Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction Brooding and Blissful Halcyon Days...

"Apologies, Master Matsu, didn't mean to offend," apologizing to a Master for something he did not do - or at least intent to - brought back memories. "The way you spoke, it seemed that you believe non-adherence to the Jedi code to be a bad thing. I was merely asking, what makes you so sure that the code is, and always will be, fool-proof?"

Spek was not being cynical, and hopefully Ike would be able to tell. He was genuinely intrigued by what her answer would be.

"The way I see it, everything in the universe is constantly changing, even galaxies keep moving further apart from each other. And, unlike popular belief, it's not survival of the strongest," he paused to took another sip from his drink, "but survival of the fittest. Those that can adapt, are able to survive a changing environment. And, that adaptation, comes from deviation to a former norm.

That is why, in my opinion and by its own definition, dogmas are bound to eventually fail. Tenets that can't evolve, can't survive.

"What I'm trying to say is, non-adherence to any precept, is a great thing. That's like a gene mutation, without which, there is no adaptation. That's how life finds a way forward, by pushing the boundaries of established canon."

Matsu Ike Matsu Ike
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Spek Zhio Spek Zhio

"THe code is to guide us, to give us something to begin from. Adherence to it religiously can be dangerous just as much as disregarding it. It all comes down to how you want to view it and adapting to the changing galaxy means eventually tenets of the code will change. There are always changes to the jedi rules of conduct and tenets to acknowledge that." She offered a smile though as he wasn't wrong. "And as you have seen we are adapting in ways that can be helpful. Advances with the force, technologies and engineering." She motioned more with her eyes. "Next delivery if you contract again would likely be a supply run to the Ancilla. A megastructure we built around a lightside nexus to forge jedi equipment."
"If it's up to the individual how to best interpret the guidelines, then why even have them in the first place?" Zhio finished his drink. "The most important thing, should be to teach them to think for themselves.

"As I've mentioned evolution comes from successful divergence - an important distinction, since very few are. In other words, throwing out the book and focusing on adaptation through one's own spirit, should've been key all along. Repressing someone's urges only serves to bring them out in an explosion of turmoil, in the end. That's the story of how many a Sith came to be.

"Many times have the Galaxy suffered both from Jedi's zealotry towards inaction, as well as when they turn to the Dark Side. But that's something you cannot win against, since that is the very definition of balance. You need one side as much as you need the other, and they need to be constantly pushing against each other..."

Suddenly standing up from his seat, Spek gave the Jedi a warm smile.

"Bah! But enough philosophy for one afternoon, I think.

"If it's to help usher a new age of enlightenment for the Jedi and facilitate their task of helping others... And if the pay is half as good as this one... Then, Alcyone and I will gladly make a run to this Ancilla!"

Matsu Ike Matsu Ike

Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Spek Zhio Spek Zhio

Listening to him he did seem to have a perspective and training and thankfully he was listening as well as speaking. OFten she found most and that could include herself just spoke and didn't take the others point of view. "Well the pay is the same and bringing supplies we can have you loaded up and I will see you there." She said it and tapped a small earring as it glowed and an interface came up. The Kirano interface sending the information for his ship to be able to get with the coordinates and she rose up. "We will see, we have been making the advancements to restore much temple wise. The real trick is getting ones who want it... the sepulcher is a melting pot of force sects we have been able to unite ina common cause."
"What do you mean, you'll meet me there?" Spek scratched his head. "If you're also going, can't you just take the cargo yourself?"

Not like him to look a gift horse in the mouth. Particularly with what they were willing to pay. It still felt odd, anyway.

Seeing her do what looked like trying to upload the galactic coordinates to his ship, he added,
"Don't bother with that. Alcyone is... unique. She lacks a proper navi-computer, so you won't be able to send her the coords. Just show me the place on the chart, and describe it as best you can..."

Matsu Ike Matsu Ike

Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Spek Zhio Spek Zhio

Strange... intriguing even but she would worry about that in a moment. For now.... "THe Ancilla is located here." She flicked her eyes for a moment and the image shifted to showing a holo display between them. "Cosm's Well, around three hours via hyperspace above the galactic plane." She said it and showed the coordinates and path. "We have beacons so one can't get lost as a small degree that far out could mean dangerous situations." She was checking it out while walking. "And I am intrigued about your ship if is isn't using a navicomputer. Either it is something auxillery like a droid or I would say a force talent for navigation."
Spek studied the chart while Matsku spoke.

Afterwards, he commented,
"Huh? That's an easy one. From here, so close to the Trans-Hydian Borderlands, I just have to hop onto the Perlemian and run it all the way to the Zeemacht Cluster. Outer to Inner Rim in one swift lane. From there, I won't be needing any beacons in order to chart a jump to the Well. The Cosm is visible from Zekulae, and it's trivial to avoid gravity wells en route to the cluster."

Almost would not need instinctive astrogation for that one.

"As for Alcy... It's a long story. The ship runs on a droid's heuristic processor, that's true. Problem is, her astrogation buffer is slow and outdated. Alcyone is more than a ship, she has a mind of her own."

Matsu Ike Matsu Ike
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Spek Zhio Spek Zhio

"Ah, like my Magdalena." She said it and the sentient vessel was.... questionable in ways... but dedicated and if there was anyone who was a part of the order it was her. "SHe has a mind of her own which is bound to happen when a spirit has taken it over." Mostly because she was afraid to pass over into the force and mostly because she didn't want to give up the fight.... it was the only reason why they hadn't tried to exorcise her yet. "As to the route, yes that will do it. It shouldn't take too long depending on your travel." The smile though was on her face and she moved walking back into the courtyard as she breathed in. "As I said I shall meet you there." The grandmaster looked up as she stood in the center and focused.. energy swirling around her hands while she held them out. Blue light swirling before it built up into a shimmer away from her hand and than a pop. The shimmer opening to reveal a blue surface and she stepped through. The Arisen looking on. "Arrival confirmed." She said it with the others ho were watching.. their hive mind extending across the galaxy. "The grandmaster awaits you."
"I don't know who this Magdalena is, but if she tends to tamper with the lights and displays, as well as rock the ship from side to side when upset, then yes, that's exactly like Alcyone." Zhio commented.

The Zeltron was well aware of how long it would take him to reach Ancilla, but he allowed Matsu's remark to go without reply. What he was not aware, however, was how long it would take her.

"Well, I'll be..." he exclaimed with a grin, watching her step through the portal. "Now, that's cheating!"

Matsu Ike Matsu Ike
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Spek Zhio Spek Zhio

THe blonde Arisen looked at him and blue eyes dimming before returning to normal. "It is the warping technologies recovered and stabilized... however as of yet only what you can carry with you can be brought. Large transportation of supplies requires cargo transport vessels." She spoke and bowed walking away as there were other jedi and the biot droids were moving around leaving him all of the information he would need for the coordinates as well as updates for fuel and food to have on his ship.

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