Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Campaign Recruitment - All Quiet on the Eastern Front


Energizer Bunny on Caffeine
*Is still unwanted and apparently hated for not being ,"military" enough*
Well, I just posted her being in action and being awesome so that had better do the job!


Energizer Bunny on Caffeine
I am officially withdrawing Nellja from this campaign.
She was never preasent during the time so far. (She does not need such a bad streak from this)

I hope you all have a nice day,
- A writer.


Well-Known Member
Nellja said:
*Is still unwanted and apparently hated for not being ,"military" enough*
Well, I just posted her being in action and being awesome so that had better do the job!
Why do you need, to be military?


Energizer Bunny on Caffeine
Yeah, that's what one person said. And then when OOCly I was trying to prove her and ICly she just was trying to help, they put her on freaking gun point!

It's like she'll never be welcome to the team so I'm withdrawing her and telling other people to act like she never existed here. What the crap went wrong with everything??


Energizer Bunny on Caffeine
But putting me at GUNPOINT to do that? *Scoff* What the heck? I don't care if she's a Padawan, she could be treated with less hate...


Energizer Bunny on Caffeine
(I'm on a phone so a can't get links:p)
It's a recent post in "The Journey Begins"

Also, the LEADER of the entire ship is a PADAWAN too concerning your other statement.



Energizer Bunny on Caffeine
(This is Nellja)
Btw, if I'm coming off as mean or something I am sorry. I'm anger right now but that's no excuse for being a troll. I do feel like I'm being treated unfairly, but I am sorry.


Energizer Bunny on Caffeine
xD It was actually a clone trooper that pulled the gun out, but yeah...

Btw, everyone, if I'm coming off as mean or something I am sorry. I'm anger right now but that's no excuse for being a troll. I do feel like I'm being treated unfairly, but I am sorry.


Well-Known Member
[member="Nellja"] It`s not that bad, apart from the auto hit, sorry cloney.
Though I would expect you to be told off, by a jedi, for acting with out thought, leading you to killing them droids.
Though as member of the other side, you go girl :p
(I have also missread thing requiring me edit, no one perfect.)
Re-read my post [member="sabrina"], there is no "Autiohit" as I merely stated he opened fire. I did not say he hit her. I take such accusations very seriously.

Let's take a look at this. You've taken this way too far personally. This is role-play, not every character is going to agree with another character. Let's note this is a military mission, on a military ship that is currently patrolling the frontier which currently could explode into total war.

Hasjo calmly tells Nellja to calm down and relax, placing his hands on Nella'js shoulders. She freaks out and starts screaming. Naturally, everyone begins staring at her for this.
Then during an Officers Meeting, she begins to knit and is asked to stop. Knitting is for very obvious reasons not acceptable during a military briefing.
During simulation training, she doesn't show up in uniform. For obvious reasons, the Lieutenant isn't happy about this.
During simulation, rather than wait for orders and use stun rounds only or set the lightsaber down so that it won't kill anything - she runs off ahead and begins cleaving through the droids without being ordered too. She disregarded higher ranking officers and proceeded to destroy thousands of credits worth of droid technology, droids they would have used on the battlefield.

This is the reason why you're being 'hated', which isn't true. You take RP far too personally and as I have spoken to you several times quietly, you shouldn't. Roleplay is intended for fun and as a hobby, not something that stresses you out. You as a writer should meditate on everything that stresses you about role-play and how you can change this. I don't appreciate the trash talking you've down about this situation. Nor is this post a finger up at you, this post is so that you may realise why your character was treated as she was and you can learn from the experience. The worst thing to ever do in RP is to take things personally. It's very poisonous. Trust me, I'd know, we've all done it before. I have.


Energizer Bunny on Caffeine
I'm still leaving. If I am taking this personally maybe I should just quit it before anything worse happens on all ends.

Nellja never joined was in this, I do not consider this cannon for her. Maybe without me you thread will run smoother.

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