Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Can droids be sensed by the force?


This character is a really old Dark Apex, just waiting for my rank title before I start RPing him however. Been around since the early Old Republic, frozen in carbonite xD

Just saying since Silara stated her specialties XD


Well-Known Member
What's wrong with blind ladies in video games, [member="Fabula Caromed"]? They're people too!

And honestly I forgot that Yoda mentioned the connection of the force to the X-Wing. I remembered the rocks and how it's interconnected, but for some reason I attributed that to organic materials, not fabricated metals.



Pfft... Darth Spiders... Why does that sound more evil than Anarchis suddenly?
Because [member="Darth Anarchis"] this-

So, fun fact. I was reading Patterns of Force, and it turns out that, when it comes to rare droids that achieve sentience, Forcers can feel their emotions/intentions. Puts an interesting spin on 4-LOM's vision and Luke always understanding R2, doesn't it.
Jorus Merrill said:
So, fun fact. I was reading Patterns of Force, and it turns out that, when it comes to rare droids that achieve sentience, Forcers can feel their emotions/intentions. Puts an interesting spin on 4-LOM's vision and Luke always understanding R2, doesn't it.

My mind is still blown over this.

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