"I'll do my best to help Corran." Kiran said after formalities were exchanged and he followed him towards the shuttle. On board the young man listened to the words that Corran spoke off, while he was speaking to the soldiers. Kiran in turn took the orders with him as well, as any advice on situations such as these were always fitting and could always be used. There was never a times when you stopped learning something.
The shuttled rocked a bit as it touched down to the ground and thus the ramp slowly lowered and Kiran followed Corran down the ramp. Kiran squinted his eyes a little bit and then they adjusted after a few seconds. He took a good look around then glanced back towards the shuttle as they began to unload the supplies. A small smile showed on the face of Kiran even among some of the looks that were being given by the populace, at which he noted probably right after Corran did. Kiran cleared his throat and gave a small friendly wave to those that were watching, while some waved back others didn't and that was when his friend got his attention.
"Yes indeed! Let's see what trouble we can get into." Kiran said with a small smirk towards Corran and then he immediately responded with...."Just kidding."
[member="Corran Cath"] [member="Ugohr Poof"] [member="Kaili Talith"] [member="Valae Kitra"] [member="Leah Winsclav"] [member="Rosa Gunn"]
The shuttled rocked a bit as it touched down to the ground and thus the ramp slowly lowered and Kiran followed Corran down the ramp. Kiran squinted his eyes a little bit and then they adjusted after a few seconds. He took a good look around then glanced back towards the shuttle as they began to unload the supplies. A small smile showed on the face of Kiran even among some of the looks that were being given by the populace, at which he noted probably right after Corran did. Kiran cleared his throat and gave a small friendly wave to those that were watching, while some waved back others didn't and that was when his friend got his attention.
"Yes indeed! Let's see what trouble we can get into." Kiran said with a small smirk towards Corran and then he immediately responded with...."Just kidding."
[member="Corran Cath"] [member="Ugohr Poof"] [member="Kaili Talith"] [member="Valae Kitra"] [member="Leah Winsclav"] [member="Rosa Gunn"]