Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Calling For Help


The Flesh Of Fallen Angels
Azar City, Jyn and Ar'ekk's Suite

INTERACTING WITH: [member="Jyn Lorr"]

Like any other morning, Ar'ekk was the first one to wake up while the rest of the family slept peacefully. Little Tefie had taken over his spot at their bed to cuddle with Jyn while the man walked around their family suite trying to put together some thoughts, go through memories and put pieces together to unimportant situations.

His commlink ringed all of the sudden, managing to answer the call without waking anyone up. It was from Akro on behalf of the Je'daii of Akar Kesh whose voice resonated on the other end, his tone sounding pretty worried yet collected,

"Ar'ekk? I'm sorry I woke you up but we have a problem. We've received a transmission, although short, of a girl desperately requesting assistance from further in the system. You'd think you and Jyn could investigate this? We'll make sure Atefeh stays with someone for the duration of the journey. Here are the coordinates."

Before the Knight could even answer to the request, the small device held in his hand began to beep outloud and he couldn't control it. Hopefully no one would wake up even though the sun was already out.

"I'm going to speak with her about this first. Will contact you in an hour."

Cutting off the call, Ar'ekk walked back to their bedroom and sat in the leather sofa next to the bed, gaze fixated lovingly on both Jyn and Tefie as he went through the details of the call in his head.

Investigate a mysterious case, maybe too dangerous. Who knows what we'll come up against?

She awoke to find [member="Atefeh Lorr"] curled against her chest, snoozing quietly.

Sunlight broke through the blinds, dotting the floor and part of their duvet in golden rays... Sort of. There were only so many dorms that actually sat on the exterior of the building, and as such the dorms actually featured 'windows' which reflected the outside weather and environment despite the fact that they were more or less high tech holo-screens. Realistic enough to still impart light across the room. A live feed, almost.

Shifting onto her side she noticed [member="Arekk"] was already awake, sat on the sofa his eyes were set upon she and their daughter though they were somewhat distracted as though he was stuck on some thought.

"Morning, Querido," she said, with a soft smile, moving one hand to rub the sleep out of her eyes while the other remained wrapped around Tefie protectively. Overhead Kipo oo'd, crawling down from his perch to hurry over to Ar'ekk in hopes of getting some breakfast treats.

"What's on your mind, my love?"


The Flesh Of Fallen Angels
Azar City, Jyn and Ar'ekk's Suite

INTERACTING WITH: [member="Jyn Lorr"]

"I got a call from Akro. They want us to investigate an emergency somewhere, it looked urgent."

He embraced and playfully toyed around with Kipo as he got on his shoulders and then head, anxiously waiting for the man to give him the dried fruit he loves so much. Of course he went to Ar'ekk first instead of Jyn now, knowing that he had spoiled him awfully bad the past two weeks during the girl's absence.

Reaching for a small bag near the Knight's desk and retrieving the little monkey's sought after food, which he nommed right away and begged for moree, his eyes lingered on Tefie as she slept peacefully next to his beloved. She would be safe if they decided to accept this mission, maybe Sahna and Ignis would take care of her again.

They wouldn't mind, right?

"Let's have breakfast first. There's plenty of time to talk about this."

He continued to play with the baby fat monkey and feeding him dried fruits, this time in more controlled amounts to not get him fatter anymore. A smile developed on his face as their bond grew stronger, just like it was with Jyn.

It took her a few moments to process everything which had been said.

Gently moving Atefeh in a way which hopefully would keep her from waking, Jyn threw her legs over the edge of the bed and quickly rose, grabbing a shower robe from the chair beside the bed and wrapping it around her body.

"I'll call Asha; she's been wanting to spend some time with Tefie anyway. We can eat breakfast on the way."

She had sent out distress signals of her own in the past, and knew that every second counted. It may not have seemed urgent to Ar'ekk but for Jyn her mind raced with all the horrid possibilities of what could have caused it to be sent in the first place.

"Get ready, we'll leave in five."



The Flesh Of Fallen Angels
Azar City, Jyn and Ar'ekk's Suite

INTERACTING WITH: [member="Jyn Lorr"]

"But wait, we've got t--"

She had already rushed out of the room before Ar'ekk could say anything, this rushedness was not something foreign of Jyn to do but it caught him by surprise never the less.

Atefeh continued to sleep peacefully in their bed and he came up to sit on the edge of the bed, caressing her hair and making sure she was tucked in comfortably by covering her with warmer covers.

Making his way over to the wardrobe to take out a towel, the man waited in the living room until she came out to clean himself up too. The trip would take at least one hour and they'd be going blind too, so they had to come up with a plan in case things went south.

