Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Caf and a Freed Slave

The blouse really didn't look too bad on her at all. It was a small step out of her comfort zone but Kaalia was never afraid to try on something different. Apart from the few pieces she kept around for lazy days she never let an article of clothing get old. When the woman was young though, her appearance was the last thing on her mind. She vividly remembered hating heels and had it not been for Ara nearly forcing her to wear them to a ball, chances were she still would have. It was Ara who taught her to be confident and simply learning how to take care of her appearance made a world of difference.

Hopefully she could pass the lesson on to Aradia.

When Kaalia stepped out of the fitting room her new apprentice was waiting on her already. The blouse she had picked out was now being worn by the redhead, showing that it indeed was much too large for her. The woman nodded.

"That seems much better," she responded as she pointed towards one of the fitting rooms. "We'll see to getting you a pair of shoes as well, but let's see if what you picked is indeed your size." Standing in front of a mirror, Kaalia checked herself from various angles. "I'll be changing out of this blouse again in the meantime- I do like it, though."


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