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Carrie Fisher, 60, Has Died

skin, bone, and arrogance
I'm not usually the type to go to pieces at the death of every famous person, but I have to tell you, this one got me right in the feels. I've adored Princess Leia since the moment I first saw Star WArs. She was a Princess (like me ;)) and a badass (like I wanted to be) all at the same time. She was rescued but she wasn't a damsel -- she was captured not because she was a girl or a princess but because she was doing something more ass-kicking an either Luke or Han had ever done (or, in my opinion, have done since). She was a leader, a fighter, and not a victim or a trope. She got the job done. In short, she was a vision, and it was all because of Carrie Fisher's portrayal of her.

As I grew up I learned more about Carrie Fisher, about her family life and her struggles but I was always so impressed that she was so open and honest and really quite graceful about the things she had experienced. Through it all, she made amazing contributions to culture, not just through Star Wars (though, I admit, I will always think of her as Princess Leia, the hero my little 10 year old heart wanted me to grow up to be) but through cinema and literature as well. Her work as a script-doctor wasn't very well-known but her fingerprints can be seen in films across the years, and her books (at least the ones I've read) are classic her. I can almost hear her, slightly gravelly, tongue planted firmly in cheek, speaking from the pages. I don't mean to wax poetic or be melodramatic; I really am just obliterated by the fact that she has died, just when she seemed to be getting back into a good place, to have a handle on her illness and to be just blossoming again. To die just as you were opening a new chapter in life, is -- it's not fair. It's just not fair.

I feel like I learned a lot from watching her: how loss doesn't have to ruin you, and how addiction doesn't have to define you, and how you can embrace or reject or come to own the things you did when you were nineteen, instead of letting it own you. She was all those things people say in famous peoples' eulogies, but she was really: larger than life, a remarkable talent, someone I felt a connection to even though we never met. There will never be another like her.​


OOC Writer Account
This woman was a part of my childhood and I'll always remember Carrie for the first time I saw her as Princess Leia when I was younger with her iconic hair buns. May Carrie's legacy be one that shines bright amongst the stars and preserved for this century and beyond.
I feel at this point I can only echo and wholeheartedly agree with [member="Natasi Fortan"] who has encapsulate most of my on feelings. In her spirited performance of Princess Leia she was a childhood hero of mine and she became an adult inspiration as I learned of her struggles and triumphs with and over her personal problems and addictions.

I never met her and never had any kind of actual interpersonal relationship with her, but her death has genuinely and deeply upset me. I have been crying intermittently since I heard the news, as I realize that this has indeed happened, something that has never occurred for me over the death of a celebrity thousands of kilometres away across the sea.

Carrie Fisher will always be Princess Leia to me, she will always be the indispensable element that made her so beloved heroic and devoted freedom fighter a key part of what set aflame my lifelong love of all things Star Wars. But perhaps more importantly for my and so many other's real lives, she will always be a symbol to never give up, to never let your demons define you, and to create and own who you are. She deserved so much more in this, her new and bright chapter of her life, but all I can do for her now is send my deepest condolences to her family and friends.

Before I ramble on too much, likely just repeating what Natasi has already said in a decidedly less eloquent manner, I will conclude by again repeating my sadness at her passing and offering my condolences for her family and friends, she will be remembered by myself and millions of others for her portrayal of that amazing princess, and for her amazing life and personal character.
We lose Count Dooku last year and now on the verge of the new year we lose Carrie Fisher. I can't believe she's gone I was just reading about her hospitalization the other day and I remember thinking "She'll be okay and she'll be better in no time!" Now that it's happened I'm shocked. She was truly an icon of the Star Wars universe. When I saw the original trilogy in my youth the trio of Luke Leia and Han were legendary. She will be missed by all and the void of her presence felt in years to come.
Tide Bringer (Protector of Mon Cala)
This year has just been too much, it has now claimed R2D2 and now Princess Leia. Carrie Fisher will be missed so very dearly. If I ever have a daughter of my own someday I will show her Star Wars and hope she will be fascinated and amazed with this female legend, as much as I have.
"The book excerpt continues: “Now I think that this would make for a fantastic obit — so I tell my younger friends that no matter how I go, I want it reported that I drowned in moonlight, strangled by my own bra.”

So sad today.

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