Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Cast in Bronze

"Maybe I did," Sabetha said, but her tone was doubtful. "No, I don't think I did."

She listened, still clutching the rock, her frown growing deeper and deeper before she nodded. Breathing in deeply, she closed her eyes, trying to still her mind.

Still her mind?

There was so much there! So many questions, so much confusion and frustration. Every time she settled one thing aside, a new one arose. Her knuckles got a little white around the stone. She breathed in and out, actively seeking the Force but.....


She opened her eyes again.

"I don't know what I'm looking for," she said, the frustration clear in her small voice. "You keep on saying to use the Force, but I don't even really know what it *is*. How can I find it or use it? I don't even know what I'm looking for."

​One thing Sabetha didn't understand was passivity. She didn't get that now she was actually trying too hard. The Force wouldn't come and flow as it was meant to if she kept reaching out with blind hands to grab it. It would flow when she was open and calm.

[member="Junko Ike"]
[member="Sabetha Tag"]

"The force is different for everyone it is life, it is energy, it is what binds the galaxy together and gives all of those who feel it a sense of purpose for good or for ill. Those like the jedi who seek to understand the complexity of it and use it to benefit the galaxy. Then there are those who woulld use it to lord over others and serve their own ends hording the knowledge and information. It is important for you to decide what kind of person with the force you want to be." Junko remained there while she breathed in and waited a momet letting the energy flow from her hand. "Depending on how you feel and use the energy you can do a lot of things." She let the energy form from her hand outwards and she could do it without showing where it came from just make it pop into existance but there was a purpose to it when she made several more of herself with the white current and they all felt like her. Illusions couldn't harm but to the senses a current illusion could seem every bit as real. "Depending on how you use it you can preform tricks."
Hmmm. What kind of person within the Force did she want to be? Sabetha struggled momentarily with the enormity of that prospect. She'd rarely considered anything coming even close to the scope of the Force as [member="Junko Ike"] was explaining it.

Still, it made a certain sense. Like a comfortable place to sit, she understood, at least on the surface, what the other woman spoke of.

She watched as Junko did her 'trick', her eyes wide and mouth open in a little 'o'.

"That's some trick!" She said, voice a mixture of awe, surprise and something else. Trick? That wasn't a trick. She'd seen "tricks." This was something far more than that. Would she be able to do that someday?

"Okay, let me try again. With the rock?"
[member="Sabetha Tag"]

Ah well then she was ready for it as the jedi knight stood there and maintained the trick prepared for any of the things that they would be able to do. When her padawan was ready for the rock to try again the illusions all held up the rocks so she would have to sense and trust it all. The force energies coming out when she prepared to toss it carefully and directly but she wasn't going to leave it to harm the others as she spoke letting her voice come from all of them "Then prepare yourself." She waited for it before tossing it and the illusions woulnd't harm her but she had a chance to miss the rock coming towards her shoulder.
Everything was connected.

Everything was connected.

She paused, blinking.

Everything was connected.

It clicked then. Something in her mind shifted, everything around her the same but somehow different. She didn't understand the weight of the epiphany, or what it would mean for every action she would take for the rest of her life. But for this moment at least, she understood. A light had switched on.

Everything was connected.

She watched the half dozen [member="Junko Ike"] 's, but there was something a little distant in that emerald gaze. Each tossed their rock, and if she had only trusted her eyes, she would have moved to catch the one arcing through the air toward her chest, like the last time.

But everything was connected, and she knew that stone wasn't real.

Her hands reached out, plucking the real stone out of the air, just a moment before it would have impacted her shoulder. Despite that, even as her fingers curled around the smooth, cool stone, she flinched as the other phantom stones would have struck her. But when she felt no impact, her body relaxed and she smiled, holding the stone up proudly to Junko.

Everything was connected. And it was the beginning of a new way of seeing it all. She just didn't fully understand what that would mean yet. But she would.
[member="Sabetha Tag"]

Junko was watching her and the padawan was starting to get it better then some but not as fast as others she had met... though when almost everyone is a super force prodigy it leaves the average ones like herself in the dust for their advancement. Either way as she was watching her padawan she was very proud of the girl though she would not show it and refused to let her expression change while the illusions stood there all around Sabetha with only Junko speaking while she walked forward. "Very good, you are learning now. The force can allow you to feel through illusions and tricks one can play with them though if you encounter a true master of the white current they could make you see and believe the rocks were real or contained a mental plague so you fall unconscious. It is a tricky thing not many understood really." She said it with a small look as they disappeared with Junko looking at the rock. "Still you have shown the beginnings of understanding and taken your first step into a larger world. That is something to be proud of."
And Sabetha was proud. She'd done it. It wasn't much, but she'd done it. Of course learning to use the Force was more than catching rocks, but it was a start!

Maybe, just maybe, she really could belong here.

Still clutching the rock, she tilted her head, looking up at [member="Junko Ike"].

