Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Building of Pride


"One can only hope, and I suspect this vessel will see more combat against the Republic than the Protectorate," Taeli said with a smile. "But, I thank you for the praise, it has taken a great deal of effort to reach this stage in our growth and this project would be so much less without your contributions, Circe."

More workers were running around as the Sith continued to walk through the ship, but more and more workers were being replaced by naval personal who would oversee the first movements and testing of the Star Destroyer's systems on some asteroids. Weapons were mostly installed now, and all systems were checking out as they arrived on the bridge of the ship.

Just like everything else, the bridge had the two control pits design of the older Imperial and Sith vessels with a large open viewport looking out into space. Beyond, they could see a few more construction drones and teams in the vacuum working on installing the final mass drivers.

"It truly is impressive," she said quietly.
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
[member="Darth Arcanix"]

"More than likely, but Emeritus may find itself moving there soon. The Protectorate's contracts are drying up, and I have a... prior relationship with the current Supreme Chancellor. And conveniently enough, a large portion of the Republic's fleet is growing obsolete. If the Protectorate, having been so severely stressed, chooses to return to its roots as a private military company, while transferring most of its fleet - and likely its territory - to the Republic, then I'll be making a mass transition over there."

She sighed. The last thing she really wanted to do was to become enemies, unwillingly or not, with this fine young woman. "Hopefully we'll still be able to do business with one another. More creations like this one need to be artificed, after all." She smiled. "Yes, yes it is impressive."

"Well, only you can decide who you become enemies with and who become friends," Taeli replied. "Choice, our most precious gift that we can give people as Sith. The freedom of choice led to this project, the freedom of choice led to us getting to know each other in the small way we do now, and it will be the freedom of choice that determines the path we have ahead."

Smiling over at the other Sith, she continued saying, "I would hate for us to become anything close to enemies, I'd rather us be friends and allies than anything else."

Unbidden images flashed through her mind about something else that might form from that but, she put those thoughts away before they fully formed as the bridge commander came up and snapped a salute.

"Ma'am, we have most of the weaponry installed completely and the ship is all ready for the initial cruise through the system. We merely await your order."

"Begin the test launch," she ordered with a huge smile, and she could see excitement spiking across the men and women on the bridge.
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
[member="Darth Arcanix"]

Well, here was the big and important moment. She gasped as the vessel engaged the primary thrusters, forcing the vessel out of drydock. Now it was time to test things out and see how they would do in a true combat situation. "Bring as many guns to bear as you can on the largest asteroid around. We're going to crack it open like an egg so any miners out here can have a taste of what can be done with real firepower." After all, it seemed simple enough. Hopefully the Star Destroyer would have the necessary firepower to engage ground targets from orbit.

And once it was ready, she could always take Arcanix out and about with her.

"We've got several targets that will be engaged soon, my Lady," the bridge commander replied to Circe's instructions. "We are simply going through final preps before launch and final system checks."

Taeli couldn't help but smile at the feeling of the ship beneath her. This was a true ship, something that would launch Krayt Industries into a new era. Well . . . the beginning anyways, she had so many ideas flying around her head, but it wasn't time to get ahead of herself. First, they needed to test the weapons, shields and other combat systems.

"Take us out, Commander," she ordered, receiving a salute as the last flight checks were made and the Star Destroyer began moving out of the drydocks. It was time to test just how powerful this would be, Project Pride was almost ready.

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