Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Broken Chains

Ra'a'mah Numare even as a sith lord did not approve of slavery and often visited known worlds where there was trafficking in that like of business. She would purchase a slave or two at a time and take them to her home. Then release them to stay or go as they pleased. While a few did leave, most had nothing to return to and hope of freedom had banished whatever dreams they may have had.

Today's journey took her to the desert world of Tatooine. Climbing out of her ship, she maintained a mask on her Force presence to that of a neutral initiate barely trained in using the Force. She wore her purple cloak and normal attire. Sabers were up her sleeves and the armor on her arms. A blaster was on her hip and on the other was a double bladed saber hilt. Hidden were two boot knives. Her hair was pulled back into its normal braid with the ball at the end.

She walked through the streets and listened to the whispered words of the people around her. They guided her to slave market location. It was out near the Dune Sea where there had been some sort of military base long ago.

Her hood was up, hiding her silver hair. There were times when it drew too much attention and that was not something she wanted here. Walking through the market and near to where the slaves were being held, she saw what looked might be an ideal servant. Moving closer to take a look at the woman and make sure there wasn't anything wrong with her. While Ra never expected perfection, she did require a functioning brain and the ability to perform work.

The potential servant stood of an equal height to Ra with brown hair, brown eyes and freckles. She appeared to be a few years younger than the sith. Like looking at livestock, Ra asked for the woman to open her mouth and perform a few exercises to make sure mobility wasn't issue. Giving her a nod, Ra moved on after noticing the number assigned to the slave.

Not seeing any others, she approached the handler to find out much for the young woman. A price was named and the bargaining began.

[member="Jakkor Kess"]
Today was an ordinary day for the Jedi Knight and the Tusken Chieftain and Warlord Jakkor Kess. He had gone back to Tatooine to resume the life of a Tusken-like Jedi Knight's Sharad Hett and his son A'Sharad Hett before him. He had resumed his life fighting and even killing Moisture Farmers that threatened his people further into the Jundland Wastes. His previous tribe was killed years ago by a Bounty Hunter, but the clans out there gave him another to look after another one, with whom he had done his best. He even raided weapon markets and upgraded the cycle rifles with better components. And from his time in the Clone Wars taught them proper tactics. He had truly created a personal army of warriors ready to fight.​
He had now set his sights on a slave market located in the Dune Sea, but not too far from the Jundland Wastes. Not only that they were selling weapons to Moisture Farmers. That was something the Tusken could now allow. He had looked to one of the Tuskens in a crouching position with his rifle ready to snipe, while the others started to move in with Bantha's. There must have been maybe a Hundred or more armed with Gaffi Sticks and rifles. He was no ready as were the warriors.​
He then moved into attack, the fellow Tribesmen unleashing battle cries as the Bantha's stormed in, and the snipers began taking out scouts. The warriors then moved in slaughtering all in there path. They had even started to slaughter the slaves with brutal efficiency. The moisture farmers tried to defend themselves as well as the gangsters but were quickly dealt with. Some were shot, stabbed or others would just be trampled by the ones riding the Bantha's including Jakkor. When it was over in mere minutes, The men raised there weapons and unleashed a feral call. Jakkor raised his own staff.​
Jakkor then hopped off his own Bantha, His lightsabers clearly seen as he walked forth, and approached a person whom he had thought he would never see again. One with silver hair, and someone who he had not seen in perhaps years or months. He couldn't Remember it was the one known as Ra. The tribesman spoke to him and in the guttural language, he told them to wait for now as he approached the woman. "I did not expect to find you here girl." He said speaking in Basic now.​
As Ra and slave handler were closing the deal on the price for the girl, tusken raiders decided to attack the town. Ra looked at the slaver and nudged him into the panicking traffic, hoping he would get trampled. She then turned to release the slaves behind her. With three quick slashes of one of her short sabers, the lines of tied up slaves were free.

"I'd suggest going that way and no fighting with the natives."

