined that she would be in a position to entertain thoughts of a bond that seemed to be forming between herself and Mi’la.

Millia placed the hand of her wounded arm on Mi’la’s cheek, the other reached across her body and lay on top of Mi’la’s hand. “I don’t know how to handle this either,” she admitted. “But I know I can’t just bury it either. I don’t want to bury it.” She looked to the horizon and noticed the sun making the last movements of dayling. “It is almost night. We can rush back to the city. If you think it is better to observe my wound we can camp here for the night. Make sure the facility is secure and discuss what happens next.”

Broke Down Mountain

Location: Belkadon, Rakata Mountain
Tags: Millia Korraay Millia Korraay

She knew her thoughts were erratic, and like Millia, Mi'la was not ready for such an advancement, though she was ever so curious as to where those sensations might take her. "I know a little of healing, but....I'm not that good at it." She admitted, one hand releasing from Millia's arm, and being placed at the small of her back. "But, holding you as a means of treatment I think I can handle." She giggled nervously, gaze not faltering as she kept to Millia's eyes. Now with the battle no longer looming, most of her attention went to Millia, and where to go from here. Indeed Millia's wound wasn't that severe.

There was clearly a bond now between the two of them, and both jedi were equally stumped on where to go from here. "I don't either, I...I want to explore this, with you, and it's...nice to know we are in agreement over this." She admitted, face still the color violet as she spoke. She leaned into Millia's touch, closing her eyes for a moment, and sighing as she focused on it, and the shivers it generated through her body. Opening her eyes, she felt up Millia's arm, sensing the smoothness and flaws of her skin, pondering what their course of action was to be. Her gaze followed Millia's, looking to the setting sun, and knew they would need to decide quickly. Mi'la was already on it. "I think we should stay and secure the site." She said perhaps a little too fast. "And, it's not safe to move someone in your....precarious position. I can't clear you for travel just yet." She smiled a rather goofy smile, knowing how dumb she probably sounded but not caring. "Only issue is erm, I...don't have any spare clothes, so...." She glanced down at her own attire, slightly dirty from her climb earlier, but she had slept in the same clothes before.

Again, a flash of thoughts started to form, and she quickly pushed them back down. The thought of undressing in front of Millia was a bit much for her, and she'd not want that same thing broadcasted to Millia. No, it wasn't a big deal, they'd just camp out and ensure this place wasn't properly compromised again.
Location: Belkadan, Rakata Mountain
Tags: Mi'la Undari Mi'la Undari

Millia was happy to hear that holding each other close was something that they both felt would be pleasurable, but she really didn’t need Mi’la to say so to know it was true. Without the Force it would have been difficult for Millia to understand since she had never encountered these feelings, either herself or focused towards her, but the knowing glances and blushed cheeks told anyone with knowledge of such things that something was brewing between them, and unless they separated it was not likely to be denied.

Again there was agreement between the two that neither would let the feelings go without investigation. Again there was a lack of understanding of the feelings and how to move forward. The fact that the two were Jedi seemed to make them act like teens or pre-teens in this subject even though both were almost twice the age a “normal” being started to feel the need or desire for courtship.

Smile formed on Millia’s face when Mi’la stated they should stay the night. That was what she was hoping for, she wasn’t sure exactly why, but she knew it was not to make sure the sight remained secure. There was a little bit of a laugh when Mi’la wouldn’t approve of her traveling. “I thought that I was the medical expert,” Millia responded with a giggle. “Are you usurping my authority?”

The realization of Mi’la’s lack of spare clothes made Millia’s cheeks burn hot with blush. Millia’s eyes moved down Mi’la before shifting to her speeder desperately trying to remember what supplies she had brought with her, but even though Mi’la managed to keep her own thoughts of undressing from Millia, the Kuranu Jedi had her own thoughts of just the same thing. Her bottom lip ended up tucked back between her teeth as she bit softly down picturing the image. “Um…” Millia stammered, tearing herself out of the daydream. “Uh. DATA. Did we pack any spare clothes?” The droid chortled an affirmative, but pointed out that Mi’la was a bit taller than Millia. “Oh. Right. Um. I have some clothes. Can’t even remember what at the moment. Temple robes I’m sure. They might look a little funny on you. Short on the arms and won’t hang like they should. But you are welcome to try them on. I’m sure my clothes could use a good disinfecting and cleaning. A change may not be a bad idea if we can find something.”

Broke Down Mountain

Location: Belkadon, Rakata Mountain
Tags: Millia Korraay Millia Korraay

For probably the first time in her life Mi’la was starting to hate her Lekku’s. The movement of her head tails was not something she could control, and the current exchange with Millia made them shift all about the most flustered she got. To the other woman it might have been amusing, but to Mi’la it was a nightmare. On the question of repealing the ‘medical experts’ authority, Mi’la seemed to stumble at that. “W-well, t-truama can undermine one’s decision making….” She stumbled over her nonsensical explanation. “But I will take your feedback into consideration with regards to your…erm…treatment?” She managed that much, but her blush had not faded in the slightest.

