Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Calling all Jedi (NJO, TJO, SJO)

Writing this from mobile as a storm has knocked out my wireless, so apologies if this is less coherent/more error prone than usual, but as this project was something I helped coordinate I thought I'd share some thoughts.

Personally, I think the Jedimoot thread exceeded expectations. Veiere will remember, as do I, that many vets told us this was bound to go nowhere, that we would be lucky to even finish the thread, let alone come away having made any sort of tangible difference.

Granted, we have not reunified the Order or begun a crusade against the Darkside, but that was never going to happen and I don't think that qualifies as a failure. The fact is, if people wanted one Order there would be one Order, and if the majority wanted a Jedi crusade there would be one. But too many of us are too pacifistic IC or too disillusioned with the map game OOC, so let's look at what we did accomplish.

Acknowledgment Between Orders: I know this may seem like a small one, but considering it's never happened in an official context IC on this scale before, I absolutely am willing to count it. In the past year or so more orders have popped up than just the Silvers and NJO, and to be able to establish an IC connection is vital for future cooperation between these groups. Now we have a common event that is public knowledge for people to look back on and reference.

Jedi UN: This has been called a couple other things, including Jedi Confederacy and Jedi Embassy, but basically the fact that we agreed to establish a neutral ground for communication and dialogue is huge. Now if something impacts one Order IC, it is much more reasonable and logical for the others to hear about it quickly and send help.

The Sith are Bad, Mmkay: Perhaps this one doesn't bear mentioning, but I for one think it was significant progress that we could all at least agree that Sith are bad dudes, and we should try to stop them from doing bad dude things if we can. I know some are hesitant about large scale conflict, but honestly I'll take our agreement that there is a problem as it establishes our common foe, which is Darkside users dedicated to eclipsing the light.

I really do sympathize with people's frustrations that this thread couldn't do more/be more/get done a lot quicker, but given the limitations we had going in (being from different factions, having different attitudes towards PvP) have not changed honestly this is a good outcome in my book. We may not have chosen a new Grandmaster-in-Chief, but is that what we really wanted? If so, perhaps we should reexamine our approach.

If you want to see tangible results of this initiative, you need look no further than the embassy thread on Coruscul that just started which is even now establishing the background for a cross-factional Jedi location, and is considerably more open to participation than the Jedimoot was.

I don't mean to sound like I want to shut down the conversation, if there are those who believe our efforts have fallen short of their hopes in some way I absolutely think we should discuss ways to keep improving relations and other options, but I think it's important we acknowledge what has been accomplished and the effort put into that from all sides. I am very proud of the way you have all come together despite the skepticism.
"I believe if everyone is in agreement..." She trailed off. "That will conclude this meeting."
I thought Aela's post had basically concluded the thread, so I didn't post again. I believe our characters made their points IC, and I didn't feel that I needed to add anything else. The SJO does have a presence at the new Embassy thread, so it seems that things are moving forward. If there's anything else you'd like us to be a part of, do let us know!


Disney's Princess
Thread went great guys and gals.

I look forward to seeing more progress, both IC and OOC, being built around the Coruscul Embassies in the days to come. :D
[member="Stephanie Swail"]

I can really only repeat what the others have already stated here.

I was too under the impression the thread had been concluded; it had begun to stall and certain aspects had taken longer to kick in than originally planned for though it was otherwise a success to my mind on all accounts outside of a "Single Jedi Order" for which was never my intention.

We've given all Jedi Factions and Writers a bit more public light through this thread and expressed the fact that we're not out of the game yet, still very capable of converging and working together when push comes to shove, so to speak.

The Silver Jedi Order can take away from this that they will have support in defending their worlds from attacks; there may not be the same enthusiasm regarding invasions but at the least it will be comforting to know you'll be backed within your own territories.

On my part, TJO has been undergoing significant changes and Veiere is returning his focus to the CSA while the Jedi Order pairs off to gain more individuality and grow as a faction separate from any governing state.

All in all, we are still on the same team (#TeamLightside) and are bound to cross paths on a regular basis.

Outside of this...-I don't believe people would at all be opposed to the suggestion of threading again in the future!
How about a neutral summit of Force Users? No weapons, neutral location, allow everyone to come together and discuss their differences, see if a diplomatic accord can be reached, or at least some interaction between everyone that doesn't involve attempted murder and mass slaughter.

Stephanie Swail

I - and the SJO - are up for anything to be honest. We just want to get back into writing some bloody good RP and cut down on all the politics and red-tape that seems to prevent the Jedi from doing that now.

Summit sounds good, as does [member="Enyo Typhos"] with the idea of an open thread with some conflict. We Jedi seem to snipe each-other at times; maybe we can unite against the nefarious foe that George Lucas created for us to go up against instead of each other? :)
[member="Stephanie Swail"]

Red tape? Such as what?

And uniting against the Sith would require that they do something harmful: at present, they're simply trying to rule their own territory. We'll step in and assist if you come under attack (as all Jedi should), but TJO certainly won't participate in any offensive action against the Sith. We'd much rather seek to bring them to the negotiating table and find a way to end the conflict between you in a peaceful fashion. A summit may well achieve this, or at least lay the groundwork!

Stephanie Swail

[member="Teynara Jeralyr"] Oh it just seems we have a lot of meetings and political debates and things that feel a slog to get through sometimes in order to try reach the end goal!

We aren't going to be on the offensive anymore. We bounced back at Mirial after the invasion onslaught to show we wouldn't be a Jedi Faction to walk over and fold, and to show that, if needed, the Jedi can and will take a stand.

I'd be happy to do more negotiation/summit/face-to-face conversations IC between Factions/characters if only to meet new writers and open up different avenues of writing. And there's nothing I want more than peace (that old chestnut) and respect between others.

Idealistic? Maybe, but hey, if writers are happy then I've done my job.
[member="Stephanie Swail"]

I think it's fair to say that we'll never get the Jedi all under one umbrella (and, frankly, nor should we), but the old idea of a Jedi Concordat would be great. We can establish a Temple or Enclave where all Jedi can gather as neutral ground (all politics put aside: Jedi first!) and work together through training, mission assignments, study, conversation. We don't have to be one faction to work under the same umbrella, and commit ourselves to the Jedi path wholeheartedly, whatever the expression.

It's something worth exploring further, I feel: perhaps have a ruling Council constituted by all of our respective factions to oversee Jedi matters across all the branches we have, a neutral Temple/Enclave as a place for gathering, and rules that govern us all, and keep us focused on the same path, even if we have different approaches towards maintaining it. Might keep things more civil and productive between us all.
Stephanie Swail said:
We bounced back at Mirial after the invasion onslaught to show we wouldn't be a Jedi Faction to walk over and fold, and to show that, if needed, the Jedi can and will take a stand.
Weird to take a stab at a faction that, up to that point, hadn't acted aggressively against the SJO.


Stephanie Swail

[member="Teynara Jeralyr"] I'm up for that, all new avenues to explore.

And don't you sit there drinking your tea [member="Darth Carnifex"] - that Skirmish you launched before hand was a way to soften us ol' Silvers up. We just responded.


Stephanie Swail

[member="Darth Carnifex"] If bad people keep poking the nest, then one day bad people will get stung.


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