Almost as a herd, the slaves scattered and Ra slipped her saber back up her sleeve before anybody else would notice it. The people here thought her a simple woman buying slaves and if any lived through the raid, she wanted them to continue thinking that.

So taking out the blaster, she was more or less a novice at using, Ra started taking careful aim to shoot at the vendors she knew condoned the slavery or were trying to fight the raiders. Not one shot was aimed at the natives and in the battle at some point her hood had fallen and the silver hair gleamed in the light of two suns.

Hearing the familiar sound of lightsabers, Ra lowered her gun. The attack abated at his command and she stood up as he approached her. They had met twice before. The first time she had no clue about the Force and had wanted the opportunity to speak to him. He had been the first Jedi she had ever seen. That conversation never happened though. Next time they met, it was on Eol Sha on an expedition there. He may not have even noticed her then and they never spoke again. Time had passed for both of them, but Ra had never forgotten Jakkor.

"Somehow I'm not surprised to find you here though."

He was a Jedi, so Ra carefully maintained her Force shroud. It was quite similar to the last time they met. Her training prior to her personal discovery was very limited and sparse. This was the façade she continued to project.

"Cleaning up the trash?"

[member="Jakkor Kess"]
The Tusken has stepped forth till he was only standing a foot away. Staring directly at her through the lenses of his mask, the tribesmen were gathering up supplies through the burned streets, some even looked hostile to Ra, as most of his people would know like all people who weren't Tuskens were Ootman the Huttese translation for Outlander. That did not matter. If he had wanted too by his command they would attack her, and it was saving her for now. He just stood there until he had heard her speak. He looked back and spoke in grunts that were guttural in nature. The tribesmen then proceeded to sweep the town and kill survivors but when it came to children such as orphans they would be taken and indoctrinated into the Tribe.

He then looked at her and spoke in basic. "In these trackless wastes, the Moisture farmers have been driving my people further into the Jundland Wastes, denying them access to Water, and shoot on sight any member of the clans. I did what any Jedi would do and that was to protect those who couldn't. Even if I have to kill in order to do so."

He then reached out with the Force and sensed something different, something off that he had not since the last encounter they had. He then spoke with a hint of uncertainty as if he was suspicious of her. "I sense something different about you young one." He reached in closer and was astonished to sense Darkness... He subtly put his hands on his hilts as he looked at her. "You're a Sith!" He said his eyes forming into a scowl beneath his mask.

Jakkor walked and stopped a foot apart from Ra. He spoke to his tribe and they moved off. They went around the town, killing the adults, but resucing the children. No harm was coming to them so Ra showed no negative reaction. Though in a way they were harming the children. The mental effect of this could be long lasting to the older ones, the younger ones should recover quickly enough.

When he turned his attention back to her, he spoke of the crimes done against his tribe by the moisture farmers. These people here hadn't been them though.

"Why attack the town if the farmers are the guilty party?"

Her question was almost no sooner out of her mouth when she felt him touch her with the Force. This would be the first time, her veil was tested and it failed. His gaze pierced through it like it wasn't there or flimsy piece of gauze. She let out a mental growl and lowered the façade. There was no sense in maintaining it from him. His hand dropped to saber hilts, but did not draw them. Until he did, hers would remain up her sleeves.

"Yes, I am."

In theory the Jedi and Sith were enemies, but the lines had been crossed, recrossed and blurred out so much over time...Ra didn't even know. She heard of Jedi coming to the aid of the Dominion Sith and sith fighting them.

Jakkor was different though, he had been around when those lines weren't so blurred. She would not attack him though and waited on his actions.

[member="Jakkor Kess"]
Thoughts were racing through his head. Thoughts wondering how long she had been like this, and what she was capable of. He for a moment gripped his sabers with a want to drop her right here. He knew that he could take her. His mind was in turmoil. He had a deep hatred for the Sith, for what they had done to him, he the last Jedi of the Old Republic. He had wanted to kill her, he wanted his revenge for what Palpatine and Vader had done to him. He didn't care.

