Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Canon Ships

So most of know about the rule where only a major faction can have and use a ship over 1000m (I think this is the number). This is a reasonable rule, yes. However, perhaps an exception should be made for this with canon ships.

Right now, the rules dictate that if someone wants to have a canon ship over 1000m they have to be a member of a major faction (and essentially allow said faction to have at least moderate control of it). I don't think this is a good policy. I see why the rule is there, making sure one guy can't just have his own star destroyer and essentially become a one-man major faction. However, this now prevents some people from being able to own their own large canon ship without signing it over to major fac.

This is what I propose:

A PC can have a canon ship over 1000m (nothing completely ridiculous, no Death Stars) if the following requirements are met:

1. A significant amount of development is put into this (x-amount of posts or more) that include rationale as to how the PC can

a. Obtain the ship

b. Make the ship operational again and (as most older canon ships will be in total and complete disrepair by now)

c. Get a large enough crew to operate it

d. Store the ship somewhere where it can dock

2. It cannot be "The unnamed ship Shaak Ti used in one fleet battle and then was never seen again." It has to be a ship with enough significance to make it more than something someone would just want to have a powerful ship. The personal flagship of Darth Vader would be acceptable. Consult a Factory Judge/Admin if you want to see if the ship you want is fine to possess.

3. Only one canon ship per writer (not including small ships such as the Ebon Hawk)

4. (Possible rule) A canon ship will take up two out of the writer's five canon item slots

*Please note all standard Factory rules apply. No superweapons, please.

Any thoughts on this? Ideas of what to maybe add? Post here!
I would think adding something about them having a company/buisness with enough funding and income to be able to upkeep such a large ship would be a good idea.

[member="Lord Ajihad"]
The question is why do people need to individually own a ship the size of a star destroyer? The very reason those ships were constructed were for war and nothing more. 1000 meters is HUGE and has no business being a characters personal use vessel in almost any circumstance.

I can understand the idea behind it, but there's really no realistic reason for someone to personally own a ship the size of a star destroyer.
Jamie Pyne said:
Yeah, that'd be part of it alright.

Keep in mind that this rule would probably be utilized by minor faction more so than individuals. Minor factions are only allowed to have smaller ships, but they might want to have something big and symbolic at the head of their fleet. So most of the time it wouldn't be operated by a lone man, but a larger group previously restricted by the rules.

Another reason is the same reason why people want canon items in general. Because they are canon items. They're the same stuff you see in the officially licensed star wars movies and video games, and you want your character to have the same stuff you see on the screen.


Disney's Princess
[member="Lord Ajihad"]

The limit of ship for joining a Major Faction 3000 m. This is ridiculous in excess and open-ended to infinity. It requires no post-count, no experience, zero rank, and is unenforceable to the extreme. You would literally have to be kicked out of a Major Faction to lose your ship access. AND, your alternatives are the personal use of ANY vessel <1000 meters by instantly joining, (or creating,) a Minor Faction. At will.

*mind explodes*

Dude. Just join ANY Major Faction and start Fleeting bby. This process could not be easier.
[member="Kira Vaal"]

This is where a minor faction or company could come into play

[member="Jay Scott Clark"]

As much I think this is an easy solution as any, I think it is best to keep OOC rules from affecting IC activity as much as possible. Say Bob finds Obi Wan Kenobi's flagship from the Clone Wars. Bob is part of a minor lightside faction, and they have the resources to repair the ship once again. So why would Bob want to join the GR (or another major faction)? Just so he could operate the ship?
Factory Judge
[member="Lord Ajihad"],

Major faction has the resources to fund ships up to 3000m. Minor factions won't have that kind of money or amounts of resources.

IE, Major factions "Own" the ship, and you fly if for them because they are paying for you to use it. The rules were set up not just to limit what a single man can do, but because a single man reasonably can't own a single ship by himself without a higher tier company, or being part of a faction that pays to let him fly it, but him working for them.

