Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Objective 3.
Everything was happening so quickly. What was to be simple ended up quickly disrupting into chaos. At least out there.
[member="Tom Taff"] arrived quite quickly, package in hand. The murder of the Minister that had it must have taken place much closer than she had thought. But that didn't matter. The package utself was acting strangely; both beeping and...shaking? "Tom! Is that the package?! Get it out of here! That could be a bomb!!" At least she had guessed it was Tom, just as she had guessed that the package wasn't some robotic toy.
Her attention then turned to the Ministers within. Kay slowly shook her head. "I am not threatening or ordering or strongarming anyone. That is not my way. But you have Ministers being assassinated right under your noses. Can I help it if my people and allies are worried for my safety, as well as your own? Your own people are suffering and with that desperation comes a lot of crime. This is a highly volotile area-- Her words cut off as she looked upwards to the ceiling of the building just as one of [member="Kaine Australis"] ' squadrons flew overhead. "--yet it doesn't have to be. Commenor used to be the same way while the Sith had occupied it. But once they left, I was able to turn it around and make it prosper and grow, all without being at an expense to it's people."
Kay lowered her gaze and looked to each Minister in turn. "What I'm offering is to help you to turn Umbara around. I want to work with you. Shipments of food and supplies are already well on their way and they come at no cost to you. Before anymore Ministers are killed, you should try to appease your people and help them. No good will come of keeping things the way they are."
[member="Livia Maddox"] [member="Caedyn Arenais"] [member="Gray Raxis"] [member="Bradshaw Ku"] [member="Beth Australis"] [member="Alkor Centaris"] [member="Macharius Solaire"]
Everything was happening so quickly. What was to be simple ended up quickly disrupting into chaos. At least out there.
[member="Tom Taff"] arrived quite quickly, package in hand. The murder of the Minister that had it must have taken place much closer than she had thought. But that didn't matter. The package utself was acting strangely; both beeping and...shaking? "Tom! Is that the package?! Get it out of here! That could be a bomb!!" At least she had guessed it was Tom, just as she had guessed that the package wasn't some robotic toy.
Her attention then turned to the Ministers within. Kay slowly shook her head. "I am not threatening or ordering or strongarming anyone. That is not my way. But you have Ministers being assassinated right under your noses. Can I help it if my people and allies are worried for my safety, as well as your own? Your own people are suffering and with that desperation comes a lot of crime. This is a highly volotile area-- Her words cut off as she looked upwards to the ceiling of the building just as one of [member="Kaine Australis"] ' squadrons flew overhead. "--yet it doesn't have to be. Commenor used to be the same way while the Sith had occupied it. But once they left, I was able to turn it around and make it prosper and grow, all without being at an expense to it's people."
Kay lowered her gaze and looked to each Minister in turn. "What I'm offering is to help you to turn Umbara around. I want to work with you. Shipments of food and supplies are already well on their way and they come at no cost to you. Before anymore Ministers are killed, you should try to appease your people and help them. No good will come of keeping things the way they are."
[member="Livia Maddox"] [member="Caedyn Arenais"] [member="Gray Raxis"] [member="Bradshaw Ku"] [member="Beth Australis"] [member="Alkor Centaris"] [member="Macharius Solaire"]