He then came back to his senses remembering a line from the Jedi Code and thought that his vendetta against those Sith Lords was pointless. They were long dead, and so he had no reason to attack Ra. Such reasoning would not even provide clear justification for such an act, and so he let go of his sabers as he stared at her and then answered. "It has been a very long time, now that we are here as governed by the will of the Force what now?"

He asked her as the Tuskens finished up and gathered around the Bantha's merely watching their chieftain as they had waited to get back to camp.

Ra could almost feel his thoughts racing through his mind. He kept control of his emotions, though she did feel an ancient anger in him. She also felt a touch of curiosity from him. Not about what though. She saw his gripped his sabers tighter, but that lasted only moments. Something within him, probably dealing with the Jedi code and philosophy calmed him down.

After several tense heartbeats, he looked at her through his mask. Letting go of his saber hilts he spoke a simple question that was very weighted.

Even as a sith, Ra kept her emotions and thoughts close. She would only reveal them when she wanted or needed to. Only her eyes really spoke for what she was feeling. For just a moment, they softened before retuning to the hard stare she had been giving him. Her voice was as soft as her eyes had been.

"How about we talk."

He lead this tribe of tuskens, his word was honored. If he extended his hand to her in good faith, she would do nothing to betray that little trust he was giving her.

[member="Jakkor Kess"]
Even though her voice was soft, Jakkor would still remain on his guard especially around a Sith. He looked to his tribesmen and contemplated when she said that she wanted to talk. He knew this was gonna be a while considering how far it was back into the Jundland Wastes. He spoke in Tusken to his men to make camp for the Night. As he had looked back to her still keeping his guard up as he had said. "As you wish, then we shall do this privately."

He said gesturing for her to follow him through the ruined town, before finding a house and stepping inside closing the door. It wasn't much but a simple hovel with a living room, a kitchen, and a bed all in one. He had sat in a chair, still wondering what to think of the woman before her, for right now he did not feel like drawing his sabers, and that was saying a lot. For right now he was calm and collected as he spoke to her. "Alright talk." He had said waiting for what would happen.

The tenseness didn't leave the Jedi and Ra understood this. He said something to his men and looked back at her, his guard still there in his body language. He agreed to speak with her. He turned into the now almost desolate town and Ra wondered what had happened to the young slave girl she had been trying to purchase. Was she one of the ones considered young enough to save?

She fell into step with Jakkor. Walking more or less at his side, this way it might set him a little more at ease in the fact she would never be out of his line of sight. Soon enough he found a small dwelling that was just enough for a family of two, in her opinion. The door was only wide enough for them to pass single file so he went first and sat down in one of the chairs inside.

His emotions and thoughts that had been in a turmoil several minutes ago were now calm. The curiosity was still there though. Some people said sith were fast to make decisions, but the Jedi surprised her with his. She said she wanted to talk and he had agreed. Now the chance was here and she was at loss for words. Ra didn't want to talk about the Jedi or sith, paths of philosophy and beliefs. She wanted to get to know the man behind the mask, but didn't know how to ask. Their first and second meeting, the chance had never come up. Now it was here and she didn't know what to do with it.

Letting out a sigh, a small growl of irritation at herself only, Ra stalked into the room and found a place near him to sit. Her body language was stiff and if he could read emotions, he would feel she was confused with her own thoughts on the matter.

"I suppose it's a bit late for introducing ourselves again..."

Looking at him, with a flat look, one that would almost appear to be blaming him for her confusion before she continued.

"When we met in that market, I was curious about you and what you are. Both of you. What I mean is the Jedi and the Tusken. I was fresh faced and newly on my own then. The Jedi and Sith were myths and then you step out practically running me down. Never got the chance to talk to you then. Now I do and I don't know where to begin."

