Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Broken Chains

Krux shook his head, "Oh, n-no Setzi, that's not it. I wouldn't ask for such a thing from you so soon. I mean..we've only been together for, what, three days?" he chuckled, but deep down, he knew they had already become one of the flesh twice in those three days, and once was day one. Giving her a child of his own wasn't exactly a big step forward from that. Krux wouldn't try to push such a burden on her so early on.

"If staying here with me will make you more comfortable, then stay. I don't want you running home to Pyrrhus only for him to drive another lightsaber through your body while i'm not there to stop it." one of his hands left that of the curves of her body and caressed her arm, leading to him taking her hand passionately, "A confrontation is inevitable. With the child burdening you, I don't want you to be the one that duels him. That is my responsibility. I'm going to protect you, Setzi. I won't lose you like I lost my family. This time...I can do something about it. And I will." He stared lovingly into her eyes once again, starting to find himself getting lost in them again. It was just too easy.

[member="Darth Azurea"]

Setzi Lunelle

Searching for Eleos's Altar
"You're right, although I don't think Darth Pyrrhus would hurt me in my current state. I mean, maybe...?"

Setzi trailed off. She had witnessed the Togruta's fearsome temper, but had yet to be on the receiving end of it. Even when she insisted he got rid of the half-Chiss slave, he still did so willingly, albeit a little confused. The Sith Lord wondered if she had run off with anyone but his loyal Apprentice if he would have forgiven her, overlooking the dalliance and pretending it never happened. But yes, what she had done and with whom was extremely damaging. And what have you done, Setzi?!? Could you not keep your hands to yourself in Knight Mullarus's ship? Was it too difficult to resist this temptation?

But truth be told, if she replayed the situation - of her catching him suddenly and leaning up to kiss him, Setzi would do it all again. She felt a bond with Mullarus that was different than the one she had with the Togruta. Perhaps I shouldn't have been an Acolyte to Darth Pyrrhus. Perhaps we fell into a student/teacher relationship, rather than lovers, but she couldn't deny there was still passion in their relationship, even towards the end of it.

"Do you feel strong enough to confront him now?" Setzi asked, her gaze unwavering. She was very worried about a duel between the two of them, especially knowing Mullarus's weakness of electricity. That, along with illusions, was one of the Togruta Master's strengths. "And is there anyway to condition yourself to withstand electricity attacks?"

[member="Knight Mullarus"]
“You don’t? I think he would if he knew what we’ve done to one another in the past few days, especially if you’re carrying his child. The wrath of a powerful Sith Lord combined with the jealousy of losing a lover to another man would make for a devastating lust for revenge.”

That was a good question. Was Krux confident he could stand against his old master? Sure, he was successful in slaying his grandfather, whom was probably stronger than Pyrrhus in one or two ways, though aged and weaker. Even against Darth Ferus, Mullarus had been successful, even if the man wasn’t really himself at the time of his demise. Krux stroked Setzi’s cheek for reassurance, holding her body close to his beneath the warm blanket, “To protect you, Setzi, i’m ready for anything. My grandfather used a lot of lightning in our battle, and I did just fine. A good lightsaber and your protection bubble power proved useful in that regard.”

[member="Darth Azurea"]

Setzi Lunelle

Searching for Eleos's Altar
Setzi closed her eyes as Krux stroked her face. Once they fluttered back open, she smiled and said, "I think I have an appetite now after all. Even for Saarlac."

She did not feel overly modest around the Amarans. They were servants after all and did not intimidate her the way Pyrrhus's Nautolan guards would. She would never be undressed around near-humans, but the small furry creatures in the mansion seemed more like pet racoons than humans with wandering eyes. Not that charitable of a thought, Setzi mused, but such was the difference in species. She rationalized that they probably thought her pale, hairless body was unattractive anyway.

When the brunette Sith Knight, sat up she did so without wrapping the fur blanket around her. It slipped down to her waist and trailed down to the floor. Her hair was rumpled from the recent love-making, and she yawned lazily. "Should we dress for dinner or just lay the blanket out in front of the fire and eat there?"

She planned to learn some Force skills from Krux during this visit, but there would be plenty of time for that once they gave in to the relaxation their bodies needed. They had just endured a frantic battle and strong Sith Magic. The rest was more than deserved, even if they wanted to lounge around by the fire all night and drink wine.

