Ezekiel Dashiell
The Blacksheep
Captain Larraq said:Dear Browncoat Sales Representative
Mandal Hypernautics would like to acquire a eight square yards of the following material for assessment evaluation of its performance and viability within future Mandal Hypernautics products; contracts available pending review. All appropriate fees and service charges included, as well as copyright infringement and non-compete agreements.
Message Encrypted
//To: [member="Captain Larraq"]
//From: Taneith Vizsla
Captain Larraq,
It is a pleasure to finally be able to speak with you. My name is Taneith Vizsla, and I am the ATC representative for the United Mandalorian Clans. I would be happy to provide for you at cost the sample of fuzed quartz crystaline mesh for your assesment.
If you require any more, please feel free to contact me personally for any future orders with any of Arceneau Trade and subsidiaries.
Taneith Vizsla
ATC Representative