Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  • Intent: To flesh out the Corporate Sector.
  • Image Credit: The Last Jedi
  • Canon: x
  • Links: /
  • City Name: Canto Bight
  • Classification: Coastal City
  • Location: Cantonica
  • Affiliation: Corporate Sector Authority, The Sith Empire, Antigone L.L.C.
  • Population: Heavy.
  • Demographics: Since the inclusion of Cantonica to the Sith Empire Canto Bight has seen an influx of wealthy aliens into its ranks. Its demographics shifted from a primarily human catering, to a diverse who-is-who population of species. From wealthy Hutts to successful Twi'leks, the split seems to be about fifty-fifty now. Fifty percent humans or near-humans and the other half is made-up of aliens from every strata.
  • Wealth: Wealthy. As a famous resort city Canto Bight attracts the wealthy and influential into its borders. From casinos to race tracks and more the rich love to spend their money here.
  • Stability: High. If there is one thing wealth hates it is instability. Canto Bight is tightly regulated, policed and overseen by the Corporate Sector Authority, ensuring that any potential problems are immediately squashed with as little as fuss as possible. Didact Defense Solutions oversees the regular functions of the Canto Bight Police Department. Few people are interested in harming the cash cow of the Authority.
  • Freedom & Oppression: The city is one of contrasts. On one side you have the ultra-rich, which flow into the city from every corner of the galaxy to spend their money (ill-gotten or not). They have a lot of leeway in the city. As long as they pay their bills, don't rack up debts they cannot fulfill, there isn't much they can't get away with. Money makes a lot of problems go away. On the flip side you have the under classes. The slaves and contractors and regular workers that ensure Canto Bight operates efficiently. The slaves have little to no freedom. They work long hours and are discarded at the drop of a hat. The contractors and regular workers are not much better off- their income mostly comes in the form of city-mandated credits, that can only be spend within the city. This only underlines their dependence to Canto Bight and the Corporate Sector Authority. Any potential for reform went away completely after the Sith Empire added the CSA to their territory. The Authority has been granted far more leeway to conduct their business now. As long as the taxes keep flowing.
  • Description: A coastal city some distance away from a large and scenic waterfall Canto Bight has been a staple in the resort business for a long time. Large casinos, underground gladiator pits, race tracks and more. If there is a way to part a wealthy sentient from their money? Canto Bight probably either invented or perfected the practice.
Canto Bight Police Headquarters - Since about five years ago the Canto Bight police headquarters went through an extensive list of renovations. A few centuries of the Gulag Plague, followed by decades of neglect had made it little more than a run-down fort on top of a hill. In cooperation with the Corporate Sector Authority Didact Defense Solutions rebuild the headquarters, updating its specs and expanding it extensively. While already seen as the largest jail and security complex on the world, Didact's work enlarged this role even more. By the time they were done the police headquarters was informally referred to as the Fortress.

Underground Gladiator Pits - Part of the reconstruction efforts went into expanding the city downward. Large cavernous sections were carved out in the bedrock of the hills surrounding the landside of Canto Bight. These were filled with new joys and pleasures. With the tentative legalization of some forms of slavery, the Zygerrian Empire began supplying the new fighting pits of Canto Bight with warriors for their blood sports. These events are exclusive, needing specific approval (bought or granted) before allowed entry. Its cavernous location ensures that the more squeamish of sentient can safely ignore what happens. Ignorance is bliss for some, wrapping themselves in it leaves them at peace.

Canto Bight Spaceport - After an increase in traffic the spaceport had to be enlarged to handle it. As the capital city of Cantonica and its new role as a linchpin in trade within the Sith Empire this became even more important. Much of the trade that goes through the Tingel Arm passes by Cantonica (and as a result through Canto Bight) on its way to its destinations. Large warehouses build underground for preservation purposes, ensuring that the guests and clientele always have everything they might ever want. Landing platforms to accept thousands upon thousands of wealthy sentients. The spaceport was open for business. The lower levels are connected to the underground gladiator pits as well. Ensuring a private transition- allowing rich guests to pass through without tipping off their presence. Privacy is rather important, after all.

[ High ]

  • Biometric security systems.
  • Security cameras.
  • Didact security personnel.
  • Canto Bight Police forces.
  • Alarms.
  • Light anti-air emplacements.
  • Stun anti-personnel emplacements.
  • Standard droid security forces.
Canto Bight has been a fixture in the recreational ecosystem for centuries.

Throughout the Gulag Plague it has served as an isolated survivor's zone, a pirate base and a penal colony, depending on which group became dominant throughout the chaos and darkness. After the Plague became dormant the Tingel Arm began the slow process of reconstruction. Canto's position on the artificial sea lend it an obvious scenic atmosphere. It didn't take long, before it was once more began to operate as a resort. It fell on hard times- few were truly thinking of going vacationing, while the galaxy was still in ruins around it.

But the rich and the corrupt always find a way on top. The rise of the first Sith Empire kick-started this process. Powerful Sith Lords, wealthy Imperials, they all vacationed in Canto Bight. Why travel halfway across the Galaxy, through numerous hostile nations, while there was Canto Bight just around the corner? The fall of the Empire did little to stem this tide.

Imperials and Sith were replaced by entrepreneurs, industrialists and crime lords.

About a decade ago large renovation projects began. They expanded much of the city, deeper mainland, downward, to accommodate the rising tide. While the Galaxy had first been a hostile place to pleasure... people were growing tired of the constant war and strife. The chaotic endless wars of the past were growing to a still. Instead of the fires of war spreading through the Galaxy, they were reserved for mere flashpoints. Hostilities centered around a handful of contested worlds. Contained, isolated, the rich no longer needed to worry.

There were others to fight their wars for them.

In the meantime? Canto Bight served them with all their needs.
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