Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Can one of your characters RP with another of your characters?


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
I did had HK talk to some of my other alts in passing before, same with [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"], I have seen her and her alt Elpy have a chat at least a couple of times.

Just talking is fine but you should probably stay away from using your other characters to help your main one by bringing reinforcements to them or acquire tech for them if the only thing that connects them is just the fact that you write both of them, that's a pretty bad form in my opinion.

Also, [member="Cira"], you should organize a tournament that's entirely composed of your alts battling each other


Disney's Princess


The line between NPC and PC on this website is extremely fluid and limited only by the use of your own imagination. Go nuts.

Word of warning though. PvP Protection from Insta-Death has routinely only extended to your currently participating Character Account. Any NPCs you bring into a gunfight who are not your current avatar? Um... Usually die the grizzly deaths of tissue paper people. Ye haz ben warnnzed! :D :p

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