Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Call Me a Saint

Ishida let out a sound that seemed like a gruff exhale, bordering on a growl.

"I understand." She murmured, and pressed a hand to the crown of the containment with the floating Bryn'adûl head.

She could take the datapad and run; but Aeris Lashiec Aeris Lashiec likely could override from a decentralized access point. It would be futile and...embarrassing. She could foresee it now.

"I'll find someone, and ask for them to request access to the files and work with them. Maybe it'll be Dagon, perhaps Bernard or Auteme." The sound that followed was more pathetic, less angry, more...melancholy. She didn't really have that many choices.

"Thank you, Knight Lashiec."

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