Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Casimir Heliobas


NAME: Casimir Heliobas

FACTION: The Jedi Order (formerly Grayson Imperium)

RANK: (Fraudulent) Jedi Master

SPECIES: Shi’ido


AGE: 187

SEX: Male

HEIGHT: 6'3" (Varies)

WEIGHT: Varies

EYES: Blue (Varies)

HAIR: Gray-streaked brown (Varies)

SKIN: Tanned (Varies)


LANGUAGES: Shi-idese, Galactic Basic


+/- Shapeshifter: As a Shi’ido, he has the ability to alter his appearance at will, with virtually no limits to his capabilities. He can increase and decrease his mass, change his coloring, and imitate any other species. These transformations require total concentration, and while there is no time limit to how long he can hold a particular form, the longer he remains in one particular shape, the more difficult it will be for him to change into another. Additionally, for more detailed transformations, he requires a visual reference.
+/- Limited Telepathy: A natural ability for his species aimed at making disguises more convincing (such as when posing as a member of a species which relies on smell to recognize an individual). Requires concentration that can be easily broken if they are distracted. This ability cannot be used to block the mind tricks/mental probing of Force users.
+ Compassionate: A Jedi should not allow the glory of battle and the grandiosity of politics to get in the way of saving the lives of ordinary citizens. Heliobas devotes much of his time to helping others and is always there to provide an extra hand should the need arise.
+ Stoic: He can maintain the appearance of calm in the most difficult of situations, even if he is really panicking on the inside.
+ Orator’s Voice: Whether he’s carrying on a lively conversation or reading hyperspace coordinates aloud, he can hold the listener’s interest indefinitely simply by the power of his voice. Listening to him makes one want to trust him, and it helps considerably in making him seem more charismatic and persuasive. This is one trait he always tries to keep regardless of his physical appearance - though he will change his voice accordingly to fit a new form, he will still try to sound pleasing to the ear.
- Fraud: He presents himself as a wise old Jedi master, but this is not true. He is using his abilities as a shapeshifter and his knowledge of how the Jedi and the Force work to deceive others. Under the right circumstances, others may see through his disguise - it is, after all, only skin deep.
- Dogmatic: He might be described as a “Jedi fundamentalist”. This is because he is trying too hard.
- Aloof: Despite his serene disposition and predilection for kindness, Heliobas can't seem to make friends. He has difficulty in social settings and generally doesn't talk to people all that much. Expect him to also go AWOL at random times.
- Weak Force Connection: The nature of Heliobas' Force sensitivity is... complicated. He can't do much with it as far as powers go. In addition, he has had no formal training, though he seems to have picked up enough that he has some basic abilities, including the ability to place himself in a healing trance.
* Mysterious Background: There are no records of him available, though this can be easily explained as the records having simply been lost. Still, some may find him intriguing enough to seek out more information on his past...
* Music Junkie: While he does not play any instruments or sing, he is an avid music enthusiast. His interest spans across all genres, regardless of species or cultural origin.

Much could be gleaned from simply observing Heliobas as he spoke. Tall, statuesque, and bestowed with a booming baritone voice, he had the larger-than-life charisma of a stage actor who must speak his carefully worded lines clearly and loudly to be heard, as well as using grandiose gestures to convey their meaning.

These unusual, almost anachronistic mannerisms, coupled with his habit of not quite looking directly at anyone as he spoke, made him seem somewhat aloof and unapproachable. But there was something admirable about the absolute conviction he poured into every word.
—Casimir Heliobas, "All That Remains"

As a Shi’ido, Heliobas’ appearance can vary wildly. To members of the Alliance and the Jedi Order, he presents himself in the form of a senior human male with gray hair, a beard, and blue eyes. His distinct booming baritone, an orator’s voice designed to be persuasive and authoritative, is his most memorable trait.

