An Honest Man

Intent: Designing a new energy cannon to push the market forward and sell to all factions across the galaxy.
Development Thread: N/A
Manufacturer: Browncoat Arms | Cade Lee Designer
Model: BTI-HBC
Affiliation: Browncoat Arms
Modularity: No
Production: Minor
Material: Durasteel, production materials
Description: "The Ravager," as the BTI-HBC is lovingly called among those in the Blas-Tech research and development department is built for one thing and one thing only: to destroy things. The gun itself is incredibly heavy, and very clunky. It needs to be braced for optimum accuracy, and it requires two power cells to fire one shot. Carrying four of these at a time allows it to fire off two cannon shots. The charge up period on each "cannon" shot is 6 seconds, with a thirty second cool down period in between. Though it has these weaknesses "The Ravager" is a deadly weapon as it can knock down most doors, destroy heavy plating on most walkers and tanks, and if it manages a hit...take damage low flying starfighters.
There is a secondary barrel underneath the cannon, that with a press of a button allows the BTI-HBC to switch to a semi-automatic blaster rifle. While not practical given the guns heavy girth and size, it is practical in situations when infantry gets too close. Each power cell affords this mode 175 shots, and if enough shots are fired to knock it down to just one power cell a full reload must be done to fire the cannon as it needs at least two power cells for each shot.
With the inclusion of a energy cell backpack, which is rather hefty, the Ravager will get 6 extra shots. This backpack is incredibly cumbersome and a hit taken to the backpack will cause a massive explosion killing the wearer and all those around (2M blast radius). While not safe, and super heavy, it is seen as a good option for when a heavy trooper needs extra shots. This backpack attaches a cable into the back of the gun, and the charge times are the same as with the cool down times.
Classification: Heavy Weapon
Size: Handheld, Heavy Weapon
Status: Military, anyone with the credits. (Must be purchased from Blas-Tech Industries along with the power cells.)
Length: 120CM
Weight: 15KG Optional Energy Cell Backpack Weight: 30KG
Ammunition Type: Multiple Power Cells
Ammunition Capacity: 2 Cannon Shots, one blast per two Plug N Fire Power Cell. Sem-Auto Blaster mode: 175 shots per canister. Holds 4 power cells. With Energy cell backpack attached(via cord) the BTI-HC gains six extra shots.
Effective Range: Heavy Blaster Cannon: 1KM, Semi-Auto Second Blaster underneath(different mode) 475M
One Cannon: 5,000 credits. Case, two blaster in each case: 8,000 credits. Discounts for bulk orders.