Ra'a'mah Numare even as a sith lord did not approve of slavery and often visited known worlds where there was trafficking in that like of business. She would purchase a slave or two at a time and take them to her home. Then release them to stay or go as they pleased. While a few did leave, most had nothing to return to and hope of freedom had banished whatever dreams they may have had.
Today's journey took her to the desert world of Tatooine. Climbing out of her ship, she maintained a mask on her Force presence to that of a neutral initiate barely trained in using the Force. She wore her purple cloak and normal attire. Sabers were up her sleeves and the armor on her arms. A blaster was on her hip and on the other was a double bladed saber hilt. Hidden were two boot knives. Her hair was pulled back into its normal braid with the ball at the end.
She walked through the streets and listened to the whispered words of the people around her. They guided her to slave market location. It was out near the Dune Sea where there had been some sort of military base long ago.
Her hood was up, hiding her silver hair. There were times when it drew too much attention and that was not something she wanted here. Walking through the market and near to where the slaves were being held, she saw what looked might be an ideal servant. Moving closer to take a look at the woman and make sure there wasn't anything wrong with her. While Ra never expected perfection, she did require a functioning brain and the ability to perform work.
The potential servant stood of an equal height to Ra with brown hair, brown eyes and freckles. She appeared to be a few years younger than the sith. Like looking at livestock, Ra asked for the woman to open her mouth and perform a few exercises to make sure mobility wasn't issue. Giving her a nod, Ra moved on after noticing the number assigned to the slave.
Not seeing any others, she approached the handler to find out much for the young woman. A price was named and the bargaining began.
[member="Jakkor Kess"]
Today's journey took her to the desert world of Tatooine. Climbing out of her ship, she maintained a mask on her Force presence to that of a neutral initiate barely trained in using the Force. She wore her purple cloak and normal attire. Sabers were up her sleeves and the armor on her arms. A blaster was on her hip and on the other was a double bladed saber hilt. Hidden were two boot knives. Her hair was pulled back into its normal braid with the ball at the end.
She walked through the streets and listened to the whispered words of the people around her. They guided her to slave market location. It was out near the Dune Sea where there had been some sort of military base long ago.
Her hood was up, hiding her silver hair. There were times when it drew too much attention and that was not something she wanted here. Walking through the market and near to where the slaves were being held, she saw what looked might be an ideal servant. Moving closer to take a look at the woman and make sure there wasn't anything wrong with her. While Ra never expected perfection, she did require a functioning brain and the ability to perform work.
The potential servant stood of an equal height to Ra with brown hair, brown eyes and freckles. She appeared to be a few years younger than the sith. Like looking at livestock, Ra asked for the woman to open her mouth and perform a few exercises to make sure mobility wasn't issue. Giving her a nod, Ra moved on after noticing the number assigned to the slave.
Not seeing any others, she approached the handler to find out much for the young woman. A price was named and the bargaining began.
[member="Jakkor Kess"]