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Approved Location Calyiu'r

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  • Structure Name: Calyiu'r
  • Classification: Home/Residential
  • Location: Brelor
  • Affiliation: Commenor Ruling Faction, Voph
  • Accessibility: Calyiu'r is removed from the primary town of Brelor, yet its location is public record, and it is connected to the main city by a simple tram. While considered a private residence, Voph utilizes it as his primary office when not in the primary Capital Building on Commenor Proper, and thus visitors are frequent and common.
  • Description: The entire compound has a very rustic feel to it, much of the structures being comprised of wood with metal supports. Very natural in its design, and built to compliment the surrounding terrain, not override it. Over all, it is not dissimilar to the Wookiee settlements on Kashyyyk.
The Gardens are a trio of small, circular buildings along the east side of the compound denoted as "D" on the above Map. Small buildings, they are primarily used to house flora native to various other planets that Voph has lived on. The Terrace serves as a connecting balcony between the central greenhouse, and Voph's office. Neither the terrace or the office are pictured on the map above. This is primarily where Voph entertains close visitors, and people he deals with on a regular basis.

The primary audience hall is located at "C" on the provided map, serving as both the primary entrance to Calyiu'r, and the primary entertainment hall for distant guests, first time visitors, and visitors that Voph does not deem worthy of inviting to his personal office. A window in the north side of the structure looks over the lagoon below, and the rest of Calyiu'r. There is a conference table set up within the room, which Voph uses to host dinner parties for close friends and associates, as well as host group discussions. This can, however, be changed to a more formal setting, such as a throne room, should Voph have the need for such a setting. The room also hosts an elevator down to a walkway that stretches around to the gardens to the north east.

The largest structure near the middle of the map, This module serves as the guest bedroom for Calyiu'r. Embracing the rather simplistic and rustic design, the module invokes quite a homely feeling, even if Voph rarely has visitors that utilize its space. The guest room does include a fireplace. The catwalk connecting the Audience Hall and Greenhouses extends all the way to this module, with an offshoot going towards the waterwheel.

The western-most structure, this features a moving bridge to connect the Kitchen with the guestroom, or the master bedroom. The Kitchen features the addition of rock highlights, particularly around the water basin. Entirely open air, with a stone fireplace and oven as the central pillar in the structure. The front of the structure, the balcony overlooking the lagoon, was set up as a small lounge, or living room. This is often where Voph entertains close friends, relatives, or romantic interests.

Located just south of the Kitchen, the master bedroom is Voph's most private area, and guests typically are not permitted within. As the entire structure is considered public, this is the one area Voph has marked as his, and his alone. It sits atop the dock, allowing easy access to the lagoon below. The bedroom itself is simple, and comfortable. After all, Voph rarely brings guests to this part of the house, so he is able to decorate as he sees fit.

Often considered archaic by modern standards, the Water Wheel sits beneath a waterfall feeding into the lagoon, and provides power for the whole compound. Located at point "J" on the map.


Calyiu'r was originally built as a vacation home for a Commenori Noble on the moon of Brelor. It was designed to evoke a more simplistic lifestyle, with the primary construction being wood and stone. Metal supports were added as necessary, and many of the railings are constructed of metal as well. Voph took residence in this place when he was appointed Lord of Brelor by Lady Kay, and was quite happy with the design, making precious few modifications to the decor, and granting it the current name of Calyiu'r. While Voph did designate the structure as public access, Calyiu'r is still his home, and as such enforces a strict no visitors policy after dark, unless of course they have been invited to stay by Voph himself. Now, this once simple home is the primary home, and seat of power, for Voph, Lord of Brelor.
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