Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Care Bear Stare (Junction Reinvasion OOC)

Nisha Decrilla

Jaxton Ravos said:
I've been spending the day with my girlfriend. I'm not gone until friday, but I wasn't here for most of the day. I've been waiting for you to respond to the frame of Anaya before I posted though. Way I see it I should have a 100+ pound advantage on you, but you didn't specify how much your character weighed(and hence how muscley she was).
she doesn't weigh much, to be honest its not the sort of thing I think about. She's slender, slightly muscled and can hold her own. strength isn't every thing :)

Akaan'ade Be'Solus

Anaya Fen said:
she doesn't weigh much, to be honest its not the sort of thing I think about. She's slender, slightly muscled and can hold her own. strength isn't every thing :)
If you're arm-wrestling a Rancor, then it probably is. If you're fighting someone, then it's usually very important, alongside skill and guile.
Emberli Garett said:
^Can be everything depending on what you're trying to do

Jorn Mair

I also said Jorn is 25?

*Cowers in corrrner and said in a winey voice* Please dont yell at me.

Jorn Mair

400 years my ass your doing it with her now in the middle of a battle field. <_< She came with them She is them and you lay with her? I would under stand a dark jedi and a Sith or a Mando and a Jedi but a Mando and a SIth? no. never thought that would happen. BUT IT STILL DOES!

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