[member="Knight Mullarus"]
Krux couldn't help but blush and stare as she stood up and let the blanket fall to the floor. He wasn't quite as brave as her. He almost immediately reached for his undergarmenta and at least put those on before answering her question, "Well, if it's comfortable for you, I certainly have no complaints..." he grinned, examining her form with his eyes, which had seemed to flash a shade of red-violet again for a second. Krux wouldnt have noticed, but perhaps Setzi would have noticed his eyes starting to change color since the battle with Lord Jekyll.

Krux picked his comlink, still in his jacket that was thrown across the room, and contacted the kitchen. "Stripe, tell me the food's almost done."

The jittery voice of the small amaran answered, "Yes, sir. Would you like it brought to you"

Krux turned and looked at Setzi, who seemed perfectly comfortable the way she was. One way or another, if she changed her mind and wanted to keep her modesty, she'd have time while everything was brought up. [Color=purple"Yeah. Take your time, furball."[/color]

As for Krux, he remained modest and started redressing himself, albeit very comfortably and only in his fatigue-like clothing. Once done, he laid the fur blanket out before the fire and sat down cross-legged, as if about to meditate.

[member="Darth Azurea"]

Setzi Lunelle

Searching for Eleos's Altar
Setzi could tell that Krux wasn't as much at ease with dining au naturel, so smiling still, she found a second blanket in the same great room trunk and wrapped that one around her. She then kneeled on the fur blanket in front of the fire, letting it warm up her back. There is no way I'm getting back into my dress, she thought. Maybe not for a few days. By the flickering light, with the smell of food finding its way to where they sat, the Sith Lord was relaxed and tranquil.

Soon enough the Amaran named Stripe brought in two plates of the Sarlaac dish and set them on a table near to the couple. "It smells delicious," Setzi remarked. Though she seemed doubtful before, the meat or plant-fibers, as some thought Sarlacc to be, looked quite edible. The brunette rose and retrived the plates, handing one to Krux. "Do you know that Sarlaac's mate by the male digesting the female?" she asked, laughing softly. "How dreadful that sounds, but it was something I learned when I worked for AgriCorps, and we were sent to planets with active sarlaacs."

Now it was her turn to blush at the mention of her former Jedi organization. But Krux didn't seem to as disdainful of the Jedi as most of the Sith she encountered.

[member="Knight Mullarus"]
Krux accepted his tray, opening up the top. When Setzi would do the same, she would probably notice how the sarlacc resembled sausages. The trays looked very well put together, even complete with a small salad on the side. Krux wasn't a big fan of eating greens and the like, but he figured Setzi might.

Upon hearing her knowledge of sarlaccs, including going to worlds with active ones, his head shot up and a smile bored itself across his face, "Really? Do tell more, it sounds like you have some fun stories" he said, starting to take bites from his plate. Along with listening to her stories from AgriCorp, he watched to see how she liked the sarlacc on her plate. If she didn't, he probably wouldn't mind as much as the cooks. Sarlacc was sorta like alcoholic beverages. It's a developed taste. Though, Krux didn't hate it when he first tried it either. It was good with some spicy sauce.

He also couldn't help but continuously glance down at the blanket around her and how she wore nothing more beneath it. Even a mere few minutes after what the two had just finished doing together, and Krux couldn't mind his gaze. He chuckled softly to himself, jokingly thinking that she was to blame for this kind of perverted attitude of his. He couldn't take his eyes off of her!

[member="Darth Azurea"]

Setzi Lunelle

Searching for Eleos's Altar
Setzi tried the Sarlaac, and while it smelled good - rich and smoky - it was a little less palatable than she imagined it would be. But still, hunger took over. I can't remember when I last ate, she thought, her stomach grumbling on cue. At this point, taste was not an issue. She needed to eat to sustain both her and the baby inside her.

She smiled at Krux, glad he did not frown at her for the mention of AgriCorps. Setzi would never bring up the peace-keeping Jedi organization around Darth Pyrrhus. Not unless she wanted a couple hours of argument and debate about, not only the futility of any type of altruistic endeavor, but a lecture over the weak versus the strong.