The commlink rested by the small coffee table in the living room, his gaze fixated on it as the call repeated itself countless of times in his head.

What would they find there?

It did not take her long to shower, dress, and prep to leave.

Jyn could be methodical in many ways, take forever to get something done just to ensure it was perfect, but in moments such as these speed trumped all else. Her ship was well stocked, so she had no concerns in truth. If she had somehow forgotten to grab something she knew there would be something similar to use onboard Tranquility. She didn't think to question whose ship they would be taking, though... Who knew if [member="Arekk"] could say the same about the Ebon Hawk?

Venturing down to the hangar bay she took the time out to call Asha and lay out plans for Tefie in their absence. The woman was of course more than willing to take on the responsibility, and had thankfully been called to Aurum from Svivren for Steward business. She had assured her friend that they would not be too long before hanging up.

Now all she had to do was wait for Ar'ekk so they could decide which ship they'd be taking.[member="Arekk"]


The Flesh Of Fallen Angels
Azar City, Hangar Bay

INTERACTING WITH: [member="Jyn Lorr"]

He followed Jyn to the hangar bay at a steady pace, keeping up with her without any issue. While she called Asha and explained everything, Ar'ekk tried to decide between the Tranquility or The Ebon Hawk.

Certainly the first one had not been used a lot by them in their missions and this would prove a good occasion to test her capabillities.

"Let's take your ship. The Hawk needs some repairs and upgrades, so I'd rather not risk anything."

The supplies aboard Jyn's vessel were vast enough to last for the entirety of the journey which at the moment still remained unknown. It was within the system but specifics were blank, only a set of coordinates that would take them blind to this place.

Would it be something like a space station, a planet, a toxic jungle?

"I will upload everything to our datapads and the ship's main console. The sooner we leave, the better."

[member="Arekk"] decided that they'd be taking Tranquility on this venture, which both excited and daunted her. She wasn't used to having passengers, much less someone who was used to flying their own ship, but she loved and trusted him enough to know that he wouldn't criticize her... Too harshly.

With a nod of her head she led him over to where the ship was docked, and activated the ramp so that it lowered and allowed them to access the ships interior.

Once onboard she sped along to the cockpit in order to make a few pre-flight checks, specifically to ensure it had been fueled up since its last use. Everything seemed in working order, any issues it had incurred on her last journey had been ironed out, and so she began the start up protocols before turning over to Ar'ekk with a soft smile.

"Sorry about breakfast," she told him, hearing a ping as he sent the information across to her datapad which had been hooked up to the ships systems. That meant she could tie the coordinates in to the navi-systems, and read what little information they had on a larger screen. "Head on down to the kitchenette and help yourself to whatever you like, the stores were recently stocked. I'll head that way once we reach space."


The Flesh Of Fallen Angels
Hangar Bay, Aboard The Tranquility

INTERACTING WITH: [member="Jyn Lorr"]

"I can live."

He reassured Jyn with a smile, stomach grumbling as he did so. Leaving his backpack on the co-pilot's seat and making his way out of the cockpit to reach the kitchenette, Ar'ekk made sure to inspect and get acquainted with the Tranquility's interior. Quite a magnificent vessel for a great pilot as his beloved.

Ar'ekk opened the drawers that were stocked with canned food, beverages and other delicious snacks ready to be eaten. His fingers reached to grab a handful of chocolate packets and a pre-made sandwich wrapped in tinfoil.

As he prefered company when eating, the man brought over two sandwiches for himself and Jyn back to the cockpit where he sat next to her.

"It's going to be a long trip, might as well eat something now."

Everything was set for them to take off and make their way to this unknown destination, hopefully it wasn't too late.

It couldn't be.

Was there ever a time when food wasn't on his mind?

He returned with a bunch of snacks in his hands just as the ship began to approach the thin band of atmosphere which separated Aurum from the void of space. The transition had been relatively smooth, and when they broke through the bounds of the world's gravitational pull only the slightest exertion on the ship itself could be felt, a subtle rumble before it settled out.

Around them lay stars.

The ship took a moment to adjust before its course toward the coordinates of the distress call began. A soft murmur, almost like the purring of a cat, was the only real noise which accompanied them as she turned to take up the sandwich he had brought for her.

She wolfed it down, her own stomach just as grumbly that morning. It wasn't used to her not feeding it shortly after awakening, a trait which had only developed after she and [member='Arekk'] moved in with one another. Before then she had not been the type to eat in the morning, that made her feel sick.

But she had quickly overcome it.

"Good choice," she said, after swallowing the last of her meal and turning her gaze back to the various systems which illuminated the cockpit. "So, what do we know about the transmission?"