[member="Jakkor Kess"]
Jakkor looked at her as he sat from noticing her body language, he could tell she was nervous about something or someone. Neither of which he wasn't going to poke or prod at. He, however, waited as she spoke asking about what it meant to be Jedi and a Tusken. How would she know, what could he even explain? Such things were hard to explain the former was rather the easier to talk about than the latter.

He remained calm as he looked at her and for a moment chose not to respond as if he did not know what to say to the young woman. He then spoke in a calm tone. "You wished to know who or what I am yes. Such things are hardly easy to explain. What I can tell you is that I am the last Jedi of the Old Republic. Now speak what do you wish to know. Speak quickly." He said crossing his arms, he was still distrustful of her as he barely knew her, and she was a Sith. When it came to his experience the Sith were not ones to be distrusted not in his time, and not now, so, for now, he did best by remaining on his guard and ever vigilant of what she could do.

Jakkor listened as she spoke, his guard still up and distrust clear in his body language even though he was sitting. She on the other hand, relaxed as much as she could given the circumstances. Ra pulled her knees up and wrapped her arms around them, placing her chin on top of them. Her naturally gold eyes calmly looked at the Jedi. There was nothing in her outward appearance indicating her alignment. He already knew though.

Letting out another sigh, "I want to know everything."

That was about as broad as it could be, but as accurate as she could get. If only...she pushed that thought out of her mind before allowing it to finish. Ra had thought the past couldn't be changed, but then learned the memory of it could be. Her real past was way different than what her memory told her.

For a sith Ra was on the more light side of the spectrum, however, she could be evil when the need was required. That light was a remainder of the memory that had implanted into her mind. The small legacy she had built since her captain had died also played a role in who she was sitting near to this Jedi. She would hope Jakkor could read this within her and she attempted to hide nothing from him. It was the only thing she could think of to do to allow his distrust of her to shrink.

[member="Jakkor Kess"]
For now, Jakkor relaxed as she seemed off. Nervous? No something more, he attempted to find out what was with Ra through the Force, but could not sense anything. He sighed when she asked to know everything, and so looked her in the eyes. He never told many about his past, it was a hard life and so he looked at her and then began to speak.

"I was born 800 years ago on this very planet. I was born to parents who were Tusken but must have been human as Tuskens and Humans aren't compatible with one another. When I was young my tribe was killed, and so I was brought to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant where I trained with Grand Master Yoda. I was then taken as an apprentice by the same man who took me from here, and met my life long friend, a girl from Corellia known as Kana Mekesa. For years I trained in the Temple and met with many great faces of history. Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker. All lost to history now. When the Clone Wars broke out my Master was the General of the 350th Attack Battalion. I was his Commander and Kana, my partner and Lieutenant. We had fought from Ossus, Xagobah,Toydaria. We were a part of the Outer Rim Sieges. Then during the Battle of Ragmar V Order 66 went down. My Master was killed and I had to flee leaving Kana behind. I was fraught with guilt and I had no choice, and so for months, fled from world to world hiding from Imperial Authorities until a Mysterious figure with a Crimson blade found me. Little did I know this person was a woman who called herself the Inquisitor. She then revealed during that duel that she was Kana. I was horrified, The Empire broke her. I escaped and so went to Coruscant for answers, even to the Jedi Temple. Only to find it was the Palace for the one known as Darth Sidious. I then barely managed to shack off Imperial forces escaping to the under levels. I then encountered Kana, and so we dueled again, but she begged me to kill her, and so i had no choice or she was going to kill me. She then confessed her love for me as if for a moment I felt that she was free as she died. Blinded by rage, Darth Vader appeared and attacked him. I was no match and so he wounded me. I escaped quickly and in my grief, I fled into the Unknown Regions determined to lose myself."

He took a moment to look away as if the memories of that time still troubled him. They still did, but nonetheless, he continued.