"The White Current? What's that?"
[member="Sabetha Tag"]

"It is an application of the force where you are able to create illusions so powerful the minds of others cannot tell the difference and they will almost react physically to your thoughts. The more skilled you are at details, the more you immerse yourself in the force and do not sully your hands learning other talents and aspects the stronger you can be with the skills it teaches you." She had learned from an old woman who oversaw the old silver jedi prison, an ancient elder but illusions made her always look like a twenty something. "As one fo the few within the Sanctum who can use it and understands it. It allows me to be a different class then the other jedi, even my saber was hand crafted with my talents in mind as opposed to the normal everyday rather mundane uses."
Not only beautiful, but special too. Sabetha listened in awe. She still wasn't entirely sure on what separated the White Current from other uses of the Force, but that was okay. She figured whatever it was, it was a far cry from catching rocks. But she'd get there. Someday.


"Did you build your lightsaber yourself? Special for the White Current?"

While Sabetha didn't know a lot about Jedi before coming to Voss, that was something everyone knew about.

[member="Junko Ike"]
[member="Sabetha Tag"]

"Yes I did, it uses spoke stones and crystals to enhance the abilities of illusions that reach the mind." She remained there with a small look on her face though as she held the curved hilt of a blade up. The silver of the metal gleaming where the microcrystals were that amplified her own abilities and connected the saber to her, the blue veins of the mesh that allowed only a nightsider to use it and the bone like carapace that had been bleached over the biometric locked trap hilt with its own jolt cell that would stun anyone into unconsciousness. The crystals inside designed around everything specifically as well before Junko was walking with a small look on her face. "It allows the white current to flow from me and use it on others should it be needed. Other then that there are force items and tricks that i am skilled with to compensate for some lacking of skills."
Asking [member="Junko Ike"] about lacking skills seemed incredibly rude. Besides, Sabetha couldn't imagine in what possible way she could be lacking (though, if she were being completely honest with herself, she might have said the other woman could stand to be nicer. But she was still in awe.)

"When do I get to make a lightsaber?"

Sabetha could probably stand here all day, just asking questions.
[member="Sabetha Tag"]

"Preferably when you won't slice your own leg off." She looked at her with a nod of her head though as constructing a lightsaber was something a padawan needed to be able to do. She would take her when the time came but it wouldn't be useful if her first time using the saber she sliced a limb off or didn't know how to use it properly. Junko was vain enough that she would teach her properly compared to just letting her run wild with the goal that her success reflected well on her.
Cut off her-

Well, actually, that seemed fair.

Sabetha bounced back and forth from one foot to the other for a moment. The girl looked thoughtful and she turned the stone over and over in her hands.

"So what do we do next?"
[member="Sabetha Tag"]

Hmm indeed... what to do next she had to think about it while standing there and put her hands behind her back. "We go home, Voss is nice I suppose but there is the sepulcher where a jedi can learn a lot more when they are new as well as work with the force while they find their crystal in the caves." It was also close to the large estate... palace that had been paid for with her families credits as they had helped construct and purchase the lakeside temple the jedi used ont he world. Other areas over it while she was walking. "We will also be able to look at some of the new things the jedi have been developing."
Sabetha hurried along behind [member="Junko Ike"], her shorter legs needing to double time it to keep up. Every now and then she'd slow her pace, watching the other woman and try to immitate the way she was walking. But it always slowed her down and she'd have to scramble a moment later to catch back up.

Home? So she didn't live here? Really, Sabetha didn't think Voss was that bad. It was kind of muggy, but otherwise very, well, green.

"Where's home? And... what's... a.... whatchacallit.... a sepulcher?"
[member="Sabetha Tag"]

THe more regal looking ship was sleek and beautiful, crafted and designed using the latest in compoents so that it would be able to travel faster then most, avoid annoying things when needed and be able to let Junko preform her own duties with a meditation chamber that was designed around smokestone for her illusions and mental abilities. It was not something everyone had and it was not something many more got to see the inside of the ship. The ramp way leading up while there were servant droids milling about and personal guards. Their armor sleek but showing shoulder cannons to match their large rifles.

Twin jar'kai blades on their back and they were tall compared to her. They were looking out to see if anyone else was coming with the two of them while inside the main airlock was almost sterile marble finish to the floor and walls. it wasn't metal if was special make to allow for it with murals before the doors opened to reveal the cleaned and polished halls that held more pictures and wall casing. The cases will with different artifacts and heirlooms one could see in a home or to show off in most cases with the different rooms displaying other things. A general eating area with crew were set up as they walked around.

Junko was showing it all off for herself when she was walking in and motioned with her hand for the girl to sit down on one of the lounge seats. She was able to sit on one of her own seats looking over the different things while tapping a screen to change the lighting of the ship and there were silk sheets all around giving it a very regal look as it held jedi banners on them as well as Atrisian script. Some of their other projects were there on display for everyone to see if they were in here as Junko looked at the five crystals around it as the glove was made to be used, or her glaive.

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