Damian looked to the tree lady, and then to Brooke… and then to Okkeus. Taking a deep breath he addressed Myri first,
"If you could just help the padawans as they have questions, help ease some pressure off me. I have to admit I'm new to this teaching thing, so I appreciate the help.."
And then he turned to Brooke. He was fairly certain she just showed up to spy on him, although for who he wasn’t sure. In the past she had worked for Marek, and might even technically be his employee now since he took over that man’s company. If she was still in Marek’s employ he wouldn’t put it past the lecher to have planted her as a honeypot. Still, his gut said Coren was behind this. The man liked to keep tabs on him in the most non personal way possible.
“Fishing is fine,” he said picking up a small branch, or a large stick depending on your point of view, and cutting a notch in the top. He jammed a smaller stick into it and with a shoelace began to tie it down making a four pronged wooden spear.
“At least use this if you’re going to fish.” He hurled the spear at the woman.
“And bring back some shells.”
And then his attention shifted to Okkeus.
“Sorry, coming!” he called walking over. Yup, he hated teaching. Damian inspected the shelter.
“For roofing there is a few rules of thumb, leaves or palm fronds should generally be positioned how they were growing, that way the water will wash properly. Also if you can see light through it you probably need more. For smaller leaves or things like thatching you need to make it thick, like a meter thick or more to guarantee that it won’t leak. Looks structurally sound though. Good job.”
Taking a deep breath, and stepping aside to not deafen Okkeus, he exhaled and whistled loudly to get everyone's attention.
“Everyone gather,”
Damian gathered the group around him and started to show them the various works he’d done.
“So for water there is no easy solution. You can make a filter with charcoal gathered from your fire, sand, and other materials. There is a few ways to make this and I suggest you consult a survival manual on it. I have two designs here, one using an old bottle another with sticks and cloth” Damian waved his hands to the filter.
“Now this is a filter, not a purifier. You’ll still need to boil the final product.”
Taking a deep breath he looked over at the hole he’d made in the ground.
“This is a solar still. It can get water from tree leaves and help to desalinate salt water.” The design was simple, water evaporated from the leaves and from any water you threw into the bit rising up and hitting the plastic sheeting which was shaped in a rough cone directing the droplets back into a cup or other container.
“To help purify and get rid of salt in water you can also use a variety of stills. Of course the best will have pipes but in a pinch you can use a mirror or more likely a piece of ship debris and bridge the gap between two containers. The mirror will catch water evaporating from the boiling salt water and then send it back into your second container both desalinated and pure. The principal here is you’re trying to get pure water evaporated from the dirty or salty water and can work in many different ways.” Damian waved his hand to two bottles set up one atop the other diagonal on a rock.
“Moving on, Miss Waters has volunteered to take you all spear fishing. I’d like you to examine the design of this four pronged fishing spear, fashion one, and take to the water.” He wondered how long that would last. The island was nice and warm, the water was frigid. Chattering teeth would no doubt follow.
"Oh!" he called out,
"Also gather any shells you find and put any edibles you find on the island over here," he lifted up a basket to show the others where he meant. Satisfied now he walked over to his folding chair and sat down watching everything play out.
Brooke Waters
Okkeus Dainlei
Caden Evesa
Myri Oakheart
OOC: Sorry it took so long. Some people dropped out and I was feeling a bit poorly.