Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Building a God


Kiyron looked up from his desk as a message came through from a Captain Velez. Navy, apparently? He wasn't entire sure who that was, or where they were from, except that they were a direct subordinate to Admiral Centurion. He'd never met the admiral either, but the admiral was up there in the chain of command, and a key player in the overhaul and reshaping of the military forces. He keyed his comlink to take the message from the Captain, and then checked his chrono.

Full unit training exercises were about to begin, but he could assign that to his executive officer.

"I am available, Captain. Patch me in." He gestured through his half-open door to his secretary, who leaned back to raise an eyebrow at him. Kiyron gestured him in, and the younger officer hurried in, making it a point to stay quiet and without disturbing the call. Kiyron moved away from his communicator and spoke in a quick, urgent whisper.

"Something came up so I can't supervise the exercises. Make the arrangements." He stepped back towards his desk as the officer hurried out, already contacting the necessary individuals to make the changes. Kiyron took his seat again, pushing several datapads away to make space and deactivating the music he had playing softly in the background.

"I'm ready, Captain."

He leaned back in his seat, rubbing his forehead gently. What would the admiral want him for now? An update on training? Unit cohesiveness updates? Discipline reports? He did have some of the loosest cannons in the Republic military under his command. They were good, yes, but wild. That was part of what made them good. Wildness and ferocity were useful, but not enough. They needed to channel that more efficiently.

[member="Caid Centurion"]

Caid Centurion

Captain Velez did not offer an immediate reply. Once the connection was established, he informed both parties prior to removing himself from the conversation between superiors. "Connection active, gentlemen."

Caid spoke swiftly as his hands moved to push whatever information they presently had on the organization to [member="Kiyron"]. "Colonel, I apologize for the interruption, but I will be brief. I was contacted by the CEO of InVal Cybernetics. His name is Nyos Val. Despite the designation of the company, he claims to be working on some sort of super tank. I looked at...the specs he's aiming for. If he can pull it off, it may well be of use. I'd like for you to travel to Cyos Val to meet with him and serve as the Republic's liaison to his organization." Naturally, Caid wasn't really making much of a request. "Please do deliver me a report on your findings upon your return."

[member="Nyos Val"]
Nyos alerted the crew to prepare for the arrival of the Republic representative(s). The Milenici scurried about to get the gear and materials ready to continue with the building of the Z1 Super Tank.

"Attention staff, Project Z1 is a go. All hands to assigned stations and begin work ASAP. Thank you."

Nyos grabbed his lab coat on his way out of his office and boarded a lift to take him to the main floor of the factory. There he would show the designs and skeleton of the tank to the GR rep.

[member="Caid Centurion"]

Caid Centurion

Major Anders had been dispatched by Colonel Kiyron to liaise with InVal Cybernetics in his stead. The Army Officer casually stepped off his shuttle and made his way to the factory's main entrance. As he walked, Anders wondered what type of Cybernetics company was in the business of constructing super tanks. He was an Armor Battalion Deputy Commander, but he was a bit disoriented by the seemingly random nature of this particular tasking.

Calm brown eyes scanned the area, looking for the contact he was supposed to meet.

[member="Nyos Val"]
From the end of the long hallway leading from the hangar to the super lift, Nyos' metal feet clinked while his lab coat fluttered behind. He could see a Republic Officer walking his way. Nyos was followed by about five Milenici in mini lab coats, chattering about the plans. Nyos of course understood the Melincii language but to the GR officer, it would sound like utter gibberish. He chuckled as Phillip punched Kyle for calling him a show-off when he presented the blueprints to Nyos as they walked. Taking the data pad, Nyos turned the language back to basic from Melincii.

"Welcome sir, to my planet, to my factory and to my lab. I am 2nd Lt Nyos Val of the Omega Protectorate. My associates and I have been waiting for you. As you may have been informed, I'm designing a super tank, one for the OP and one for the GR. You may not know the specs, or reasoning behind such an undertaking, but I've asked your superiors to lend you to me under an agreement to oversee the development and manufacture of these tanks. Code named; Zeus' Lightning and Zeus' Thunder, the Z1 super tank features ten repulsor engines, three torpedo tubes, heavy repeaters and the piece de resistance, a charged plasma Railgun. Here are the specs and notes we have so far." Nyos held out a metal hand first to introduce himself and then the datapad.

"If you would follow me, we can go down to the lab and take a look see. As you go over the specs, I must remind you that though you are of the Republic, everything about this project belongs to me and all details that I declare secret are to stay as such until I myself have filled in your commanding officer. Are we clear? I do not want any of this getting out to the wrong people."

Nyos stepped into the massive platform lift followed by the five Milenici, then soon by the morning crew as they were breaking for lunch. Now over two dozen of the tiny yellow beings surrounded the knees of the two men. Nyos eyes the officer with a stern look as he awaited be soldiers compliance.

[member="Caid Centurion"]

Caid Centurion

Anders had to force himself not to roll his eyes at the Lieutenant apparently supervising the project. He didn't know much about the Protectorate, but his first impression left a little to be desired. Managing a simple nod as he took the information from [member="Nyos Val"], the Major followed relatively quietly. "Very well. Proceed...Lieutenant."
The group descended to the main floor of the R&D. There hung a massive skeleton of the Z1 and it's brother the Z2, and crates of supplies and materials lay further in the expanse of the room.

Nyos stepped off before the platform stopped, followed by the Milenici who ran to their posts, pushing and shoving the whole way. Alexander hung upside down from a suspension wire as it appeared he'd called off the skeleton but none of the others had been able to get to him. Nyos leapt the 10 meters into the air, unbuckled the harness and swooped the stranded Milenici back to the ground. A metallic clang echoed throughout the room as Nyos' metal feet hit the deck, cheers came from a few of the others. Nyos straightened his coat and gestured the Republic officer to a set of consoles and work tables off to the side.

"You may work here, these consoles have access to the specs of the tanks, along with communication to the Milenici workers stations, so when you finish work on one part, you can send it to them to start building. The crates behind us have all the materials, they are labeled and logged into the computer as well, so pick the material and the function and it will be built to the specifications we post. The facilities are in the East corridor, food and refreshments are available upon request, I'd suggest a cup of Caf to get us going, if you'd like."

Ever the polite host, Nyos motioned Greg to grab Caf for the whole team. Nyos moved to a station similar to the Officers, and layed his coat on the chair, revealing a metal pair of arms, dotted with scorch marks and the Omega crest lasered on the shoulders.

"Mr...what was it? I forgot to mention, my crew understands basic, but theirs is very broken, so if you have trouble, I may translate."

[member="Caid Centurion"]

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