Arimanes Bosch (later Casimir Heliobas) was born on Lao-Mon, a remote planet at the very edge of the galaxy. His species, the Shi’ido, have managed to avoid getting involved in galactic politics for the majority of their history, thanks to the isolation of their world and their shapeshifting abilities, which make hiding in plain sight possible.

From a young age Bosch displayed curiosity about science, as well as a deep desire to explore and learn which placed him at odds with his family and friends, who were inclined to stay at home. Twenty years ago, he left Lao-Mon in order to study abroad. After graduating from a prestigious science academy on Chandrila, he became a scientist. He was particularly eager to experiment in the field of genetics, and also possessed a heightened interest in the Force, if only in scientific, measurable terms. The mysticism and spirituality of the Jedi and Sith did not interest him—he focused instead on the study of midichlorians, their purpose and occurrence.

Project Warlock

“The field of genetics lies open to us. Forget the mysticism of the Jedi and Sith. Their powers are only the manifestation of a science which has lain unexplored for too long.” - Unknown Project Warlock Scientist

In 851 ABY, Bosch became involved in Project Warlock, a genetic experiment intending to artificially create Force sensitive individuals. The project was presented as an independent effort, but when it began to fall through due to lack of funding, it was picked up by agents of the Sith Empire. Many of the scientists involved left the project at this time, Bosch among them. He had already developed feelings of unease about what they were doing, particularly after he turned the experiments on himself.

It was as if a window had been opened. Light flooded in, illuminating the shadows within him. He realized he knew nothing of what he was doing. The Force was not just midichlorians writhing in a petri dish. It was a living thing, feeling, reacting. He had caused pain and suffering by his actions, by imposing his demands on the Force. He was no better than those Sith who had sought to bend the Force to their will, creating and ending life to serve their own purposes. The only difference was his terrible, unfeeling ignorance.
—Nimdok, "Manor Getaway"

After leaving Project Warlock, Arimanes Bosch changed his name to Casimir Heliobas and went into self-imposed exile, hiding himself from all who had known him. There he experienced a spiritual awakening. His new power quickened within him, faint yet present. The Force, which he had so wronged, might have a use for him yet.

Heliobas has since returned to the galaxy, unable to stay away anymore. He seeks knowledge of the Jedi and the Sith, their ways, their teachings. Knowledge is the beginning of wisdom, and with it he will serve a purpose unknown.

Despite having received almost no training, Heliobas claims to be a Jedi Master. This faux mystic is a marked departure from the strict man of science Bosch was, which leaves one wondering just what his intentions are...




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Light at the Bottom of the World - Heliobas introduces himself to a member of the Grayson Imperium and assists them in calming down starving refugees.

The Shadow Over Kuat - Heliobas is present during an attack by the Bryn'adul while the GI attempts to negotiate with Kuat. In order to save the lives of civilians, he is forced to reveal his true nature as a shapeshifter.

Conflict at Kuat - Heliobas becomes involved in a mission to stop an assassination plot.

Icebreaker on Hoth: Sith Hate This One Weird Trick! - Heliobas attends a meeting at the Jedi enclave on Hoth. He is unable to grasp any of the powers offered to be taught there, except one - the Gutretee memory transfer...

All That Remains - Heliobas assists in diplomatic efforts to convince the Oswaft, a species of space ray, to migrate to a safer nebula.

State of the Jedi - After a year-long absence, Heliobas returns to Coruscant for a gathering of Jedi concerned about the various attacks upon them from other factions.

Once Upon Another Time - Solo thread. As Nimdok, Heliobas reconnects with an old flame to offer her a business deal. Things don't stay businesslike for long.

Bryn'ing Down the House - Heliobas turns into a Noghri for diplomatic purposes, then into a hideous acid-spewing monster for combat purposes.

Crossroads (Galactic Alliance) - Single post. Heliobas sends a message to Senator Chandra, revealing his testimony of the events on Kuat, in hopes of influencing her vote on the matter of Elane vs Julius.