"I then encountered an old space station, it looked safe enough where I could live out the rest of my days in peace. Little did I know it was guarded by an Imperial Inquisitor, and then during the duel, we both wounded and so I was thrown into an Ancient Sith device.. A casket, I was then left in there for 800 years. Lost to what happened. I was then awakened by a Jedi Padawan who informed me that the Galaxy was once controlled by the One Sith.... Somehow the Empire fell but it was thanks to the spawn of Skywalker and that Anakin was Vader. I then traveled with him for a while even back home, where I faced an Ancient Sith Lady and dueled her in the Dune Sea. I left still lost in the current state of the Galaxy I went alone into the Outer Rim to lose myself. I encountered many beings and went on many adventures. I then encountered a woman named Viktoria Norduin. After much talking we became Master and Padawan where I finished my training, but also we fell in love. We participated in many adventures including the Omega Wars where we freed slaves and stopped the Superweapon known as Omega. After a time I went into exile with her to Lothal, where I became a family man and raised two girls and lived the simple life of a farmer. After the War broke out between The First Order and Galactic Alliance I knew Lothal wasn't safe and so I left. Still feeling lost after some time I parted ways with my family and exiled myself to a barren world for a year. With only one wish and that was to die. After finding peace within the Force I returned with my Wife finding me here, and we both beating each other senseless. Until we parted ways. I know wish to continue life as a Jedi, I am alone other than my Tribe."

He then sighed as he looked to her again.

"That is everything. What of you?"

When Ra asked for everything, Jakkor gave that to her. As he spoke, he wove an eventful story of his tragic life. His ancient past up to present. He had met, fought with and against some of the most historic figures and lived to tell the tale. She had a much better idea of why he was hostile to her being sith. In his first life, they had been truly evil, wiping out almost the entirety of the Jedi Order. She did not interrupt him as he spoke and listened with her full attention. This is part of what she had been after for over a year and she wasn't going to let this opportunity pass her by.

Had he loved that first woman? The one he killed and admitted her love for him. She left the question unasked as she felt his pain welling up at the memory she asked him to tell.

He broke eye contact with her and looked away, his eyes not focused on anything particular. His mind on his life and telling her of it as her request. He had been sealed injured from a duel with a second inquisitor into a casket for the next several hundred years. When he woke up, his present was ancient history and a new time was upon him. He found love and it was with his Jedi master. Ra almost smiled at the, a barest twitch of her lips would display if he had looked back up at her. He shared some of the adventures he had with her and the fact they had children together. Even then he still felt lost though. Parting ways with his family, he went in search of death. He would feel some confusion in her as he spoke that. She herself had never known love, but always thought if it happened, there would be nothing to feel lost about. That it would be able to provide everything that was needed emotionally.

When he met with his wife again, the relationship ended in violence. Even now though he was alone. Ra could certainly relate to that. When he finished, he stated that was everything and then returned the question to her. Looking into her eyes once again. Now it was her turn to sigh at him before answering. She tapped her fingers on her knees a few moments while putting her life in order for him.

"I was born on some back water planet to parents that were not force users. My father was Echani and mother Thyrsian. It is where my appearance comes from. When I was between the ages of two and three, my town was swept off the map in an attack by a sith lord. Almost all people were killed, but he took me for some reason. Maybe then he could tell I had the potential to use the Force. For the next nine years he trained me and he slowly grew in political power. By the time I was around twelve, he had enough power on this planet that he was elected its ruler.

He kept me at his side, continued training me in the Force and taught me how to be a politician. Along with an education in the basics and languages. About five years later, other politicians became uncomfortable under his leadership. A small rebellion was formed and it took them an additional year to gain enough of a foothold to make an attempt at a coup. By the time that fifth year was over, our capital was captured. My master and I were forced to flee the planet. We managed to reach space and make a fast jump into hyperspace. We had rescued a few women and their children from the rebels that were invading.

They must have been prepared for our escape though. Very soon after we came out of hyperspace, a small fleet came chasing us. Our ship came under fire and we hustled the women and children into the escape pod. My master was a step or two behind me when our ship was mortally wounded. Some of the debris from the internal structure fell on him partially and we were unable to move it to get him out.

