Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Cassiopeia Caranthyr



NAME: Cassiopeia Caranthyr
FACTION: Clans of Mandalore
OCCUPATION: Wue'gi'vod (Mandalorian Council), Professor of Biology & Genetics and Lead Genetics Reseacher at Ramikadyc'yaim
Former Occupation(s): Contract Teacher, Secretary of MandalArms
EDUCATION: Doctorate in Biology, Genetics Concentration
AGE: 33
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 5’7”
WEIGHT: 130 pounds
EYES: Blue
HAIR: Strawberry Blonde
SKIN: Fair skin


Marital/Relationship Status: Tuulu Cadera; Raiz Australis (divorced)
Daughter: [member="Lily-Grace Australis"], [member="Milla Ordo"]
Son: [member="DimitriAustralis"] (deceased)

Father: Valek Caranthyr (Deceased)
Mother: Maderina Caranthyr (Maiden Name: Irimoore) (Deceased)
Siblings: Younger brother, Jacob Caranthyr (Deceased)
Grandmother, Mother's side: Velida Irimoore (Alive)

Grandparents, Father's side: Unknown/Deceased


+ Biology Knowledge (inter-species, advanced): She is educated in biology & genetics and was beginning her life as a school teacher. She has extensive training in the biology of not only humans but alien biology. This knowledge allows her to be an excellent teacher but also, she can use it to perform major medical procedures, especially as it relates to the genetics of the patients species.

+ Resilient/Loyal: Her upbringing focused on two things – her family and friends. So long as they are doing the right thing, her family & friends deserved the utmost respect & loyalty.

+ Ranged Weapons: Cassiopeia was trained from an early age on how to use ranged weapons. She continues to make an excellent marks-woman.

- Loss of a Child: One of her twins, Dimitri Australis, was killed while visiting Myrkr with his father. This has left a 'hole' in her heart that she cannot fill. She functions (a majority of the time, anyway) as any other healthy, ordinary individual would. However, she is emotionally scarred by his loss and will always have a void in her emotions that is a constant sadness, grief of his death.

- Too Trusting/Caring: She is very loyal and as such, she is often considered too trusting. She often cares too much. She gets emotionally invested in people and situations too easily. This causes her to be over-emotional, too focused on people, and easily distraught if someone gets hurt.

- Confidence: She continues to believe she is just an average person – this has led her on a tendency to downplay achievements, not take risks, and actively avoids people who she thinks gives her too much credit. This has gotten somewhat better but ultimately is still a large part of her personality.


Cassiopeia is a 5’7”, average weight, fair skinned, blonde hair, blue/green eyed human female.

For the most part, her appearance is fairly simple – she almost always has her blonde hair in a messy bun, with strands falling beside her face. Alternatively, particularly in more formal occasions, she will have it brushed straight. It usually falls a couple inches past her shoulders.


Cassiopeia was born to business owners Valek & Maderina Caranthyr on the planet Chroma Zed. Primarily poor to middle class, they tended to get by when
the local economy was going well – or suffering when it was going poorly. Her early life was characterized by schooling, play, and relative peacefulness despite the tide of the economy. She was an excellent study, particularly in biology and the sciences. A close-up second was technology.

However, she was not the most popular girl in school. Part of it was culture – Cassiopeia was in a human settlement on Chroma Zed but the school she went to was primarily Chromans. The school - partly inside the ground, partly out to accommodate humans and other species. Overall, about 75% of the school was Chromans. As such, other species tended to click together and there was bullying, xenophobia, etc between the students.

Her father also began teaching her how to pilot their light freighter during this time.

Once she was in secondary school, her Force abilities manifested enough for her parents to notice. Her parents found out about it one night and primarily wanted to make sure she hid it. They were afraid a government resulted in her never really understanding or being able to use her abilities except through small telekinesis. Often, her Force abilities will manifest uncontrollably due to her emotions.

When Cassiopeia was 17, she graduated from secondary school. She enrolled in a university to become a biology & genetics teacher. She earned her degree with flying colors, along with having the typical college relationships that flared up then ended.

At 21, she entered the workforce as a secondary school teacher. She would teach a full year. During a break, she was out with a (now ex) boyfriend on her father’s ship. They were having a lovely date over one of the largest cliffs on Chroma Zed.

When she had returned from the date, most of the town had been raided. Her parent's bodies were lifeless inside their home. She was not been able to locate her brother, so she presumed he was killed somewhere else. She buried them and attended a vigil with the rest of the survivors. Then, she resigned from her teaching position and left on her fathers (now hers) ship.

