Krael's eyes drifted to the General who had raised a drink to his arrival. A good thing for it to, as Krael could pick no difference between the Brutes he found himself surrounded with. Another side effect of his recent mutation, though this one was more temporary than his lack of respect, respect that he personally thought had no place among the lower tables. They were all of the same blood, born in the same species, had all been raised and educated the same. The only differences between them was of opinion, strength, and rank. Though the last two were so closely linked in Krael's eyes that they could be a reason by themselves.
The Captain nodded to the General, and reached down, grabbing at a barrel. When his form straightened, he ripped the top cover off of a barrel of ale, raising it in a mirrored gesture. The Elite Ravager decided not to seat himself at a table, for it might well tip over or break under his immense weight. He tipped his head back and raised the barrel higher as the warm, sweet liquid splashed down his gullet and into his stomach, leaving a bitter aftertaste in his mouth and throat.
The Aeravalin that had mutated him and released him on this day
did say to find his limits, afterall. Though his celebration was short lived, for as he reached for the third barrel, his hand retracted as one of the Chieftain's guard got his attention. Within the following moments he found himself lead through the crowds and up towards the Forefather's Throne. Even the genetic defect that made him temporarily devoid of respect paled when met by the Chieftain. His body pushed itself down to one knee, though even at half height he was still the size of a typical Baedurin.
Krael's head was bowed low, though his eyes did not need to flicker up to glimpse the weapon of his forebear. The glowing blade, gleaming crimson red, was a beautiful contrast to the golden handle. One could only imagine what it was like to be the victim of such a vast weapon. Though as the position he was linked with the position the Chieftain was in, the implications dawned on Krael.
Was this to be an execution, one of the most cowardly ways for a Draelvasier to meet their end, one of the most cowardly acts one could commit? Had his dedication to the Bryn'adûl on the fields of battle, amongst the tables, in the gladiator pits not been enough? Had he been deemed to weak to die a good death? Or had it been decided that he was too powerful to be given a trial of combat, for he might win? The situation was only further confused by the Good General's summoning. He deserved to die fighting, if nobody else did.
Krael's head raised slightly, further surveying the situation he was in. A glance at the guards told him that they would be a challenge, but his new form could make work out of them. Though it was the others that concerned him. If he attempted to escape this death, would the General turn against him for a chance at redemption? Or would General Galak change sides to fight with him?
The Captain imagined many scenarios that would play out and could lead to his escape, though one obstacle faulted every one. The Chieftain and his axe. If he managed to grab it first and wrench it from the Chieftain's grasp, they would be fighting unarmed, but Krael did not know the true feats the Chieftain could rise to, he did not know the Chieftain's peak of performance. Had it not been so recently that his genetic donor had survived certain death?
Krael condemned himself for being so foolish to not read the signs sooner, not predict the scenario. He knew only that if this would turn to execution, then Krael would die a good death by his brothers with his body in pieces and savaged by their strength than with his head severed with a clean cut from the Headsman's axe.
His head lowered again, waiting for a separate outcome, or for the time when he would fight his last battle, but against the name he had fought for.