Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Caste Me Out As Common (CSA Dominion of Umbara)


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Objective 3.

Everything was happening so quickly. What was to be simple ended up quickly disrupting into chaos. At least out there.

[member="Tom Taff"] arrived quite quickly, package in hand. The murder of the Minister that had it must have taken place much closer than she had thought. But that didn't matter. The package utself was acting strangely; both beeping and...shaking? "Tom! Is that the package?! Get it out of here! That could be a bomb!!" At least she had guessed it was Tom, just as she had guessed that the package wasn't some robotic toy.

Her attention then turned to the Ministers within. Kay slowly shook her head. "I am not threatening or ordering or strongarming anyone. That is not my way. But you have Ministers being assassinated right under your noses. Can I help it if my people and allies are worried for my safety, as well as your own? Your own people are suffering and with that desperation comes a lot of crime. This is a highly volotile area-- Her words cut off as she looked upwards to the ceiling of the building just as one of [member="Kaine Australis"] ' squadrons flew overhead. "--yet it doesn't have to be. Commenor used to be the same way while the Sith had occupied it. But once they left, I was able to turn it around and make it prosper and grow, all without being at an expense to it's people."

Kay lowered her gaze and looked to each Minister in turn. "What I'm offering is to help you to turn Umbara around. I want to work with you. Shipments of food and supplies are already well on their way and they come at no cost to you. Before anymore Ministers are killed, you should try to appease your people and help them. No good will come of keeping things the way they are."

[member="Livia Maddox"] [member="Caedyn Arenais"] [member="Gray Raxis"] [member="Bradshaw Ku"] [member="Beth Australis"] [member="Alkor Centaris"] [member="Macharius Solaire"]


King of Pumpkins
Objective one
[member="Alkor Centaris"] was working with him and had followed one of them. "I will join you soon Alkor, just hunt them down. Killing is ill-advised at the moment unless [member="Macharius Solaire"] or [member="Kaine Australis"] call otherwise." He would then have Kaine come over the Comm-link. "Thank you Alor, we will try to keep it contained by ourselves." Tom hoped it wouldn't take long to finish this up and get to Alkor. His men would radio in saying that it was what he had thought, just stab wounds, no poisions or anything else.

Tom would look at the package as it began to beep and shake. In Tom's line of work beeping and shaking was no good. As such he deemed it necessary to follow Lady Kay's orders. As he followed [member="Lady Kay"] orders he would move outside the area using force speed to do it quickly. He would then open the package looking at it. He hoped it wasn't a bomb but it might be.

Rahn Haaku

Minister of Foreign Affairs, CSA
Objective 3

Rahn had so far thoroughly enjoyed his time on Umbara. While he found the pervasive gloom and mists to be unnerving, the Umbarans themselves were exhilarating. With a caste system that fostered ruthless competition, he felt a kinship with the species. Their willingness to employ subterfuge, sobotage and assassination to climb the social ladder was impressive, even for a Neimoidian. However, despite Rahn's personal inroads the negotiations seem to have stalled. At first it was a minor inconvenience but when Umbaran politicians sympathetic to joining the CSA started winding up dead, it had merited a larger response. It had been determined by powers above Rahn's that such discord on an essential border planet could not be tolerated. And that was how Rahn came to be in a conference room with his sovereign, Lady Kay.

"Humbly your highness, I suspect that another power may be here hoping to derail this most beneficial accord. These latest string of actions are incredibly bold and overt, they lack none of the subtlety I have come to expect from caste ambitions. This was catalyzed by a new player on the field, something that has convinced members of your government." Rahn said pointedly at the Umbarans in the room. "That the balance of power has shifted. They are mistaken."

Lady Kay said:
Objective 3.

Everything was happening so quickly. What was to be simple ended up quickly disrupting into chaos. At least out there.

[member="Tom Taff"] arrived quite quickly, package in hand. The murder of the Minister that had it must have taken place much closer than she had thought. But that didn't matter. The package utself was acting strangely; both beeping and...shaking? "Tom! Is that the package?! Get it out of here! That could be a bomb!!" At least she had guessed it was Tom, just as she had guessed that the package wasn't some robotic toy.

Her attention then turned to the Ministers within. Kay slowly shook her head. "I am not threatening or ordering or strongarming anyone. That is not my way. But you have Ministers being assassinated right under your noses. Can I help it if my people and allies are worried for my safety, as well as your own? Your own people are suffering and with that desperation comes a lot of crime. This is a highly volotile area-- Her words cut off as she looked upwards to the ceiling of the building just as one of [member="Kaine Australis"] ' squadrons flew overhead. "--yet it doesn't have to be. Commenor used to be the same way while the Sith had occupied it. But once they left, I was able to turn it around and make it prosper and grow, all without being at an expense to it's people."

Kay lowered her gaze and looked to each Minister in turn. "What I'm offering is to help you to turn Umbara around. I want to work with you. Shipments of food and supplies are already well on their way and they come at no cost to you. Before anymore Ministers are killed, you should try to appease your people and help them. No good will come of keeping things the way they are."

