Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Business is the Ultimate Sport

As much as Tmoxin Temi didn't enjoying living on the desert planet Lok when she was a Stormtrooper Commander, it had something that Kamino didn't.

It was dry.

And there was sun. And there were sulfur-smelling breezes, it was too hot during the day and too cold at night, and had very little nightlife, but no planet was perfect, right?

Lok had been a great location for the Morpho Garrison. Unclaimed, undetected, out of the way. But then Tmoxin had suddenly defected from the Sith and had to abandon the Imperial fortress. Inspecting the grounds today, Tmoxin wasn't deterred by the fact that the garrison had nothing left and anything that was valuable once was either shipped off with her to Kamino or was looted by scavengers and salvagers. Besides, she was grateful that she hadn't gone through with her and Gerion Ardik's plan to bomb the entire site out of existence.

Re-purposing the land was a much better idea in the long run.

So the abandoned state of the property, didn't matter. Her plans were to reclaim the property and develop it into something else. No longer were electrical security fences needed or defense turrets. Or patrol droids, AT-STs or live guards. Tmoxin planned to turn the garrison into something more whimsical. As well as a place to sell the products which Marek Starchaser had commissioned from her during her visit to Rio Vivo. Business was starting to boom again, and with two contracts underway, plans to take the Morpho public and other ideas hatching based on the Techno Union's allies, the Hapan CEO wanted to keep the momentum going.

While she knew that the Brightstar CEO had VPs, Directors and Assistants, Tmoxin requested that [member="Marek Starchaser"] himself at least pay a visit to oversee the initial development plans of her garrison's transformation from Imperial facility to sports and entertainment complex.

Like a dignitary eating at a five-star Coruscant restaurant, Tmoxin was used to congratulating the head chef, not talking to the line cooks.

Corey's OOC

And where were the spiders
There were very few things that were making Marek Starchaser come out of the core these days. He knew that the Techno Union was covered. Alana had Mente, the AI, and she had been instructed to put Darrell Irani in charge should he need to leave. And after Geonosis? Sure, they eliminated the Rebel Alliance’s plague from the world. But the cost to him? But with Token having made some weird donation over to the Vitae Alliance, he needed to step in.

Bright Star wasn’t crucial to the Techno Union, but working with Morpho? That kind of was. Getting the smaller companies involved, that was required for the Union. And he had worked with [member="Tmoxin Temi"] before. He wasn’t sure what, besides sleeping with HRDs, Irani was doing, but he had left Coruscant and Bastion, the lands of the One Sith and Primeval, where he was doing his best to try to get his damned head on straight, while helping Token with some of the Force, and other students in both of the factions with altering weather, a skill that seemed all too… forgotten.

And he did promise Temi that he’d help her with the situation on Lok, turning it profit and the like.

The thing with Marek here? He was dry. Stone sober for the past… what? Since the week or two after Geonosis? And he was in charge here. He was fighting with the darker aspects of himself, but he made it work. Sort of. He wasn’t sure what would be brought up, or if certain acts would trigger it, but in the Sith, with the women there? It didn’t matter to them.

He had definitely stepped down from being the young-wild-and-free individual from before his fall into the dark side. The Entertainment Mogul made his way out to the Garrison that was owned by Morpho. He was dressed formally, a bit more so than his usual business-casual. Clearly things had changed.
Tmoxin met the Brightstar CEO at the garrison landing pad, which was overgrown with weeds, desert brush and scrubby cacti. It had been far too long since anyone of Tmoxin’s team had been on Lok to for upkeep and the grounds were a little untidy. But that was the least thing from her mind.

The Hapan would be lying to herself if she thought she wasn't eager to meet up with Marek again. Their last business meeting ended up with him and her in a brand new Innesco-Class Star Yacht that she got to take home with her, and both of their clothes strewn all over its floor in a hurry. Champagne was drunk and the brand new king-size bed was christened.

But he looked different. She couldn’t put her manicured finger on it. But yes, something was definitely not the way it was before. And with Lok as a sunny, hot planet, she couldn't blame his mood on Kamino.