The Flesh Of Fallen Angels
Aboard The Tranquility

INTERACTING WITH: [member="Jyn Lorr"]

"Distress call from a young girl at the coordinates given. Two voices on the call, one of an older male and hers. She mentioned a diner called Khela's. Besides that, nothing much. Do we know anything about the systems nearby?"

From the information given, it was safe to assume they were either visiting an ecumenopolis or a space station considering the victim mentioned a diner which you would expect to be found in these kind of places.

The establishment itself was a mystery yet remained as their only clue, going there upon arrival was the first thing to be done.

"The call cut off shortly after that, a faint call for help on the other end of the receiver then static."

All the details given were pretty vague and didn't aid much in their investigation at the beginning, surely when they've reached their destination and started moving everything would begin to get clear as they moved from clue to clue. Tracking down people wasn't a job that Ar'ekk was acquainted with but he knew Jyn was better on that than him.

"Whoever this girl is, she's in great danger. We better find her before it's too late."

"There are no systems near the Meissa... Ours is the only star for quite a while, the closest I know of is Ceto's... No, this had to have come from our system, which is... Strange. There are several planets in this System..."

As she spoke she pulled up a visual reference in the form of a miniature star map which had honed in on Ner. 10 planets, with only Aurum marked as explored. The call could have come from any of the other ones, truth be told.

"Honestly, we ought to have some probes sent out to the other planets... But right now that isn't going to help us any. Let me cross reference the coordinates, see where they lie in the system itself."

It would take a few minutes so in the meantime she reached for one of the candy bars and tried to consider all of their options. Thankfully her ship would make light work of the actual journey, a few hours at most, but who knew who or what they'd encounter.

"We need to be prepared for the worst. I trust you have your lightsaber with you incase things get messy, I also have a few pocket medkits we can keep on our persons, as well as a blaster each down in the cargo bay. Should be rebreathers around here somewhere, and I know I have a couple of envirosuits in one of the crates. I'll head down into the cargo bay shortly, gather up whatever we may end up needing."



The Flesh Of Fallen Angels
Aboard The Tranquility

INTERACTING WITH: [member="Jyn Lorr"]

"Sounds like a plan. We shouldn't go too light in terms of gear, so I will try to make most of it."

As a former leader of the Galactic Republic "Ghost" squad, Ar'ekk knew everything about the military life and its intricates. Leading them through the most awful battles a man could witness, he learned the ropes and tricks after two years of hard training and working alongside other individuals with one goal in mind: winning.

Now... organizing his gear and making sure everything was assorted in the most efficient manner was a walk in the park compared to anything else, so this shouldn't take much longer. Small blasters to conceal beneath their clothes, a handful of personal medkits, MREs for the trip long enough to last a few weeks, survival items in case they had an extreme emergency where it would require them to camp somewhere and most importantly credits.

Why credits? It moved people around, information could flow easily with the currency everyone loves instead of putting your hand on someone's throat to get something out of them.

"Don't bring too much stuff, we might need to get away fast and having a bunch of gear slowing us down might prove deadly. Trust me, I have seen it."

The man said to Jyn through the Tranquility's intercom, his voice resonating throughout the ship's interior. Both bags were completely stuffed and efficiently geared up for them to take and leave right away, equipped and supplies able to last a long time. His lightsaber rested on his utility belt alongside his K-16 Bryar pistol plus a bunch of other gadgets available to be used by them.

Jyn didn't plan on bringing very much at all beyond what she had already stated.

Being that her ship had a droid to pilot it if needs be she felt comfortable bringing less on their person. If she patched herself through to to the ship it could be moved to their location provided they had coordinates... No, what she was more worried about was the short term necessities such as enviro-suits and weapons. Who knew if where they were going would have breathable air? Certainly not Jyn.

So it was that when she ventured down into the cargo bay it was actually a pretty easy task. The suits and rebreathers were where she had last left them, and a few small pocket sized medkits with just the very basics were fetched out of the small make shift medical bay she'd made down there. Two blasters were added to the pile, and before she knew it she was done.

When his voice rang through the intercom she smiled and shook her head, reaching for the closest part of the system she spoke in return to him.

"Alright sorted, just the basics. Hopefully this will be a cut and dry mission. Come down to the cargo bay when you're done, I need to check if I have a suit which will fit you."



The Flesh Of Fallen Angels
Aboard The Tranquility, Cargo Bay

INTERACTING WITH: [member="Jyn Lorr"]

Ar'ekk carried both backpacks slinged to his shoulders as he made his way to the cargo bay, at first lost because of his lack of knowledge of the Tranquility's interior but managing to find his way over to Jyn.

Leaving the bags aside, the man moved closer to her and make sure to inspect the gear alongside her.

