Chrome Dome

Campfire Stories
Codian Moon
Tags: Open

"... and Tipoca city was lost to the waves of Kamino, taking their knowledge of the Jedi Purge with them. Of course, their cloning technology wouldn't vanish with them. The Empire would confiscate their tech and continue their experimentation... but that I believe is a story best saved for another time."
It was late into the evening hours at a trading outpost on the Codian Moon. It was a small port, one which saw very little traffic. The faming community was small in the area, with less of a focus on Reek breeding like further north. Here organic goods would be bartered with local neighbors, with travelers stopping by to fuel up for the journey ahead. Zel Sharratt was one such traveler, stopped for the night while his ship refueled as he began to prepare for a trip to the Galactic Core Worlds. The outpost had a campfire set up, with travelers gathered around exchanging stories of their adventures traveling the galaxy, mutterings of the paranormal and bizarre or tales of long lost loves. They were sailors, after all, just of a different variety.
Zel didn't tell old wives tales, however. He told stories of history and intrigue. The local children from the nearby farming settlement were gathered around, enamored by the wild and bizarre events that forged the Galaxy they lived in. The travelers at the outpost were less enthralled.
"He's been talking for hours," one Mirialan woman grumbled. "Does he ever get tired?"
"Just let the man speak," her Rodian companion sighed, hanging his head. "He's mandalorian. No way in hell we'd be able to shut him up."
Zel took no note of this. He was far too wrapped up in the telling of tales. It was the one way that history was preserved after all. When all records were raptured to the whims of time, even the most obscure could survive by word of mouth.
"Alright then," Zel continued, an enthusiasm in his tone, though his helmet remained static. "What else might I be able to tell..."
This is a pretty simple thread, one open to all writers who may want to sit around this lil campfire here and tell some fun stories. It's more of a creative writing exercise for people to have fun. This is a strictly no combat zone, so if you're thinking about rolling up with an insane Sith Lord or an imperial fleet I'd suggest rethinking. It would make me very sad for the vibes to be destroyed. Thanks in advance.