"Well, first of all," she started. "The Pirate's Foe was stolen from AgriCorps. The droids as well, including the labor droids and recycling droid that I have. And since I grew up on a farm if you ever want to plant anything near the mansion, even a small grove of cassius trees for example, I can help you do this. We can plot out the size of the grove, import the seeds and the droids can do the rest. I think the climate here would support lots of different plants and even some crops." Setzi continued eating, a little hestitant to go on too enthusiastically. She knew Krux adored her. He'd almost admitted he loved her earlier. But at the same time she didn't want to be too presumptous about anything in their nascent relationship. And at the same time, it was nice to just let it happen and not expect too much. She met his indigo gaze again.

"Unless you have other plans for the land around the mansion," she said. "Either way, the labor droids can help."

[member="Knight Mullarus"]
Krux listened to Setzi talk about farm stuff. He smiled as he couldnt help but notice how passionate she seemed to be about it. "That sounds like a wonderful idea. I'm sure the amarans can help out as well." He had gotten so caught up in watching her that he had almost forgotten to keep eating.

Between bites he asked another question, "So...what was it like working with AgriCorp? And the Jedi? I mean...not that im planning to defect or anything, it just two sides of the same coin, or are the Jedi's teachings far different?" he hoped this wasnt a sensitive question to her, so he added, "I-if it's too personal..."

[member="Darth Azurea"]

Setzi Lunelle

Searching for Eleos's Altar
Setzi's head snapped up sharply at Krux's mention of the Jedi. Her brows furrowed, and she instinctively clutched at the blanket at her chest as though nearly affronted by the thought of the enemy lightsiders. But after she blinked a couple of times, she exhaled loudly, and her shoulders softened. "No it's not too personal... it's just that to go there... I often feel confusion and regret." After how close she and Krux had gotten earlier, one would think there would be nothing too intimate between them. But perhaps secrets still thrived.

She would never be able to admit this to Darth Pyrrhus, but there were circumstances that caused her to regret the decision to leave the Jedi Order behind. But when that feeling bubbled up to the surface, she normally beat it back down with anger, self-pity and dogged stubbornness. And denial. Especially denial.

"In fact, I haven't felt like that in a very long time. Guilty over my life now. But somehow... I feel it now..."

Setzi trailed off. He would able to see that discussing her life as a Jedi caused her some amount of emotional pain. To distract herself she asked Krux a question: "When you say "planning to defect, does that mean you have thought about it?" She leaned over and put her hand on his arm to let him know the question was not going to be met with an angry retort.

[member="Knight Mullarus"]
Krux felt an internal conflict within her. He would probably understand if she had past regrets or trauma regarding her days as a Jedi, but he wouldn't have thought she would think of going back. Ever. Not after how much she has learned as a Sith and how much more freedom it gave to its followers. His hand immediately placed itself on hers as it touched his arm, "Well...I won't lie, i've wondered how different it would feel if I were a Jedi instead, but I also know how much more strict the life of a Jedi would be. Not only that, but i'd lose all of the power I have gained in the Sith..." he swallowed his pride, but like Setzi, there was one thing about defection he wouldn't tell her just yet. They were still fairly early into their relationship, and he trusted her with his life, but...perhaps what was on his mind was best left unspoken for now.

" want to? After all you have learned and all you've done within the One you still think it would be better to be a Jedi? With all of those restrictions and chains being cast upon you again?" The thought frightened him, because he wouldn't tell her, but he knew if she defected...he probably would follow her.

[member="Darth Azurea"]

Setzi Lunelle

Searching for Eleos's Altar
Setzi knew they were incredibly safe in Krux's mansion, but still, what she was about to say would be akin to speaking in tongues in a pristine, holy church. She lowered her voice to a whisper. "Those restrictions are why I left in the long run. I was too curious, too headstrong. Yes, I wanted passion in my life. I longed for unfettered love and desire." She set her napkin on her plate as though giving it a proper burial. Her appetite had suddenly become non-existent.

"I wanted to leave," she said, her voice still hushed, but calm and steady. "But sometimes I want to return. But not back to the Order. Never the Order. They encourage children to fight in their petty wars. They allow the Sith, warriors like us to slaughter their younglings. It's disgusting." Clearly, she blamed her sister Chastity's predicament on the Jedi's encouragement of youth brigades, whether it was true or not. "And I don't know where I'd go. But sometimes yes, I want to leave the Sith." She stroked his arm and hoped he would not report or repeat this to anyone - not even his Amaran servants, but definitely not to anyone in a position of power.

