Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Carn Taur

NAME: Carn Taur

FACTION: Dark Moon Legion

RANK: General (merc leader)

SPECIES: Iktotchi

AGE: 32

SEX: male

HEIGHT: 1.80m

WEIGHT: 90kg

EYES: green

HAIR: none

SKIN: light brown




Pilot: Having learned to fly in the Iktothci army, Carn was revealed to be a ace, having one of the biggest kill counts in the Iktothci army

Army training: being a former marine in the Iktothci army, Carn
has a good combat training and a large amount of field experience.

Skull: his skull has two large horns wich can be used in a fight, also the Iktothci skull is made to be hammered against a rival of the species, making it able to bend weak metals.


His ship: his ship is one of his most beloved possesings and if anything would happen to it he would probably end his live.

Arrogant: being a former marine, Carn things there is nobody that could defeat him, which isn't true.

His body is very muscular due to his military training, and he still keeps practicing. He has a normal body structur and he's easy to spot because of his large horns that are on his skull. He wears a tactical Iktochi type of clothes, witch is filled with electronic devices and weapons.

A veteran to the Iktothci marine corps and the spacy, having been recruited to the marine after pasing a test of inteligence; strenght and determinacion, Carn has a lot of field experience since he was one of the best.
Having retired in his prime, he desired to find a way to make more money.
After looking for about a year for a job, a smuggler hired him to protect his bussiness. The mission was acording to plan until the ship was boarded by a small group of pirats who demanded the goods in exchange for the crews live.
Carn did his job and in the end he freed the galaxy from 4 pirats. To show his gratitude the captain of the ship offered him two old clone wars era hand blasters, wich surprisingly still worked.
He decided to keep doing this kind of jobs since his enemys where usualy not a match for him (pourly trained thieves) and the paiments where good.
After a year working on his own, a task given to him, made Carn look for other people like him to team up with. He barely survived the attempt to hunt a gangster down, his enemy had help from his fellow gang members, and he only survived because of the help of the local police. With the money of this job he bought a Mandalorian ship named "Half Moon", wich he was very proud of.
After some years Taur got tired of the danger and so he decided to stop beeing the on his own and create a Merc group, and now he's looking for members for the Dark Moon Legion. He named it after his dark painted ship.

Kom'rk-class (mandalorian fighter)

Two DC-17 hand blasters (same model as captain rex's blasters)

3 Anooba
Named: Ghost (white fur, male); Combo (dark fur, male) and Sandstorm (brown fur, female)




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