He knew we was going to die and he named me a sith lord then there on that ship. His next action was to somehow implant what I always thought my life was. An orphan that grew up on Coruscant."

She took another breath before focusing intently on Jakkor.

"He also blocked from me, my knowledge of the Force or even that I knew how to use it. It was at that point in my life or near to it when we ran into each other at the market."

[member="Jakkor Kess"]
He found her story very intriguing. He had listened closely and wondered if the Master of her was a Banite Sith? Before he was lost in the current state of the Galaxy. He had always known there were only Two Sith. He, however, knew that in this Galaxy it was not like that, as there were many Sith. Such as in the days of the Old Republic. He had to adapt. He had to learn how to fight once more, and so thankfully his skills and combat prowess in the Clone Wars still kept him sharp.

Despite his misgivings about the young woman. Both of them shared broken and horrible pasts, perhaps that was something to look at rather ideological differences. No rifts between the Dark and Light, Jedi or Sith. For now, they were two ordinary people sitting and having a discussion, and neither of the two wanted to fight either. Jakkor did not want to fight anyways. He for years all he had known was war and combat, and he did not wish to fight unless he had to.

He looked at her, not wishing to question her. He decided to remove his wrappings. His hands going behind his head, and unwrapping the layers of his mask, and what slowly emerged was a face some would consider handsome, covered in black line tattoos and well as three rows of dots going down his cheek. He looked at her with his light dark eyes, holding his wrappings in his left hand as he spoke calmly. "We share quite in common young one. Now instead of Tusken you may look at me as Human. Now any suggestions of what to do or talk about next?" He suggested while staring into her eyes,

Their histories shared and a sort of similarity found. Both had suffered losses of loved ones, families, friends and masters. His life had been more full than hers, but she wasn't jealous of this. Sitting near to her was another human that felt alone in the galaxy. Yes, he had his tribe, but that wasn't always the same as having a friend, companion or just somebody to talk with. For the time being, Ra could offer that to him.

Something changed within Jakkor after she finished her story. Like he had knocked down a wall, but he still kept his emotions hidden. Very much like she did. The difference between them was Ra actually incorporated hers into the mix when she used the Force. A Jedi did not do that. All sentient races had emotions though and she had felt his earlier.

Jakkor moved his hands up and behind his head, he slowly brought the wrappings down and revealed his mysterious face for the first time. At least to her eyes. She had no idea what to expect under them, but she was surprised. Through the exchange, he had called her girl and young one a few times. He was only a few years older than herself.

Ra had always been able to keep her emotions hidden and in check. With him though in her own effort to ally any concerns he previous had decided to allow them to show. There were times when she wanted to give herself a mental kick in the rear and this was one of them. Even though she had no concept of love, she did attraction and he would feel that. Her previous curiosity was still there but slightly muted since he had spoke of his past.

The silence between them was really just moments and her eyes drank in everything she saw. His eyes were similar in hue to hers containing a touch of gold and green, he had long dark hair that had been held by his mask.

If he didn't pick up the emotions, her stare alone would say more than words ever could. Giving a mental groan and feeling it was too late, Ra did try to hide the feelings since she had no idea if he had them to her.

When he spoke, his voice calm and his eyes were on hers the whole time.

"Well...we can just go with things and see what the conversation brings. What was told were just facts. There are so many things that go into making us who we are. That is what I want to know about. The little things."

[member="Jakkor Kess"]
Jakkor merely sat there and began to notice subtle changes in her. It was as if she was increasingly nervous. He didn't want to press the matter upon noticing it at first, but he began to notice it more frequently. He found all this talk of their personal stories quite interesting, but he had wished to talk about something else, and it might be amusing to see her reaction. Besides he was also getting rather curious and so he decided to ask anyway in both a calm but playful tone of voice.