"Please don't think me weak or horrible for this," Setzi pleaded, more wide-eyed now. She knew Krux was not Pyrrhus, but she feared reprisal over her words just the same.

[member="Knight Mullarus"]
Considering Krux' undying loyalty to the Sith all his life, it did hurt a bit to hear. However, over the past few days, he had begun to feel that his loyalties began to shift more to Setzi and less to the Sith. Over the course of time, the Sith have begun to feel rather...cruel. This had made itself apparent to Krux early on in his apprenticeship to Pyrrhus, who really showed Krux how evil the Sith could be.

Krux could see the desperation in her eyes. He immediately crawled across the rug and sat down next to her to hold her close to him. "Setzi..." he whispered, "To be perfectly honest...I...." he swallowed his pride. He knew he probably would sound like a young fool who was madly in love, but there was something about Setzi that he just...dreaded the thought of leaving her. "I would leave the Sith for you...Wherever you went, i'd go with you. I would follow you into the Jedi me a fool, please. I know I am one. I just..." he sighed, feeling a bit embarassed now. His hand absent-mindedly stroked her silky brunette hair as he poured his heart out to her.

[member="Darth Azurea"]

Setzi Lunelle

Searching for Eleos's Altar
Of course if she had a desire to leave the Sith, even if just a glowing ember in a blizzard, there would be challenges for Setzi Lunelle and Krux Mullarus at her side. As he moved to be nearer to her, she pushed her plate away, wrapped the blanket tighter around her, and settled with her head in his lap. She absent-mindedly traced the scar on her palm, the one that she inflicted herself with a dagger that day in their training session.

"Sadly it won't be that easy," she said. "Although the sentiment is very appreciated." She gave him a sad smile, so grateful for his loyal words. Looking into his indigo eyes from her place at his knee, she knew with all of her body and soul that she would do the same for him. Setzi had followed Krux into the battle with Lord Jekyll, a duel from which she was unlikely to return. While she had felt love and especially devotion to Darth Pyrrhus, his loyalty required a kind of fealty, expressed much like the follower of a deity would. The Togruta would demand a harsh sacrifice again and again.

There were no stipulations to be in love with Krux. There was only freedom. Her eyes gazed upon his scar, barely noticable now in the glow of the firelight.

"I don't know if it's possible to return to the Order. I have a bounty on my head. They will likely execute me, interrogate you, find out whatever information they can." While the Jedi were peaceful, she knew that some employed methods that would be close to torture - truth serums and the like. "We would need someone on the inside we could trust. And who would absolve us both and offer us amnesty. Your reputation must also be known by them."

[member="Knight Mullarus"]
"Do you really think joining the Jedi is a wise decision? I can understand just wanting to leave the Sith and go rogue or something, but...the Jedi?" he asked, a bit worried. After all she had learned of the Jedi, and she has thoughts of going back to them? Well, of course, Krux had thought similar things in the past. He wasn't proud of them, but he constantly wonders how different he would be if he were a Jedi instead of Sith. He held Setzi close, trying to comfort her. "I...i'm not against you. I will never do that. Really, I probably wouldn't mind joining the Order...just, not the Republic's Jedi Order. The Silvers have always been...interesting to me. Not to mention with all of the knowledge I possess of the Sith and the Dark Side now, adding knowledge of the Light on top of it would be...enlightening. Imagine that. A force-sensitive warrior who is a master of both the Light and the Dark. Not a Grey, who walks the line between both. A man who frolicks freely in both sides..." the thought made him grin, but it made him feel he was only doing it for the sake of power. In reality, he was doing it all for Setzi.

"Well, forgive me if I never really made a lot of friends within the Jedi. There I know of who would be delighted to hear such traitorous thoughts from me. An old enemy from Contruum. Of course, she is still in the wrong Order of Jedi." Krux blinked, realizing how much he had said from such little knowledge. How ignorant of me. I really could be a Jedi. he thought, smirking.

[member="Darth Azurea"]

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