Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Bye bye

Hello hello,

So I will be fading out from chaos now.

To those that might wonder I figure I should write a few words so here goes.
It’s been interesting and fun for sure.
Basically I have written three main characters,
[member="Sempra the Hutt"], @Mantic Dorn and [member="Weiss"]. They are all rather stereotypical and not what I usually write.
For the last decade my characters have been more like [member="mishk"] - odd types. But these three were very enjoyable to play/write and thanks to those that lend me a hand in fleshing them out.

On to the hot potato
Running factions and guilds is something I really enjoy and both the Hutt Cartel and the Galactic Republic truly made me happy at times and I highly appreciate the nice words sent my way. I too love structure! Much love! But, at the end of the day I have been found unfit for the job for good reasons.
I am not agreeing with where chaos is going and I In conjunction with several OOC conflicts overshadowing my Role Play muse on chaos, as well as my own lowly behaviour I have stepped down as the FO of the GR and with that decided that chaos is not for me.
It is no secret I don’t see even with many writers on the boards and I don’t agree with and I suspect that me leaving will make life easier for many on the board.
There are of course also many of you that I have written with that humbly lift my hat and applaud for your talents but also for being good sports and giving my cemented roles a good chance in chaos.

Ok, so with that said I will be moving on to new pastures. I think most folks know I don’t back out of an argument but I do not promise to return to this thread.

Mantic & co.
[member="Mantic Dorn"]

Sorry to see you go. I've enjoyed our interactions, few though they may have been. It's clear to me that you believe very strongly in your opinion, and for that you have my respect.

Hope to see around sometime in the future! Best of luck to you! :)
[member="Mantic Dorn"]



Champion of the Light
[member="Mantic Dorn"]

You've been a great man around, one that really tried to stay away from OOC discussion from what I've seen, don't know about the others but I will surely miss you, You've been a great friend and excellent writer, I don't know what is there to say though i wish to apologise for my inabillity to respond before and the break I had to take. It probably wasn't really fair to you :(

Hopefully we could meet again sometime, I enjoyed playing with you, mate, Hope you will find friends just as good as you was to me. Good luck, friend. :)
[member="Sempra the Hutt"] [member="Mantic Dorn"] [member="Ka-Aver"]
I have never been involved in one of these. And to be honest, I don't see it happening again. But truly this is a sad day for me, I write this with a heavy heart and tears rushing from my eyes.

I give you near infinite thanks for what you have managed. I don't know much about the Galactic Republic, but I know of the Cartel and must say that the little over a year I have role played here, it was one of my best times. I will miss the chances to Role Play with the Mighty Sempra, watching as his maniacal schemes slowly help him crawl up that ladder bit by bit. I was hoping I could help him conquer the Galaxy as the mightiest Hutt but it seems that dream for Thraxis will not come true. But most of all I will miss Ka-Aver, the greatest drinking buddy a Man could ask for, we would have drank this galaxy dry if given the chance that is something I am certain of.

So in short, I will truley miss you and appreciate all you have done for me, you were a writer I aspired to be like. I can speak for all the Jackals, Flannigan, Cadan Etc. that we all truly believe a golden writer has just left the community
Sorry to see you go and I also share the other sentiments expressed.

One of my favorite RPs to date is when Sempra kicked Tmoxin during a diplomacy meeting with the TU. That was a truly fun and collaborative writing experience with you Mr. Dorn. You will be missed.

[member="Mantic Dorn"]
[member="Sempra the Hutt"]

Is there nothing that can be done to change your mind my friend?

I personally am saddened to see this post. It's truly regrettable that the OOC drama has driven you to this. Be well. Be safe.

If my Lord Sempra is ever to return, please contact me. I'll miss my Cartel sugar daddy!

Javar Ikon

Seriously, not a Bartender
[member="Mantic Dorn"]

I've had one conversation with you, ever, but you're awesome. Hope you find something more fun to do.

Connor Harrison

[member="Mantic Dorn"] Sorry to see you go and even more sorry that factors from the site itself are a reason.

I hope things work out for you, and one day you may return or find things change that allow you to come back. Thanks for your time writing with me.

I wish you well.

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