Heliobas' Journal #1 - Heliobas' first journal entry deals with the confusion he feels regarding his identity and that of Nimdok, his alter ego.

Heliobas' Journal #2 - Heliobas explains why he chose Nimdok.
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Powers and Abilities

Force Heal - He can treat minor wounds on himself and others. Requires great concentration.

Force Telekinesis - Very basic. He can move objects with his mind, but only very slowly and requiring full concentration. The larger the object, the slower his power, and he cannot cause a building to collapse or divert the course of a ship with his mind.

Gutretee Memory Transfer - An ability he picked up from Jend-Ro Quill Jend-Ro Quill during a meeting at the Jedi enclave on Hoth, this enables him to transfer select memories to others.
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Known Associates

The Alliance
Cataline Holt - A young woman I first encountered in the refugee sector on Coruscant. She is a social worker with endless patience, and while she initially panicked during the nightmare at Kuat, she stepped up to the plate when necessary.
Avo Avo - A warm and welcoming Jedi Master who manages to be pragmatic and thoughtful without losing his ability to take action when needed.
P Placeholder 0128 - I felt his suspicion toward me that night on Kuat, but we had no other interactions beyond that.
Wyatt Morga Wyatt Morga - This Jedi behaves quite differently depending on who he is with, but then so do we all. He possesses many great leadership qualities, but I fear that he is too headstrong and unwilling to listen to guidance from others - or from the Force in which he is so strong.
Bernard Bernard - An awkward, somewhat aloof young Jedi, but with strong convictions that have served him well.
Dak Dak - A droid loyal to the Grayson clan. Effective, rational, professional... in other words, a good droid.
Spasa Spasa - I met her when she was one person, a Nightsister seeking redemption within the GI. Now she has been torn in two, and while the dark half has left, the light one remains. I have yet to meet this doppelganger.

Jend-Ro Quill Jend-Ro Quill - It is strange to admit it, but I idolized this man from the moment I read his letter to the Imperium, even though I was quick to defend them from his criticisms (perhaps too quick). I see him as the ideal Jedi Master, though no doubt he will deny such a title. Now I fear I have committed a grave error and betrayed his trust by using the power he taught me for my own personal gain... but that was in another life.

Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean - This man, this creature... my instincts took over at the sight of him, and I tried to track him down. My actions were foolhardy - not only did I fail to corner him, chasing him caused me to leave behind the innocents in the dining hall, who were mercilessly gunned down. If I had stayed to help... or perhaps I too would have died that day on Kuat.
Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus - Monster.
Alwine Daye Alwine Daye - Had things gone any worse on Alderaan... She had her points, but the methods employed by her and the terrorists within the Agents of Chaos are obscene.

Javrin Kuat Javrin Kuat - I wish his life could have been spared in the bloodbath.
Republic Engineering Republic Engineering - My attempts to diffuse the situation on Alderaan were ill-conceived, and thus ill-met. The fault is mine.
Kaleleon Kaleleon - Again, I was foolish when dealing with him. I wish I had behaved with more empathy. I understand he suffered grave injuries during that battle, facing a foe against whom he stood no chance. Such bravery is certainly admirable.
Seela Khaan - A woman I encountered at the Jedi Enclave on Hoth. She is a Jedi, yet she seemed to recoil from others of her kind. I do not understand it.
Griet van Vliet Griet van Vliet - A Jedi accountant. Certainly an interesting personality.
Jerek Zenduu Jerek Zenduu - An enthusiastic youngster full of potential. Displayed a maturity his peers lacked.
Auteme Auteme - She seemed a bit spacey, but studious.
Zak Dymo - This one was more immature and rambunctious than the other children, but he certainly added color to the lessons.
Subject 73 Red Subject 73 Red - Perhaps he wonders why Nimdok was so quick to trust him with his daughter's life... I remembered him from the Enclave, and knew he spoke the truth when he said he was a Jedi.

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