C U Jimmy

NAME: C U Jimmy
RANK: Nane
SPECIES: Larissian
AGE: 30
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 1'7 meters.
EYES: blue
HAIR: red.
Typically dressed in a Kilt with brown boots with a white shirt.
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
+ decent swordsmanship
- Lacks in training
- difficult to understand when excited.
a tall thin man with bright spiky ginger hair.
Jimmy is physically fit but has list a fair amount of his muscle mass due to time.
Born i Larisasia Jimmy left home to earn his way in the galaxy.
over time he drifted from army to army for nearly 15 years. often going AWOL or being drummed out as a result despite being both a FA and Imperial trooper he still has little training but has little bad memories of both his jocular and entertaining nature tends to rub trainers and Officials up the wrong was as most view him as a clown. but troopers tend to like him as an unofficial entertainer during down time.
Despite his actions he has no real commendations for them.
having been in both sides of several battles.
in such he has been in a mix bag of units and serves an various capacities from Trooper to Medic never excelling at any.
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