"You think that'll fit me?"

A wide playful smirk formed upon his face, jesting about the size of the envirosuits that were cleary slightly too small to accomodate him. Of course, he could very well fit into one of these if needed but the shrunken size would make it slightly difficult to move around compared to a person who's able to wear the suit without any issues.

"If there's anything you wanna grab, put them in the bags before we go. Let's make sure everything is checked and accounted for, we're not missing anything. I don't think we'll be home soon."

Giving Jyn a reassuring nod, Ar'ekk made sure to check her suit as well for any perforations or malfunctioning in general. You really do not want to step foot outside a foreign planet or enviroment and have your oxygen depleted in a matter of seconds.

That's awful and he saw it happen before, not a pretty picture to have plastered in your mind during a journey like this.

"You're right," she said, as she tossed one of the smaller envirosuits to one side, "But this one should."

Pulling out a third suit, one much more suited to his height and weight, she let loose a cheeky and playful grin. There was no way she was going to risk him being harmed by thin atmospheres or toxic air. No chance in hell.

"Everything I need is right here."

At this point Jyn began to put the envirosuit on, slipping it over her current clothes. That... Might come back to bite her in the butt later, especially if she began to overheat, but if the place they were headed to had a breathable atmosphere then wearing this get up would set them out from any possible natives. Not a good idea. No, being able to switch into civ attire was important.

"Here," she said, passing him over the medkit and blaster. "There's a canteen over there, fill it with water before we set out. I have mine already set up to go."



The Flesh Of Fallen Angels
Aboard The Tranquility, Cargo Bay

INTERACTING WITH: [member="Jyn Lorr"]

"How do I look?"

Nothing like a little humor before setting off on a long journey to who knew where, easily trying to lift their spirits up and give them the confidence enough to arrive to their destination safe and sound. Ar'ekk was known for being a jester from time to time and that personality flourished even more with Jyn around.

His fingers coiled on the canteen before she could finish speaking, already filled up to its maximum and set on his backpack with the rest of his gear and supplies.

Everything checked out, from the envirosuits to the backpacks and the food and the rest. As the captain of the Tranquility it was up to the Ranger herself to give the go ahead.

"All good, darling. On your go."

The sooner they got out of the vessel and made their way to the coordinates, the better things would get and their anxiety would decrease exponentially.

Jyn let out a breath of hot air, and closed her eyes for a moment.

Their journey was almost at a close, at least the first leg of it, and soon enough the systems would let her know that they had reached their destination... Wherever that was. It was on her to decide their course of action, which was more than a little daunting considering there was a very real chance someone's life was at risk.

After calming her mind she looked over to Ar'ekk.

"Do you have a Chrono? I have a spare one around here somewhere if not. We should both wear one, sync the times... Might make things easier if we have to split up."

She glanced down over herself, making a visual and mental inventory, before smiling across at him a little meekly. As if on cue an alert went off through her commlink, which was hooked up to the ship.

"Looks like it's go time, Querido."



The Flesh Of Fallen Angels
Aboard The Tranquility, Cargo Bay

INTERACTING WITH: [member="Jyn Lorr"]

"There's one in my backpack, don't worry. I've brought an extra pair for the both of us, in case one of them decides to stop working."

Tying up a knot on his backpack and slinging it on his shoulder, Ar'ekk waddled throughout the ship to get acquainted with the envirosuit. It felt a little heavy and his motion was affected slightly but nothing that he couldn't overcome.

His mind was clear from any wrongful thoughts and instead filled them with optimism, the one that gave courage for himself and her beloved.

The Knight was sure they'd find whoever they were looking for safe and sound but you never know with this galaxy that spans a plethora of awful people, aliens and the like.

"Here we go."

The alert echoed through the metallic walls that covered the Tranquility, indicating them it was time to disembark.

Being that neither of them had been back in the cockpit since venturing into the cargo hold - her droid having done the hard work of landing the ship - she had no idea exactly what it was they were going to be walking out into.

Perhaps they should have checked first. Was it a rocky surface? Grassy? Volcanic? It felt like something they ought to know... And yet she wandered over to the boarding ramp blind.

Punching the controls to lower the ramp, after ensuring both of their suits were on properly and the helmets were functioning as intended, she was surprised to find them met with a lot of... noise. Activity. The sound of speeders drifting by, and voices. Her head turned slightly to where [member="Arekk"] stood, before she frowned.

The readouts on her HUD stated plainly that the air was breathable, even noting how its levels were delicately controlled. A terraformed world?

"I don't understand," she breathed, slowly reaching up to release the helmet which hissed, "There was a bustling world here all along? In the Meissa system?"

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