[member="Livia Maddox"] [member="Caedyn Arenais"] [member="Gray Raxis"] [member="Bradshaw Ku"] [member="Beth Australis"] [member="Alkor Centaris"] [member="Macharius Solaire"]
Rahn glanced at the ceiling as the muffled roar of starships indicated reinforcements arriving in the system. Rahn had been impressed at how quickly the Queen had moved allies onto the board. Her pragmatism was admirable and explained the success of the CSA and he had enthusiastically embraced the double-speak that came with making a fair and generous offer of alliance and also bringing in military assets. This all played well with Rahn and he was confident that the negotiations would enter their final stages soon. And if not, if the Umbaran government dug-in then there were options. The most easily exploitable would be regime change. Lady Kay had already mentioned that there would be "no good keeping things the way they are" a gentle threat perhaps?

Though as Rahn thought more on it, he came to the conclusion that "gentle threat" and "mandalorians" were incompatible in the same sentence. He certainly hoped they wouldn't start shooting Umbarans.

"The fact that her majesty is here herself should be taken as the highest of honors. Her time is extremely valuable and for her to spend so much of it here shows sincerity and commitment to you and your people. There is not another galactic power that will offer protection, free trade, and respect for your own sovereignty than the Commenor Systems Alliance."
Opposition Command - Objectives 1 & 3:

The package in [member="Tom Taff"]’s hand was indeed booby trapped. It shook and a thin shriek filtered out of it as with the opening of the parcel’s flap, compressed neurotoxin released into the hall, where Tom remained. A card-sized droid uncoiled from its’ flat pack, clutching several data chips in its’ pincer-like claws and raced full tilt back toward the room where [member="Lady Kay"], the Umbarans and [member="Rahn Haaku"] sat, streaking orange gas as it went.

Inside the parcel, a thin holoprojector sat covered in the mess of Kulfik’s dispatching. A single green light continued to fluctuate. A message saved.

The gathered Umbarans had various states of panic at the sight of Tom with the filthy parcel. Several of the Ministers yanked out of their seats, one, the Minister of the Interior, dove under the table. The only ministers who had no such violently vehement response were Minister Gora, the Minister of Defence, and Juva Kull, Minister of Education.

Java merely rolled her milk-white eyes and put her hands on the table. “You shame yourselves. Sit down, shall we panic over a dead man’s package?”

“For once the little half-breed is right, get back in your seats.” Gora nodded, meaty fist on the table top. “Your so-called people ought to trust your safety to my militia, your… Highness. It is clear here that the current Umbaran government has neither the stability nor the ability to keep itself without falling to fear’s under-table. You should deal directly with me, and I shall ensure whatever comes of this will be undergone.”

“Tyranny, Gora? That was your plan? Cause panic and maybe they’ll run away and give you the job? Screw you! I worked hard to get here, and [member="Lady Kay"] is right! There are deep and longstanding problems in our planet…”

“Oh, not this again, Kull! Your weeping Lowly’s act was last month!” Goran groaned.

“It’s not an act! The Commenor Systems Alliance comes to us, with offers of helping our overpopulated Lower Castes, with Mandalorian Support to see it accomplished and you want to deny our people the chance to better themselves!?”

“They’re Lowly. It’s what they are.”

“Umbara needs Commenor! They’re better than the Silver Jedi, did you hear what they did to Mirial? Or that hospital incident!? You’re a fool to deny the Queen! High Minister, please! What do you say?” Juva sat back and listened to [member="Rahn Haaku"] and pointed directly at him.

“See!? SEE!?”

“Shut up, Kull.” Gora grimaced, chewing on his cheek.

“I believe, if you two are finished squabbling, I might interject.” The High Minister said, fingers steepled. “We have had a new player using far more… overt means to shift the balance of our traditions as of late. Although my militia has yet to discover their origin or personhood, we are terribly sorry for the inconvenience they have played today. Too many of the rabble, after all, are breeding without restraint. What would you do about it, [member="Lady Kay"]? How would you bring stability to my planet? Would you ask we give up all we are to become your whitewashed species, or is it as the elegant Nemoidian states, you will respect our quashing of our lowers to keep the hold we have on power?”
Opposition Command - Objective: 3

“Hah! Did you hear that silence? We’ve got him. We have that General Australis in our claws. Send in the fifth, ground them.” Commander Pik leaned back in his command chair and steepled his fingers. The Mandalorians would shoot first, and then Commenor would have less of a substance to stand upon.

Commander Pik decided this was quite the best incursion he had been a part of in a very long time. The fifth squadron entered the airspace around the Mandalorian squadrons, hemming the eighteen squadrons into a tighter and tighter field of flight.

They would be grounded, and Commander Pik would take one or two of the fighters to study what all the fuss was about in the new Mandalorian squadron designs.

