Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Care Bear Stare (Junction Reinvasion OOC)

Just throwing it out there; the death of the Grandmaster, while easily felt, is not something that would suddenly tip the balance in favor of the Sith, as Teferi was not a user of Battle Meditation, nor would his death contribute to a powerful Dark Side aura.
Well, I don't really consider my actions in most of my threads canon as Vyperion, due to having to assume I'm already there. So the ship is REALLY still on the Sith controlled planet Vyperion MK III was made on in a hangar guarded by a small army of droids.
Well, considering the time that the invasion was made and the time I joined the site in general, I joined the Sith Empire first, well, technically the Corporate Security Alliance first, but that is not my point. My point is every Open thread I joined is really an alternate 'first stop' for Vyperion after leaving his home planet, and in the lightsaber thread, he is still on that planet. Plus, I made the ship before joinin' most of those threads XD

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