@[member="Yusan Fenn"]
Alarah nodded. "Oh, your efforts to get us a meeting are most appreciated, Senator Fenn." she said. "As for the Eye, he was last seen at Polis Massa. The last known trajectory was due Right Ascension 14 hours, 39 minutes, 35.08 seconds, Declination -60 degrees, 50 arcminutes, 13.76 arcseconds. As for his class, that is unknown to me. I know he's a Sith ship and one that doesn't quite cut it as a proper destroyer. All I know of his commander is that he or she is quite insane, considering how the Eye was launched into hyperspace aimed barely a degree above my fleet's controlled space." she explained.
The Ducha would sigh before adding, "If he were less than a degree down-angle, he would have jumped through the Battle Dragon Radiant Glory, destroying both the Eye of Sanity, his crew as well as the Radiant and the rest of his crew.... those that weren't murdered by his suicidal bomber pilots." Alarah's tone was growing decidedly irritated as she recalled the event as clearly as if it had just occurred yesterday. This woman could hold a grudge, it seemed.