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Approved Tech Burbr'Katya | Corbin Vasher's Personal Beskar'gam

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Good for now but I'll be back when Iron Heart Forgeworks is open to the public

Special Features:
  • Thermal Gel to FACTS Gel
  • Custom Besker Steel Alloy now named Lyadtr
  • Breshig War Forge Consolidated
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AMCO AMCO Finished!
Added photo, linked to original and credited Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim for editing it.
Moved Jensaarai insignia from left pauldron to back, added Enclave Forgemaster signet to left pauldron and linked to it.
Also changed some minor wording on the cloak. The trench-style cloak is now a sleeveless trench coat-style cloak.
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Corbin Vasher Corbin Vasher

Looks good, however:
  • You deleted your name from the Affiliation, please link it back.
  • I'm sorry, but I cannot accept the resistances in this form this time. The materials that you wrote never give any "Force resistance" to the armour, so here the Average already means None, and you cannot go under the Average to gain free points for it. Due to this, I have to ask you to modify the Force resistance to Average and please adjust the other resistances accordingly.
Weight -1 to very heavy
Kinetic resist -1 to high
Force resist removed (+2)
Still working on it... ☹️
MANIAC MANIAC I still need to bring Magnetic and Radiation up to Average as well, since they follow the same principle as Force Resistance. I could drop biological down to Average, since most beskar'gam is airtight anyway. If I can combine Lightsaber into Energy (since lightsaber blades ARE energy), and drop that to Very High, that would have everything balanced. If it's acceptable.
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Corbin Vasher Corbin Vasher

Or simply delete the biological, because the armour has helmet and filters, totally unnecessary to keep it or to spend any point of it. It is clear, if you have armour, the toxins or similar biological attacks are innefective, this is why you are using a sealed helmet.
But the current ratinngs are underpowered (-1) now, so if you think, I can accept this one. And instead of a very long resistance rating list, please consider that sometimes less is more. It is not mandatory to write 8-10 or more resistances.
Corbin Vasher Corbin Vasher

Or simply delete the biological, because the armour has helmet and filters, totally unnecessary to keep it or to spend any point of it. It is clear, if you have armour, the toxins or similar biological attacks are innefective, this is why you are using a sealed helmet.
But the current ratinngs are underpowered (-1) now, so if you think, I can accept this one. And instead of a very long resistance rating list, please consider that sometimes less is more. It is not mandatory to write 8-10 or more resistances.
Right, I dropped Biological to Average, and combined everything that is Average into the All Others category. I should be -2 underpowered. But would it be ok to combine lightsaber and energy? I can fix it either way, but combining them would be the most practical, I think.
Corbin Vasher Corbin Vasher

No, those are two different categories. You may combine the Lightsaber and Disruptor as Exotic weapons, but not the Energy and Lightsaber. A simple energy weapon never able to do that what a Lightsaber.
Okiedoke. I increased kinetic back up to very high and chemical to high (I had actually forgotten I listed chemical resistance in strengths but that's fixed now.) I don't see any reason to combine disruptor with lightsaber, unless Force Alchemy/ Force imbued objects can negate disruptor attacks. Otherwise, I think it would just be average.
And I added FR1-x Comspike to my communication scanner.
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