House Zambrano

Image Source: Spiritual City by JJasso
Intent: To create an update for the old submission for an important city as well as flesh out the domain of the Panathan Empire.
Links: N/A
Name: Canthar, Capital City
Classification: Metropolis
Affiliation: Panathan Empire (De Facto), First Order (De Jure)
Demographics: 95% Epicanthix, 2% Human, 3% Other
Location: Panatha; Central continent of Kavkruvk, south of the Highlands and the Iron Mountains.
Population: Metropolis
Points of Interest:
Hasi’ Sulemi: The largest standing structure in the entire city. Originally the Hasi' Sulemi acted as the great temple to revere the divine pantheon and where the epicanthix would come to worship their gods. After Kaine Zambrano’s ascension to God-King it has been completely repurposed. The ziggurat has become the administrative center for Panatha and the entire empire.
Additionally the lower levels of the original structure where worship of the gods was conducted were repurposed into a great religious temple of worship for the revered God-King and God-Prince.
Blackstone Keep: Known for the infamous black stone and metal that was used in its construction. This keep was formed shortly after Kaine Zambrano I's conquering of Panatha as the headquarters of the God-King's private army the Blackblade Guard known then as The Holdfast of the Blackblade.
Many years later after the completion of the new Vain Hollow Citadel and the resurrection of Kaine Zambrano the headquarters of the Blackblade Guard was moved closer to the citadel into a more strategic location leaving this structure vacant. Blackstone Keep now serves as the headquarters of the Royal Army and Navy High Command.
Temples of the Divines: After the conversion of the Great Temple into an administrative center worship of the other gods fell back on the many independent churches located throughout the city. These structures were built up and each is an large and independent structure devoted to their respective god.
The Grand Colosseum: A familiar sight in the capital city for countless centuries, the Grand Colosseum was the brain child of the first Zambrano to sit on the throne of Panatha Magnus Zambrano. As a warrior culture the colosseum was a place where all could come and test their mettle gladiators and volunteers alike, all for the excitement of the crowds. After his death and the subsequent war against the vile usurper his own son Solomon Zambrano the First by galactic authorities, the structure over the years fell into disrepair.
After the proclamation of God-King Kaine Zambrano and the new God-Prince Braxus Zambrano many years later, one of the first major projects of his rule was the restoration and modernization of the colosseum. The colosseum was once more brought back from ruin even bigger and better than before, and now stands as a symbol of the golden age Panatha enjoys under the rule of House Zambrano.
Canthar Starport: Originally the spaceport of Canthar was small and only standard in quality but even that was a stretch. After the takeover of the new government under House Zambrano, it became one of many improvements in urban development it’s size and quality growing to that of an Imperial-Class.
Imperial Harbor: The largest naval shipyard for water vessels on Panatha. It was renamed under orders of the God-King to Blackblade Harbor during his reign, sharing its name with his own infamous legion. Originally its purpose was to house water vessels manned by the Blackblade Guard in the event of an uprising. However in recent years with the return of the God-King and the moving of the Blackblades out of Canthar entirely, it was repurposed.
The shipdeclassified as a military installation and now serves as the water shipyard for all of Panatha to use and its namesake renamed once more to the Imperial Shipyard.
DESCRIPTION: As it stands today Canthar is one of the greatest symbols of the good the totalitarian way can bring. An archaic and failing city was completely modernized its ancient and archaic design modernized and one could even say Imperialized. Where stone buildings once held dominance now came the tall metal spires and duracrete streets that were the majority. The ancient designs were swept away in favor of the Imperial way favored by the God-King.
Everything was improved and expanded to reflect the growing population of Panatha, especially as more immigrants and many different species of people came to trade on the crown jewel of the Pacanth Reach. While the Epicanthix people are still the majority population, other near human species and even alien peoples can be found making a home in the safety and security that the Panathan Empire brings them.
HISTORY: Before there was Canthar the land that the city was built upon was originally owned by the Canthar Clan, led by the legendary Warrior-Poet Canthar. During this turbulent time in Panatha’s history the planet was fractured and divided by various Kingdoms rising out of the ancient Clans whose bloodlines could be traced back thousands of years.
The Kingdom of Canthar was one of the largest of these kingdoms situated in an region of land that was extremely valuable, and highly sought after which attributed to their great success in expansion and development. For many years the line of Canthar enjoyed a position of dominance among its rival Kingdoms many of whom sought them out for treaties of peace, as well as offerings of tribute to ensure the wrath of Canthar was not brought down upon them.
However the last days of Canthar as a great and independent power came with the arrival of Magnus Zambrano, also known as Magnus the Red. Magnus Zambrano I served as the greatest and the most brutal general under King Desiderius of Cropis. During the time where the Epicanthix were at war with the native Fanalis it was Mangus with his son Solomon Zambrano I at his side who led the charge against the invaders.
Magnus brutal methods and ingenious strategy, along with his unmatched prowess in battle were solely responsible for the triumph of the Epicanthix over the Fanalis, enslaving those who stayed on the surface and pushing the others right back to their homeworld. After being named a war hero and achieving legendary status on Panatha was appointed by King Desiderius to his royal court. However when the man died a short few years later and without an heir, Magnus was one of the few who claimed his throne. Due to his legendary status and feared reputation he went unchallenged.
So began the Unification War.
King Magnus the Red began what at the time was one of the bloodiest wars in Epicanthix history conquering the kingdoms one by one each given the choice: Kneel or die. The Kingdom of Canthar was obliterated that day, swept away into the shadows its territory holding the new and massive Canthar City. For his unprecedented work in urban development and reform across Panatha he was known as Magnus the Great. But truly his tale is one of tragedy after he was betrayed the flesh stripped from his bones by the new sorcerous powers of his son, the now self declared god of death Nemeroth.
Ultimately through the aid of Jedi Nemeroth was thrown down and the Zambranos cast out. For countless centuries after the quality of life in Canthar decreased gradually as pursuits of urban development, and a declining economy following the brutal war that saw the Galactic Federation at the time depose Solomon left Panatha in ruins. However the prophetic return to greatness came many years later when Kaine Zambrano I, a Sith Lord of great power returned to Panatha at the head of a vast legion carrying banners of the Sith Empire. Kaine and his unstoppable horde conquered all of the Pacanth Reach, when he was crowned as the God-King of all the Epicanthix.
The Golden Age finally returned. [member="Darth Carnifex"] and his designated heir the God-Prince Braxus Zambrano I led an unprecedented effort to completely modernize and uplift his people from the squalor they lived in. There was no dithering council or political games among ruling politicians to stay his hand, his words became law and his will the driving force of change. Canthar was most affected by the economic greatness and unprecedented urban development these new monarchs brought.