“Mr. Starchaser, it’s always a pleasure to see you,” she said, smiling and offering her hand. She did not mention the change in him as her manners would not allow. But she watched him carefully. His suit was more austere. His smile was there but perhaps faded? Either way, she would observe and would only pry if the moment was right.

“I apologize for the disarray of the garrison. It will all be torn up soon anyway. Come this way so you can have a look at the blueprints for what we’re planning to do. And obviously I’d like your input as an investor."

She led him to the main building of the garrison, where they would assemble in a makeshift office. Blueprints and 3-D models, all of the holo variety, were on display, their blue glow dulled by the sunlight streaming through the windows in the room.

“Also,” Tmoxin said. “Your products are nearly ready to hit the market. There are two kinds, and they will be sold exclusively here on Lok as well as other select places across the galaxy. Until we can secure wider distribution deals."

If he looked around he would see that the room was decorated with the white-labeled products, so he could sample them if he wished. She indicated what each product was: "An energy drink for the athletes, one that has stronger ingredients and can be sold to large sports organizations across the galaxy. And then a product for the sporting enthusiasts which is primarily a safe and effective energy drink.”

“The marketing folks are hard at work but all we need now is a catchy product name. Have any suggestions?” she asked.

[member="Marek Starchaser"]

Corey's OOC

And where were the spiders
Lok was not a world Marek frequented. He’d been here… maybe once before, when the Union claimed it under its previous moniker. But now he was being called out of self-imposed retirement to help with developing a new project on it. [member="Tmoxin Temi"] was one of the new talents on the field that was the Techno Union, and one thing that Marek did attempt was getting talent developed. Was it because he wanted to help her, that he had arrived, or was it because of how the last meeting ended?


He smiled, an easy smile, if a bit hesitant. He wasn’t some Bruce Banner knock-off, he knew he had a lock on the dark side when he wasn’t using it, but the collective hang-over? He was pretty sure it was going to kill him. Detoxing without the Force? Yeah, that wasn’t fun. How many nights had he laid awake, in a cold sweat? “A pleasure, as always, Miss Temi.” He gave her a wink, now, that was the old Marek.

“Of course! I remember you had several plans for this piece of real estate. I’d rather come myself than have my stand-in make the final call.” Token was great, but… she was Token. Enough said? For anyone who threaded with the blonde witch it was.

Allowing her to lead (because Marek was a gentleman like that) to the office, he was taking the scenery local scenery, as well as the world around him. That was before he stepped into office. Luke H. Skywalker, detox was killing him.

“Perfect. A small launch will do well, and once we get a few more venues opened up, we can sell them there. Casinos… maybe. Keep people awake, keep people gambling, after all.” He nodded, looking at the products. “Primarily safe to drink?” He picked up one of the sample containers. Maybe he’d give it a while.

See? Characters development.

Suggestions? That brought a laugh to Marek, rare these days. “I’ve never been one to make catch phrases. I’ll see if one passes my ears, though, and let you know. So, what are we looking for at this Lok Arena, multi-sport, or focused?”
Marek Starchaser seemed more like his old self after awhile, so much that Tmoxin thought, was I sorely mistaken about there being something wrong? But if she didn't know better she would notice that his hands were jittery and his eyes ringed with dark circles. Still as handsome as ever though.

“Completely safe, but again, very much a stimulant. Would you rather something else to drink first?” she asked, aware of his appetite the last they had seen each other. And well hers for that matter because she seemed to remember also drinking like a Zeltron that day.

“I’m thinking of a Sporting Park where professional sports organizations can make use of the arena as well as swoop bikers looking to practice for the annual Lok Marathon. I’m also envisioning a luxury hotel and spa. As well as a flagship store to sell the products.”

She pointed out the various features of the arena, including giant holoscreens embedded in the stands. The grounds outside of the arena would hold a picturesque park with ponds and room for other family entertainment features – mini pod racing? A zero gravity playground?

“Maybe we name the products after your company Brightstar. As in Brightstar Energy drink?” she asked.

[member="Marek Starchaser"]

Corey's OOC

And where were the spiders
It was coming in waves, holding himself to how he used to be and being this space emo dark side mess that he also was. He figured once he was around people who he used to work with, it’d be fine. But right now? It was still tricky. Though, women like Tmoxin deserved the real Marek, the one that didn’t go crazy with a dark side addiction.

