Objective: 1
Enemies: [member="Andanian Ategann"], [member="Harmon Taldan"]
Allies: One Sith
The familiar soldier hurled forward by Abelain seemed to land in a crash, folding in much the same way that one would expect of a child's plaything. The force of the sudden stop and the voice of the fellow seemed to indicate that he would be out of the fight, at least temporarily. That was perfectly acceptable, less of a hindrance of the main event of combat between the Arue'tii and Harmon Taldan. The Jedi soldier had thrown himself with surprising maneuverability, landing propped upon his right knee and immediately taking aim at his foe. The crimson blade that shielded the face of the Arue'tii managed to catch the first shot of Taldan's revolving weaponry, absorbing the blow and pushing the blade back precariously close to his chitinous face. The second shot was not deflected by the blade, and struck the charging explorer directly in the left cheek. It was a direct hit, but the only physical evidence that it had struck was the light smoke that curled off of the cheek for a brief moment. The chitin had not even charred.
Curiously, however, the blow had managed to cause an involuntary flinch as Abelain attempted to swerve away from a blast which could apparently not even harm him. The subtle protection of the face seemed to indicate a potential weak point there that could be exploited, though with all potential orifices apparently covered, an assailant would be hard-pressed to determine what consisted of that hole in the exoskeleton's defense. The flinch had brought the explorer off course, and to the direct right of Harmon. Abelain slashed both blades through the air and towards their respective targets, the left hand clutching at the Sith vibroblade and swinging towards Harmon's midsection, about the navel cavity, and the lightsaber awkwardly slashing in a down-right to top-left diagonal aimed at Harmon's left arm, though the blow was marked by inexperience with such weapons, were it to make contact it could potentially sever the arm.
The Arue'tii cared not for defense, it was far too prideful to feel threatened by the petty weapons of inferiors, even if they did cause tangible pain. For a brief moment he considered responding to the words of the Jedi, debating on whether it was owed or reasonable to speak in such a heated conflict. The answer was quickly assumed to be a negative, but the Arue'tii had trouble in allowing for his morals to be questioned, even if it would technically present a slight danger to his fighting via focusing his mind on other subjects. He replied as he attempted his blows, speaking through the closed and toothy 'smile' stretched upon his face: "You presume to know me, though it is simple fact that we have only just met. You assume that you possess the moral high ground, though in reality you know not of my intentions. I do not pursue power as a goal, such a thing is futile, rather, I pursue power as a means to a goal. If you truly believe that you are not at fault morally, then please explain to me who is the aggressor of this conflict, and how many lives are to be blamed on the initiator of the struggle. Your thoughts are tainted with bias and falsities, though I would expect nothing greater of your kind."