
- Intent: To expand the lore of Ahch-To
- Image Credit: Pokemon
- Canon: N/A
- Permissions: N/A
- Links: N/A
- Name: Ca-Yo
- Designation: Semi-Sentient
- Origins:
- Average Lifespan: 15-25 years
- Estimated Population: Common
- Description: Between four to five feet tall with a wool material covering their bodies with the exception of their faces and tail. The stipe pattern on their tails changes from solid rings (male) to diagonal rings (female for male to females. Their skin under the wool is a plum purple with a smooth texture and they usually have bony knees. The ball on the tail can be nearly any color and fetches a value for traders with its ability to refract light in rainbow colors around a room. Their ears are conical able to hear longer distances then humans, their eyes are usually two toned color with irises and the pupil. Their head of hair is much like the wool material on their bodies and can be sheared off to stuff pillows or blankets.
- Breathes: Type 1
- Average Height of Adults: 1.55 meter
- Average Length of Adults: 1m
- Skin color: Pink
- Hair color: White
- Distinctions:
- The ball on their tails ats as a primary organ a heart that pulses with their blood flow and is primary to the second in their chest. It can be harvested, drained, dried and used as a lightsource or served as a delicacy after cleaning it to flavor stews.
- The wool they produce is valuable with acoustic canceling capabilities ideal for stealth suits and armorss when it is weaved into clothing muffling someone wearing it.
- Races: N/A
- Force Sensitivity: Non-Sensitive
- High Population
- Strong sense of hearing
- Wool is valuable
- Tail ball is valuable
- Culturally Destroyed
- Treated as livestock
- Their sense of taste is non existent and they can ingest poisons regularly
- Their sense of smell is limited only picking up the strongest odors
- Diet: Omnivore: Meats, veggies, fruits, grains. They can digest just about any food but have no tastebuds meaning they cannot taste if they eat rotten/turned/poisoned food
- Communication: Primitive meeps and a broken dialect not usually encountered. The heartball on their tails can glow across long distances
- Technology level: Far below galactic standard
- Religion/Beliefs:
- Once a thriving culture until they were captured and subjugated by the Go Nagai. For their wool like coat that could be used for several things and their heartball. An exposed organ that allows the other Ca to communicate across long distance and is used to communicate non verbal gestures (much like a lekku for a twi'lek). Their art and ruins are still around on their home planet in ruins and ancient murals depicting them fighting against beings from the sky.
When they were brought to Kala Moor the Ca slowly devolved over time from the treatment and became more simple keeping what they could of their gods in makeshift statues, keeping their worship for deliverance one day until they stopped communicating telligibly using grunts and meeps under the lashes of their overlords. The once large population controlled and monitored as a slave race to the Go Nagai on their last bastion.
One of the few things to carry over from their past and make it through the ages. Although its meaning has been obscured and lost with the ancient rituals giving way to simply offerings and prayer. Sala the goddesses of the Lost and guide to children is crudely displayed in most gathering places being what the Ca pray to before they eat, sleep and for thanks. Originally thought for salvation but slowly turning into just a muscle memory that all of them preform.
- Once a thriving culture until they were captured and subjugated by the Go Nagai. For their wool like coat that could be used for several things and their heartball. An exposed organ that allows the other Ca to communicate across long distance and is used to communicate non verbal gestures (much like a lekku for a twi'lek). Their art and ruins are still around on their home planet in ruins and ancient murals depicting them fighting against beings from the sky.
- General behavior:
- A very docile species with highly submissive behavior. They are like lemmings following orders of those above them. With each other they congregate into groups to community and friendship having safety in numbers. Sharing warmth and the space directed for them. Through strict and controlled breeding they are regulated as a population with the older one at the edges of the group providing protection.
They have not been seen outside of the city and within the galaxy but to outsiders their simple nature and not understanding may seem a sign of why they were subjugated by the Nagai so long ago. They are like children following whoever is stronger and more dominant while also learning simple things like fire is hot. Their communications is rough and a mixture of grunts from years being enslaved and their ancient language in fragments.
- A very docile species with highly submissive behavior. They are like lemmings following orders of those above them. With each other they congregate into groups to community and friendship having safety in numbers. Sharing warmth and the space directed for them. Through strict and controlled breeding they are regulated as a population with the older one at the edges of the group providing protection.
Generally thought to be extinct by most historians with remote tribes living on their own world in small numbers. The Ca were taken from their homeworld in the unknown regions when they were visited by a stronger species. The Destroyers of legend coming and raining fire from the skies. As the dust settled the devastated Ca were systematically taken out and killed with only a few being taken to be used as slaves.
The trip was dangerous and harsh taking longer to get back with a full hold of slaves, stopping over to deposit of the dead while enforcing breeding to have newer generations. Once they made it back to Kala Moor the slaves were put to work under the lash to build the city and surrounding monuments. The slave pits of Kala Moor being used to house several of the species they had found and brought back throughout the galaxy.
Slowly over time under their masters the older generations who still remembered and could teach others died out. In a species with a low life span made shorter but high ability to reproduce they tried to preserve the traditions of their people. Praying to their gods until only the one for the lost remained in makeshift altars. The people forgetting or the truth changing slightly with time.
To the youngest of them the Ca were always slaves but had been found by the Go Nagai then saved somewhat. Their enslavement more a help then a danger since the species was considered to naive by other races who sought to exploit and wipe them out in a great genocide. To harvest their larger hearts on their tails as well as the coat of wool their produced. They were rescued and given shelter at Kala Moor in exchange for their servitude.
As time went on and their masters seemed to wane, leaving newer leaders in their place. The dangerous soldiers and servants of them to sleep. The Ca devolved more and more, their natures of being passive and caring towards others giving way to more primitive submissiveness that kept them from running or without direction from their masters able to live outside the ancient cities walls.
The older ones falling and becoming one with the dust as decades became centuries and into eons. The Go Nagai retreated into deep sleep to combat the enemies they had brought to their doorstep. The dangerous Ren being one of the first races enslaved by the Nagai now leading the construction and hiding the city away from those who came after them. The Zoo their masters had created going into turmoil.
More centuries passed as there were rumors of other species breaking free and escaping but the Ca did not know what to make of such talk. They served and produced as their masters had ordered even in their absence. The City of Kala Moor growing larger and larger with it reaching deeper into the earth and the heart of the older city as well as towards the sky to try and reach their gods.
With their duties being the more menial of service, other species were there to construct, more were to oversee and preserve the masters. As the ancient Taung within the Asobi system died out giving way to their slave revolts it led to the city and world being lost to many. Behind the nebula and preserved by a large dome around the city and continent. The bugs skill with digging allowing for other domes to be accessed under ground.
More time passed and the Ca continued their decline becoming the simple servants the other soldiers of the Go Nagai wanted them to become. Their worship of their gods more a daily ritual instead of something to be remembered, the centuries adding up more and more as the Go Nagai woke up. Slowly at first but then in greater numbers, their war against the interlopers of the system beginning.
Then something happened, more than that, they were turned back with Ca being killed in rage and as target practice before the forces left to engage the jedi who could use the same magics of their masters to counter and protect against them. With attacks on the worlds they were reclocated and repopulated across the galaxy as a farm animal... creating mutton but also wool to sell and being abel to eat grass and handle field maintenance on farms. The jedi brought them along with several farm animals to Ahch-To and Atrisia introduced them to the farmers.
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