The one whos only addiction was every other vice under any sun.
“I don’t think I’m in the need for stims just yet. Water will be fine. On a bit of a bender-recovery.” Such a lie. But well, it was a white light. And last time? Well, the drinking lead to a very, very fun evening, not something he’d ever take away.

Was she his first Hapan? He thought so.

Huh, well, cross that off the list.

“Sporting arena sounds perfect. Can always capitalize on it with a Bright Star resort.” Casinos on top of race bets? There was a cash-bantha here if he’d ever seen one. “A few years back we made a zoo over on Makeb. It went over pretty well. Family entertainment. Might make a wing for families and a wing for the unsupervised adults.” Clearly where he’d find himself.

“They’re your products, Miss Temi, you get the naming rights.” He grinned, looking at the lay out. “So I figure a resort could go…” he continued on, describing a bit of how and why he was selecting a few areas.

[member="Tmoxin Temi"]
A bender-recovery. That explained the nuance in Marek's personality. Tmoxin herself recalled some late, exhausting nights at the Golden Nautolan when she was in the Red Ravens, but she couldn’t quite recall ever going on a bender. That required a loss of control of which the Hapan was not fond of.

"I like the idea of having a resort next to the Sporting Arena," she said. Starchaser was a competent entrepreneur and had the credits to back it up. She sat down in chair close to him and listened to him sketch out his ideas. How funny it was that Lok, a location she used for planning military invasions and planetary destruction, was now going to be a place where galaxians went to have fun. She felt a bit like Marek Starchaser - Tmoxin was in the middle of a transformation. And with that came fears and concerns.

Was she really this adventurous pharma girl? Mogul of a sporting arena where grinning tourists would indulge in amusement and relaxation? But despite her reservations, she was mature enough now to let these changes happen and let fate take its course. And by the Eternal Core, when are you going to settle down, she thought? She watched Marek Starchaser as he spoke - well, he would certainly make a good mate. Handsome, wealthy, with a strong business acumen. He wasn't Hapan, but then again, Tmoxin wasn't sure she wanted her lover to be that subservient.

But Starchaser was a playboy at heart. Can a Mishalope lose its stripes? She pressed her lips together and drummed the desk with her fingers. Probably not.

Just focus on the Morpho plans, Tmoxin, she told herself. Not his pretty face.

She snapped her fingers. "Maybe we purchase a smashball team. Called the Lok Revenants like that old pirate group?"

[member="Marek Starchaser"]

Corey's OOC

And where were the spiders
Was it that obvious about him? That his mind was slowly like… collapsing? Peregrus, that really dark aspect of him holding on tight, while he was working to take the wins where he got them, making it so he could continue life as it should be, help those out in the Techno Union, and maybe even in the Primeval? For him, benders were a way of life, and now he had Token in charge. He loved his cousin (mostly not in that way, who knew, space was weird), but he knew Token could handle the whole life style better. She was… she was a loving individual.

When she brought up the resort nearby, he nodded. He had a few plans, some prefab designs and foot prints. All the buildings were custom designed by an architect that Bright Star kept on a retainer, and built by Eridium Industrial and Saiba Group. “It’ll be a strong move for everyone involved. People like places where they can relax, and bringing in the betting and the entertainment will give it something that the rest of the resort-casinos don’t have. And having the resort? Allows people to stay there.” Could end up being like Saratoga.

But this whole change in Tmoxin? It was nice. While she was part of a partner company, and within the Techno Union, he’d like to grab her up for Bright Star, put her in charge of acquisitions. Might be a good move, move the company forward in the galaxy. Tempting idea.

And then he’d get to see her more.

Was it good? Yes. Was it that good? Was it ever? He wasn’t sure.

“Now that is an idea. You sure you don’t wanna work in the entertainment industry?” He fired off a smile. “But yes, getting a home team here, that would be good. Get us in the Smashball league.”

