Sev climbed down from the bantha as the female Tusken approached Nartaga. They began to speak in their foreign tongue, and Sev slipped away to explore the village. The opportunity to observe Tuskens in their natural state was an extreme rarity for an outsider and Sev wouldn't pass it up.
Sev walked through the small village, observing the Tuskens as they went about their tasks. Women dragged simple carts of water and other goods from place to place. The men conversed, presumably trading tales of great raids and hunts. The strange howls of the Tusken language filled the air. Hearing the Tusken language in a conversational tone was strange to Sev, as most outsiders only ever heard it used in battle cries. He could fee The Force as present here as anywhere, flowing through the desert settlement. Sev could feel the love among families, the hate among rivals. He watched as these noble, simple people went about their daily business of survival on this harsh orb.
These Tuskens, shrouded in mystery of isolation and hostility, were not so different than the outsiders they despised so much. They lived in beautiful harmony with their home, and defended it with their blood and ferocity for generations. Sev respected that. After wandering through the village for a few minutes, he found Nartage concluding his business deal and loading Patashu for their journey. He looked at Nartaga and nodded, showing that he was ready to leave. The experience of seeing The Tuskens in their home would prove a memorable one, and Sev was grateful, yet eager to continue.
Sev walked through the small village, observing the Tuskens as they went about their tasks. Women dragged simple carts of water and other goods from place to place. The men conversed, presumably trading tales of great raids and hunts. The strange howls of the Tusken language filled the air. Hearing the Tusken language in a conversational tone was strange to Sev, as most outsiders only ever heard it used in battle cries. He could fee The Force as present here as anywhere, flowing through the desert settlement. Sev could feel the love among families, the hate among rivals. He watched as these noble, simple people went about their daily business of survival on this harsh orb.
These Tuskens, shrouded in mystery of isolation and hostility, were not so different than the outsiders they despised so much. They lived in beautiful harmony with their home, and defended it with their blood and ferocity for generations. Sev respected that. After wandering through the village for a few minutes, he found Nartage concluding his business deal and loading Patashu for their journey. He looked at Nartaga and nodded, showing that he was ready to leave. The experience of seeing The Tuskens in their home would prove a memorable one, and Sev was grateful, yet eager to continue.