Try as she might, Inanna couldn’t sleep. Not that she didn’t appreciate
Jonu Zihtil
’s protection spells on the door—that was rather sweet of her, especially for a Sith—nor was she not tired. On the contrary, she was sleepy, but also restless and wired and preoccupied with thoughts of mischief.
Have you ever had an overwhelming itching urge to annoy someone to the point of putting yourself in mortal danger? No? Good for you. You’ll probably live a long and healthy life.
Alas, Inanna Hoole was such a fool. In the short time that had passed between her arrival at the camp and this moment, she had completed the transition from wanting to avoid the Changeling seated on the bed across from hers to being determined to provoke a reaction out of him. Since he had shown so little emotion thus far, she sought the pleasure (and the bragging rights) of making him feel something. Unfortunately, it didn’t matter to her
what he felt, only that he did in fact feel
something and show it plainly in his expression and body language in order to gratify her bizarre and selfish desires.
And so Inanna, fully aware of the fact that she was probably dooming herself to an early (for her species, at least) demise, slid out of bed and strode over to where
Marcis Sorr
sat cross-legged on his own bunk, his gaze vacant and back painfully rigid. Stretching out her hand, she booped the tip of his nose with her finger, complete with added sound effect. (“
Boop.”) Presumably his eyes would become animated again immediately, possibly to reach for one of his knives and drive it into her brain in a killing blow. Or maybe he would just glare at her murderously in hopes of frightening her away, stretching out in the Force to dominate her mind or some other such killjoy technique.
Regardless, Inanna was not one to be put out, and she would definitely not be satisfied with whatever he did within the span of the next turn of this game. So, regardless of what he did after the booping of his nose, she would follow it up without delay by throwing herself at him.
Literally—she flopped onto the mattress beside him, then proceeded to stretch her torso and coil around his middle like a serpent. Her grip was no stronger than the affectionate hug of an enthusiastic relative; he could breathe easily and his movements weren’t restricted. His limbs remained free to flail around as her head crept up behind his shoulder and, grinning, she wrapped her arms loosely around his neck and whispered right into his ear.
“You’re the Sword-Swallower from Dromund Kaas, aren’t you? Say, you don’t seem as green as the rest of the acolytes here." She nodded respectfully to the resting Crimson Chin.
"She's not so bad either, although I've seen spells like hers barked out in carnival attractions by people who barely even know what the Force is. Where are you from, kitten? How’d you learn all this sorcery stuff so early? Oh—I don’t think I caught your name, either, so who are you?”
If all this failed to incite him to the point of homicidal intent, she began petting him as she spoke—running her fingers through his ashen hair so that it stood up like a duckling’s fluff on the top of his head. Of course, her proximity presented a perfect opportunity to Slay the Pest™, though Arrik might at least deign to answer her questions before dispatching her to the Nether.