She carved a home on that ship – a bedroom, compartments with food & water, and all sorts of trade goods. She mainly went to poverty-stricken worlds on short-term teaching contracts.

Chapter I
After the end of her last teaching gig, she was offered a position as a teacher for 5 young children who were adopted by [member="Kaine Australis"] and

[member="Caz Australis"]. She quickly became family to not only the kids, but to Kaine & Caz as well. Soon afterward, she was adopted into Clan Australis as a full member.

From there, she quickly became involved in MandalArms & with the Mandalorian Empire as a whole. Her first experience as a Mandalorian was at the Battle of Concord - where the CIS and ME fought before becoming allies. Afterward, she became involved in negotiations with Contruum and began assisting the Mand'alor in various other ways - such as finishing the terraforming of Mandalore. Soon, she was offered a spot as Secretary of MandalArms and on the Wue'gi'vod Council. Along with this, she became close (if not best) friends with [member="Yasha Cadera"].

Along this time, she also found love in the form of [member="Raiz Australis"]. She was proposed to during the dishonorable attack from the Galactic Alliance on Myrkr. Soon afterward, though, they were married. Their marriage, their riduurok signified their devotion, love, and loyalty for the rest of their lives together. It was a beautiful memory (despite its hiccups) that Cassiopeia will always cherish.

In a surprise, she now awaits the birth of the twins she is carrying. Soon, the next chapter of her life will begin.

Chapter 2

Cassiopeia and Raiz had a beautiful, small family that had so much love. During these five years, Cassiopeia focused on being a mother to her two beautiful children, a wife to her husband, and a proud, hardworking Mandalorian.

Her gears shifted as working on the Wue'gi'vod and continuing to part-time as the Secretary of MandalArms. She assisted Raiz during Kaine's imprisonment in regards to Clan and Company related matters. Raiz had taken upon the mantle of being Alor and head of the company during that and as such, Cassiopeia helped him as much as possible during the trying time.

These 5 years were peaceful, uneventful (in a good way,) and most importantly, was full of love, growth, and happiness.

5 years down the road, the unthinkable happened to her son Dimitri. He was shot and killed by radicals who oppose the use of Ysalamiri during a visit to the DImitri with Raiz and his sister, Lily-Grace. He died almost instantly from the blaster shot that hit him.

Raiz brought his body and Lily back to their home on Westralis immediately. His death has taken a large toll on Cassiopeia and, while it had not been long since his death, continues to bear down on her greatly.

Not long after her son's death, Cassiopeia and Raiz Australis slowly fell apart. Raiz worked himself to a metaphorical death. Cassiopeia knew it was unjustified but couldn't help but partially blame him for the death of their son. Several months after Dimitri's death, they filed for divorce and said their shuk'la riduurok. They became Dar’riduur.

Once finalized, Cassiopeia retreated to Westralis Australis estate with Lily to provide some normalcy to their lives after the repeated blows. It was one of the hardest, if the hardest, time periods in her life. The loss of her child particularly hurt her, but with her divorce from Raiz, Cassiopeia and Raiz completely stopped talking. Sadly, Raiz no longer spoke with Lily anymore either. Up to the present day, Cassiopeia has little to no idea what is going on in his life.

Regrettably, Cassiopeia entered what most could only guess was a 'daze' of despair.

Chapter 3

It took 5 years. But, Cassiopeia recovered. There will always be an empty spot in her soul for her lost child.

But, she had no communication with her ex-husband and, in truth, that was okay. She was ready to move on. Lily-Grace was growing up and Cassiopeia could only hope she taught her right. Her intelligence, creativity, and desire to learn brings a joy to her heart. She could only hope her daughter would forgive her for any dazed absences that occurred on and off over the years.And she could only hope her family, and friends, would do the same.

She helped in her duties as a Wue'gi'vod, but also as a Professor and researcher. Her day to day activities remained unchanged, even now. At several years in her current gig, she is beginning to wonder if something exciting would ever happen again.



Wedding Ring (she has it on a necklace around her neck now)
A small bracelet Dimitri made for her before his death


Ori'ramikade Eukgar'gam
MandalArms M1 Personal Absorption Shield


Verpine rifle, sniper, and handgun


Home Is Where the Heart Is
Family is More Than Blood
Taxi to Runway 24L via Alpha
Brother, Is That You?
By the Blood | The Battle of Concord Dawn
Every Company Needs a Secretary | Pathway to MandalCorp
A Hela Good Time (Mandalorian Empire Dominion of Hela (AE22)
Contraary to Popular Belief (Mandalorian Empire Dominion of Contruum)
Shining Birds From The Sky
To (re)Build a Home
The Grand Hunt

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