Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Approved NPC Captain Nexu

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[member="Lord Ajihad"]

Not entirely on kilter for my needs, but I'm a fan of compromise.

Overall, I'm not too excited about the notion that this guy doesn't get any links for dev. As I feel you've had the time for it, it should be there somewhere. However, given how long this is taking, I sort of feel like this is dev in and of itself. And, he's not an overly powerful individual. I find his general personality to be somewhat perplexing and often paradoxical - not in the traits themselves, but more in how you have described him. Having a man be both honorable and a rampant gambler in combat seems odd to me.'s not my character. It's yours, so feel free to proceed whimsically and what not.

Approved pending seconding.
[member="Lord Ajihad"]
I agree with @Reverance. I'm not very happy with the time taken (over a month) and the lack of an actual result.

I am going to approve this because it is not an overly powerful character, but do not try this sort of thing again in the Codex.

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