[member="Salem Norongachi"]'s question, though expected, brought a fresh flush of colour to the witch's features, and her nails bit still deeper into the flesh of her hands as any warmth she felt at Omega's prior proclamation fled before a tide of resurgent anger. "I allowed nothing," she snapped, bitter recrimination sweeping up from the sarlacc's gullet, "But one of the-" She began to say murderers, as she had each team previously, yet hesitated now. Murderers was hardly the right word to use when their victim stood before her, was it? "One of the people who attacked you," she amended, after a long moment of hesitation, "They trapped me in... " For a second time, Siala trailed off, unable to find a word that described the oubliette. Eventually she settled on calling it simply a prison, though the word fell far short of the torture of the Sith machine, adding, "It made me feel every year that passed, yet did no allow me to die."
Every year that passed. And every atrocity that shook the galaxy. The Vong. The Plague. She had felt every force-sundering cataclysm. Every time a world cried out in terror, she cried with them. Every time a billion souls were snuffed out, it felt like a part of herself had been torn away with them.
Lowering her eyes, shamed, Siala spoke once more, voice little more than a hoarse whisper, "I didn't want to hear them, Master. I forced myself to block them out." She admitted weakness, she knew that, but it was the truth; she had tried everything in her power to block out the screams of dying civilisations, but nothing had been good enough. Nothing, except... "I silenced myself." She spoke those words so softly, so reluctantly, that anyone not standing right before her would surely have missed them. And why not? Not only did she admit weakness, but that she had made an error so grievous that it had practically stripped her of its ability to touch the Force? The shame she felt was immense, and she spoke again quickly, almost as though hoping to assuage it as she remarked, "I thought the spell would only last until I could escape, but... the weaves were strange in there. Twisting. Evil. Like they hated me using them."