I am against this because of this idea, and I don't want everyone and their grandma owning a 17 km Darth Vader Replica of his Flagship.

I love the idea of fleeting, however, I hate it where fleeting is all about "I have the bigger manhood ship than you do" instead of a single ship that can infiltrate a much larger ship and take it down from the inside out.

[member="Zephyr Carrick"]

To prevent something like this, there could be an extended limit of ship size for minor factions with canon ships (I.E 3000m)

[member="Kira Vaal"]

Of course, the repair of a ship like that wouldn't be a quick finger-snap. It would take IC months to do so, as well as a substantial amount of resources. And I wouldn't always measure a faction's resources on whether it is minor or major. Sure, a minor faction that is 4 PC members who are the crew of a pirate ship couldn't undertake something like this. However, a minor faction with enough resources (like the recently downgraded TU or Cartel) could repair a broken Star Destroyer with enough effort.
Factory Judge
[member="Lord Ajihad"], so canon ships get to be over the size of all other normal ships?

That is meaning people who find this get the special ship and break the rule of ships only allowed 1000 meters and smaller with a minor faction.

Once again, No.

You are circumnavigating the rules because "its a canon ship" as your premise.
Zephyr Carrick said:
You are circumnavigating the rules because "its a canon ship" as your premise.
Not really, you're trying to twist my intentions.

The idea behind this is to allow people who don't want to have to ICly join a major faction to have canon ships. Can this be used to circumvent the rules? Yes. But that's why a rule would be in place to make it take up multiple canon item spots, and limit the number to one per person. If someone wants to blow a few of their spots just so they can have a longer ship, then that's their loss.
Factory Judge
Lord Ajihad said:
Can this be used to circumvent the rules? Yes.
I end my argument here. The rules are set in place for a reason. Creating ways to get around it is not what this site is about. Even if the ship were to take up five entire spots on their listing, I still would not agree to this. Simply because IC, you cannot support enough credits to pay for the food to man the ship, the fuel to keep it running, pay men to man it, stock the ship with weapons, pay for energy cells to power said weapons, Pay fees to have the ship over orbit of a planet do you do own. Hold other ships to have a full fledged fleet, and support those squads to fight for you.

Now, if you want to continue this, and try to get other staff to support your decision, that is fine, but I am against this because I do not see it within reason.
Zephyr Carrick said:
you cannot support enough credits to pay for the food to man the ship
That'd be a generalization, mon ami.

Some people could, some people couldn't. Hence the rationale rule. If some bounty hunter tried to buy it, then I'd be with you 100%. No way they could even remotely afford it. However, saying the owner of a highly successful company or non-major faction couldn't if they decided to invest into this? I bet they could.
Factory Judge
[member="Lord Ajihad"], The only two people who I know of who could successfully do this, is probably [member="Danger Arceneau"], and [member="Alric Kuhn"].

They both have companies that would tear a hole in space and time through the economy of this star wars site with a flick of their wrist.

In fact, Danger had made a bounty worth a billion credits to have a raid against another company, and tear it to the ground. The thread was successful, and the company that was torn down is quite literally no longer active.


Alric Kuhn

Handsome K'lor'slug
Lord Ajihad said:
However, saying the owner of a highly successful company or non-major faction couldn't if they decided to invest into this? I bet they could.
According to the rules, Companies can already own ships in excess of 1600m.

Your argument and your request is already taken care of by your own case. Companies can already own larger vessels and as you said other entities likely wouldn't be able to.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
I've built the better part of four Tier Six corporations; I'm an ambitious guy. But 99.9% of my ambitions fit comfortably inside the company ship length and fleet limitations. There's tons of room.
The obvious counter-argument that no one seems to be acknowledging for the "No one outside a major faction would be able to man/operate a ship that big" is Booster Terrik. He not only manned and operated an Impstar-II, but he did it from 7 ABY well into the Yuuzhan Vong war. So the feat is far from impossible.

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