"I notice you are behaving very strangely..... Are you attracted to me Ra? Is this Sith Lord sitting right in front of me attracted to a Jedi Knight at this very moment."

He said in jest, although he wouldn't mind. He was completely free from his last relationship, and he didn't mind if another woman saw him in that light. Besides he did find the concept humorous. He loved to see what her reaction was. The whole concept was interesting, and so he wanted to explore for right now. It was at least better than exploring the past. He rather wished to forget about such things for right now.

His eyes watched her as she attempted to bury her emotions. Jakkor had caught onto them though before she could hide them. He said she was behaving strangely and Ra just sniffed at that with a roll of her eyes included. She could no longer make eye contact with him as he spoke and the words brought a bright blush to her face. She clenched her teeth together and made a swallowing motion with her throat.

He was curious for sure, but was it for an answer or for her? His voice was calm, but due to the nature of their differences held a lighter undertone. Was he blind or playing dumb? The answer to his question should have been obvious to him.

The interest and curiosity for him had been there since they first met, now attraction was added to it. Even if Ra wanted to blame him for this situation, she had done it to herself. Finally letting out a growl, she leaned back against the wall behind her.


She couldn't look at him and her eyes looked around the room, but didn't stay for long anything and never really focused. Not having a clue to how Jakkor was going to respond or how he felt, Ra felt more like school girl than a sith lord at that moment.

[member="Jakkor Kess"]
He couldn't help but grin in both amusement and curiosity. He even found it cute how she was acting rather nervous around him. He never thought a Sith Lord would take attraction to him, and found this very amusing. How a Jedi and Sith could find themselves in situations like that. He knew from studying the Archives such things could happen, although he was celibate at the time, and never focused on such things.

He looked at her and said with a slight chuckle, never seeing such a reaction within the woman before. "You know you could act on it if you wanted. I don't mind at all." He said

He continued to look at her, as for right now he had sat there calmly. Not even bothered by her at all. For right now he was merely at peace, and besides, it was nice being in the company of a woman as it was nice to be in such company after his wife left. He did not care at this point. The good company was just as nice, and he didn't take Ra's attraction to him as a bad thing.

Ra felt his amusement at her and looked at him as he grinned at her. That relaxed her a little and she was less nervous, but the feeling was odd for her. At least he didn't shoo her away or turn hostile when she answered his question. Taking that as a sign he didn't hold the fact she was sith against her. At least not right now. What he said after he chuckled would make her blush even worse and want to crawl into a corner and hide.

The fact he could say that and just sit there calmly made it frustrating. She had no idea how to react to what he said or what she should do. Giving him the flat, "I blame you" look again she let out a sigh before speaking. Even then it took a try or two for her voice it be found.

"You sure know how to knock somebody off their feet don't you. Like I have a clue on how to act on anything."

What did he think she would do? A situation like this was totally new and for a sith lord it was embarrassing.

[member="Jakkor Kess"]
He was puzzled by what she was saying. Although the situation was humorous, and especially on how he can read her body language. He must be looking at the most awkward Sith Lord ever, because she was merely blushing and avoiding his gaze most of the time. He barely could contain himself from laughing, but when she had told him, that she did not know what to do while making a witty remark. He sat dumbfounded as he then thought for a moment and then responded to her.

"You mean that you had never been with someone before. Quite odd you know. I thought Sith were known to show all emotions and embrace them. You, however, are quite odd."

He had waited to continue biting his lip a little at what he was thinking, he had to admit Ra was an attractive woman, and even though she was a Sith right now she was acting more like a Teenage girl than anything else. Even though the thought of a Jedi and Sith seemed wrong, he didn't care right now. Besides she was a good person and so he figured no wrong could come of it. So he then spoke slowly choosing his words very carefully.

"I could show you if you like.?"

He said a bit nervous himself. After all the last person he had been with was his former wife, and besides what was the worst that could happen, either way, the words were said, and he realized he couldn't take them back as he looked at her.


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