There was a desire to have a companionship with this woman, and Mi’la knew there wasn’t even a chance of denying it. She watched the Kuranu’s expression change, a giggle slipping out at what Mi’la found a rather cute expression, both minds buzzing with trying to keep things from slipping out, but the emotions both seemed to give off a mix of embarrassment and curiosity; a healthy mix perhaps. At hearing she might have to borrow Millia’s clothes, Mi’la’s gaze dropped, but it wasn’t something she minded. “As long as you promise not to laugh at me too much, I wouldn’t mind, I’ve worn worse. Erm, I went with Master Valery disguised as a dancer, so I can’t imagine it being too bad….” She trailed off, managing to meet the woman’s gaze, though thoughts of having to be so scantly dressed had nearly caused her to die of embarrassment, as Millia might have caught a flash of the nonsensical attire she had been forced to wear. “So, erm, where should we set up camp?” She asked, chewing the inside of her lip as they began their plan.
Location: Belkadan, Rakata Mountain
Tags: Mi'la Undari Mi'la Undari

Millia frowned at the frustration Mi’la felt with her lekku’s movements. It may have been comical on another, but knowing it was causing Mi’la distress made Millia only think of how she might be able to help. But she assumed it was from the same nerves that she was feeling and didn’t know how to help either of them with that. The frown softened and Millia laughed when Mi’la said she would consider feedback on treatment options.

Mi’la seemed to accept the offer of fresh clothing. And then mentioned another little anecdote that Millia found very intriguing. “You dressed as a dancer? Like a slave entertainer?” eyes roamed over Mi’la in imagination, “Like little metal top and open skirt?” Millia bit her lip once again then managed to shake her head. “I’m afraid I didn’t bring that outfit along for this adventure.”

Millia made her way over to her speeder to look what was available to change into, her hand slipping into Mi’la’s to grab hold and drag her along. “Where? I don’t leave anything like that to chance. I bring an explorer droid along to survey and make that decision for me,” she gave a laugh before turning her eyes to DATA. “DATA you know the size of the tent. Survey and advise where we should place it. Keep in mind we’ll have to see anything that pops out the whole we made before it gets loose.”

Millia opened the compartment that was where she usually put her spare clothes. Her
temple robes were in there as expected. She would lend those to Mi’la, the fact that Mi’la was taller wouldn’t be too bad in those. Millia blushed when she realized what else was in the compartment. “Um. Training outfit…” she said with a nervous grin. It was a pair of black skin-tight pants and a black and gray sports bra that she wore when exercising and practicing with her lightsaber. “Here you go. Hope my petitteness is not too much,” Millia said handing over the robes. “Maybe we should wait til the camp is set before changing? For some privacy and to avoid getting these clothes dirty too?” She didn’t know why she was so nervous. The Jedi temple growing up was pretty open, she’d changed for training in front of other Padawans and had to change in front of her Master. Why was this different? To break the tension DATA hovered over their shoulders and expressed his opinion of the best place to set up camp.

Broke Down Mountain

Location: Belkadon, Rakata Mountain
Tags: Millia Korraay Millia Korraay

Millia’s comment about her slave outfit brought a pout out of Mi’la, her Lekku’s coiling around her neck in response to her defensiveness. “N-No it wasn’t! I….it was hard to describe okay? But n-no I didn’t enjoy wearing it if that’s what you’re getting at!” Unintentionally, Mi’la broadcasted the image of what she had worn, then eyes widened in realization as she couldn’t pull it back. Huffing, she has never felt so embarrassed before, yet she followed Millia all the same. Though not seeing what Millia had been grinning about, she took the robes and snickered at the woman’s comment, eyes glancing over Millia. “I don’t mind it at all.” She nodded, before canting a glance around the area trying to figure out a good placement. Holding the new robes, Mi’la had to appreciate their look. She never cared for white truthfully, she felt it got dirty too easily, but it did work for nice ceremonial robes.

She took it regardless, already musing with how it may or may not fit. “N-no you’re right, but again, we’ll need to find a place before-“ DATA’s worbling informed the pair that the current place they were on was compromised due to the hole they cut into the surface. The droid recommended another clearing several feet below, though suggested they use the speeder than attempt to climb down on their own.
Location: Belkadan, Rakata Mountain
Tags: Mi'la Undari Mi'la Undari

Millia was still thinking of the image Mi’la allowed into their bond, briefly when DATA announced the best spot to set up camp. She could understand why Mi’la was embarrassed, Millia was mortified at the thought of spending the whole night with Mi’la in her workout attire, but at the same time Millia saw that there was nothing in Mi’la’s appearance to be embarrassed about. She was in agreement with Mi’la though that it would not be something that she would choose to wear in public.

Millia climbed into the driver’s seat of the speeder and smacked the outside. “Hop in. Won’t be a minute or two to the destination. Be lazy and hitch a ride.” DATA hovered off to the campsite and as soon as Mi’la was in the speeder they were off as well. A short ride and they were at the suggested site. It was flat with good tree coverage overhead, but a clear view if anything came out of the facility and headed down the mountain.

The tent was a simple set up. Millia was not one to spend a bunch of time in the dirt setting up. Her equipment basically set itself up at the press of a button. By Jedi standards the tent was for four, but for most that meant it would be a comfortable fit for the two of them. After pressing the button Millia made a note that the next time she traveled with Mi’la she would say they were out of the four person model and opt for the two person one instead.

“You can change in the tent if you’d like,” Millia said, “and I’ll change in the speeder. Save some time. Then we can discuss what to do about these feelings we have. And probably what we do in the morning too.”

Once the two women finished changing it was Millia’s turn to feel exposed, though as expected her robes left parts of Mi’la’s forearms bare as well as most of her calves if she was not wearing high enough boots. Millia covered her bare midsection with folded arms and smiled at Mi’la. “I have rations if you’re hungry,” she offered. “Let’s sit in the tent. Clouds are getting thick, might rain on us.”

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