INVASION ORC REPORT Day 12, one, two skip a few...
Where to find all the latest and greatest from the battle Utapau!
Needed some Toto today enjoy the rain
Even more WARRrrrr !
As the bloody battle continues it seems the the ME has underestimated the resolve of those skruffy nerf herders of the Rim!
- The assault on Pau has seemed to turn as the defender bowed up and took the Mandolorian's best shoot. Ragged heros from all over stood toe to toe with the ruthless mando hord. With the fall of the ME hero in the mines many of attackers still fighting are now conflicted and torn while the defenders looks to press home their counter attacks.
- AND Still no force folks in the upper levels - Yep guys they have Brals! Three in total but they are cloaked and heavily armed. So those engaging on the high levels, your still POL (Poodoo out of luck) . But don't let that stop you from, be brave my little WWWAaaaggglings!
- In the shopping district the Sith have chosen to split their attack as Emperor Zumbrano leaves his station to engage on a personal vendetta against the queen Sanya Swift, or her swiftness for short.
- Those Sith remaining are now coming to graps literally with the power of the drunk dead monk. Sorry about the saber Darth Siblus...
Lets pour one one for tony peeps.. News and notes...
- A great one fell today. No way to sugar coat it. He underestimated the ORC moma bear and it cost him dearly.
- Mean while deeper in the raid has come to and end as brave heros on both sides gave everything to either complete their mission or protect those who they swore and oath to.
- It was a gritty blood bath, one that now tree dad has to clean up. Good luck Orn, are are all Groot!
Awesome Atmosphere Acrobatics! Or AAA for short
- Ships are crashing from the sky literally the Mando frigate kissed the hard sand of Utapau with great pregidous. All remaining fighters are continuing to press home the attack on the remaining Mando dreadnought.
Boarding but never boring! (see what I did there)
- Speaking of the dreadnought, we went from...
Hey Conroy over kill much lol
OK , words from a FO
- We all have been having great fun, so last days here to wrap it up and make it super special. Thank you everyone for a great invasion. One of the best I have been a part of.
Pro tips - "Unlearn what you have learned!" Invasions can be fun!
- Rule of 24-48 - We are in no rush folks, still got like 3 more days so have fun but be cool. If you are actively dueling give your partner 24 hours to reply. If no response, DM or poke them on discord and give them another 24 hours. If no response then your cool to post again but for the love of the force no power gaming, slight move ok, lol.
- Communication is key talk chat, have fun, ask questions.
- Take hits, it is fun, and interesting too. I don't see any S's on you chest so be real and realistic.
- Honor subs, even if it takes you out of your comfort zone. Set pieces are there for a reason. Use them and if you have any questions see tip 2.