[member="Tmoxin Temi"]
Tmoxin grinned at Marek’s suggestion of moving over to Brightstar. Since she had just sold Morpho Pharmaceuticals to Salvatrucha, the company was in excellent hands and poised to grow. This new sporting venture had been an exciting thing to plan. Would Khaleel Malvern be unhappy at her departure… or ambivalent? She hoped the latter because, while the Hapan CEO wasn’t intimated by many, her new employer had a coldness about him. Plus, he knew far too much about her past – how and why was another question altogether.

“I will think about that, Marek,” she said, eyebrows raising at the proposition. “I am still looking at real estate on Lianna.” She bit the corner of her lip and met his smile with her own. “Perhaps I do need a pastime that will allow me to be close to my new home.” And have that keffi farm I’ve wanted, she thought. And be closer to Marek. Having a business partner-with-benefits nearby? Well, there weren’t any drawbacks to that, that she could think of. The things he could do with electricity!

But now she was getting too distracted.

“So what have you been up to since Geonosis?”

It was clear Tmoxin didn’t understand the full extent of how affected Marek had been from that invasion.

[member="Marek Starchaser"]

Corey's OOC

And where were the spiders
Unlike other people in the writer’s brain. Marek Starchaser was not familiar with Khaleel. He heard murmurs through the grape vine of someone running the criminal underworld in his space, but beyond that? Nothing much came to mind. Was that a good thing? Or a bad thing. Whichever it was, didn’t really matter. Marek lived on a few stronghold worlds. Lianna, Roon, Hypori, and aboard a good number of cruise liners. And for him, talent development involved two things.

One was being business savvy.

The other was looking good.

Why else would he move his cousin to the forefront of the company? Sure, he’d be in the back of the board of directors, a mover and shaker and producer of the company, but Token was at the front of it now.

“All I ask.” He winked at her and nodded. Lianna was a tricky market, but getting the world united with the Cluster under the flag of the Silver Jedi, would help out. Make some people leave, bring others in. Change the dynamic. And to be honest? He’d not mind [member="Tmoxin Temi"] closer to him.

Would be fun.

Right, Geonosis. “I’ve been taking some me time.” He looked back at the holo. “How much do you know about buying a team?”
Tmoxin laughed and answered, “I know absolutely nothing about buying a sports team.” There was no need to hide this fact or claim otherwise. “Maybe you can help me in that respect,” she said, her voice rising melodically, more of a question than a demand.

“Honestly, I’m trying to preserve the land and by preserve I mean, not lose it to foreclosure. Then there is the annual Lok Marathan, which we can capitalize on, and of course, make a steady living.” While Tmoxin gave off the illusion of wealth with her exquisite taste in furniture, luxury goods, and tailored outfits, unlike Starchaser, she was not a wealthy Hapan woman by any means.

She also said “we” which he may or may not have noticed. In any case, Tmoxin felt that she and Starchaser were a duo of sorts. Whether in business, pleasure or both remained to be seen.

As she sat at the conference room table, the holo models still glowing blue in front of them, she leaned back in her chair and crossed her legs, appraising Marek again. What was all of this me time about anyway?

She canted her head at him, and with a sultry grin, said:

Me time. Why that sounds very lonely, indeed. Don’t you think?”

It was a rhetorical question, but she was a bit curious to see if he would answer it truthfully.

[member="Marek Starchaser"]

Corey's OOC

And where were the spiders
Well, that made two of them. Marek smirked as he looked at her. “Yeah, I guess its not something anyone does every day.” The Corellian nodded. “We’ll have to look into it. Wave enough money around and you’ve got everything you could ever use.” Sales, gambling, and stocks, made for a lot of cash flow.

“Putting the land to use like this, that’ll generate cash flow. It’s a smart investment. Bright Star will stand behind the land if they come for foreclosure. I don’t think they will, but we’ll get our advertising teams on the Marathon, and I’ll talk to a few contacts, we can turn this into the South Systems’ premier location for sporting. Even if its holo-cast.” No, this wasn’t about Meowschwitz, though Babou definitely needed a toy or something. “It’ll make a great place for gambling and resorting.”

Resorting, verb, the act of going to a resort.

And the we was caught. Business partners, right?

Or, well, the ‘sometimes we sleep together’ business partners.

That was fun for him.

“It is. And it has been a while…” He offered her a wink. Sometimes Marek didn’t want to stay in control.

[member="Tmoxin Temi"]

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