Delight, Gora was conducting the coup, and now this? Finally things were going proper and right. [member="Kaine Australis"]

“Someone get me my stimcaf.”
Beth was surprisingly more nervous now that she was aware that Caedyn was here. And suddenly, like a lightbulb going off over her head, it made sense why [member="Baiko no Kaho"] wanted her to come to Umbara to assist the Commenori in their attempt to woo the planet to their side. [member="Caedyn Arenais"] took the pleasure of introducing Beth to Brad. After their handshake was done, Gray went over and gave him a hug and introducing himself. He seemed like a nice fellow, at least. She assumed he could be counted on - after all, Gray seemed to trust him and Caedyn seemed to know him well.

Beth personally thought it was a bit weird to hug someone like that that she barely knew, but at the same time, it seemed like they may be in some way related. She made a note to remember to ask Gray about how he's related, biologically or adoptive, to the Arenais. Optimistic as always, she could only imagine how lovely the story might be. In the meantime though, she glared towards ["member="Gray Raxis"] as he whispered something inside [member="Bradshaw Ku"] ear. She heard nothing that was said, but she had some ideas of what might have been.

Her attention fell back to Caedyn at this point, now that the formal introductions were completed. She gave him a soft smile, her cheeks only slightly pink as she fiddled with the necklace she always wore. "I wasn't expecting you, either! [member="Loreena Arenais"] said you were training, so I just figured you'd be busy with that." That was probably an unfair assumption - after all, he is the Prince of the CSA. But still, the thought of crossing paths with him in the lower castes of Umbara just didn't cross her mind. "It's nice to see you again, though."

Gray answered the next question and she nodded a confirmation, "Gray is right - we're here to help you guys! We always help our family." She grinned playfully, "Promise it's not a trick like during the war games." She quietly laughed, albeit nervously as she began to follow Gray further into the lower caste. That was an exciting game, as she recalled, despite how unexpected it had been.

Caedyn Arenais

Objective Two: Summary above.
Personal Effects: Click Here.
Location: Umbara Commons.
Post Count: Three.
The prospect of his family being Mandalorian hadn't crossed Caedyn's mind before now. [member="Loreena Arenais"] was being trained by one of course but [member="Jaster of Clan Awaud"], whom was her mentor, was a close friend of their Mothers and so it was easy to assume that she had simply used her contacts in the Empire to teach her daughter how to protect herself. He had heard of Clan Raxis and that [member="Lady Kay"] had been affiliated with them yet to be considered family by Mandalorian's, it all felt so much more real to him now and not just that, there was an aspect of pride that could be found in [member="Gray Raxis"]' and [member="Beth Australis"]' steadfast support for them.

Glancing back at Beth suddenly, he wondered just what that meant between the pair of them. Gray was considered their Uncle but he and Beth weren't related right? He hoped not...-And in that hope, there seemed something else that gave him the incentive to wish otherwise. "That's pretty awesome..." Caedyn replied to Beth, glancing to Gray so that he knew the boy was speaking of the both of them. "I had no idea I was family to Mandalorian's...It was always Lori's thing and I guess I just figured that was because she's being trained by one. I didn't know that's what I was too" he chuckled softly to himself, a sheepish expression in his realization followed by a grin that gave evidence to his approval.

"I'm part of the Je'daii Order of Tython" Caedyn turned back to Beth to explain himself following the mentioning of his training, "But we don't always stay in one place. The Je'daii are quite often jumping from place to place and my Master has encouraged me to spend time with my family as much as possible because I'm not always going to be with them. Most of my time is spent training...-But this is good experience too, working with others and helping people" he smiled enthusiastically; it was in his nature to want to help people.

[member="Macharius Solaire"] [member="Kaine Australis"] [member="Livia Maddox"] [member="Beth Australis"]
[member="Bradshaw Ku"] [member="Alkor Centaris"] [member="Tom Taff"] [member="Lady Kay"] [member="Gray Raxis"]


King of Pumpkins
Objective one

Tom in his beskar'gram opened the package. As he did so it spewed a neurotoxin droid. This didn't affect him as his armour's life support systems kicked in stopping the toxic from reaching him. Tom then used the force to shut down the droid's systems careful not to damage it to much.disable droid was turning out to be a useful force power after all.

He was sure the droid had collapsed he looked back at the package. A holoprojector sat within. It had a green flashing light, which meant there was a message save on this. Tom would first pick up the droid and all of the parts it had with it. He went about making sure it could no long leak neurotoxin. Then he would play the saved message. The minister's death would not be in vain.

[member="Livia Maddox"]

Macharius Solaire

Objective: 3
Location: Umbaran Capital
Post Count: 4

The army continued it's drive towards the city. They had so many troops they were still being unloaded from the transports. Artillery units were being set up in the rear to support the advance as a precaution. Mach was still trying to get a confirmation from Kaine. He wasn't responding back to his hails. It may mean the worst. Had the Umbaran's received notice of their plans? There wasn't time to worry about what ifs. No time at all as several explosions sounded off ahead of him. More to the east and west as well. "Kark. Kaine if you can hear me I need immediate air support NOW! We're under attack." Mach's tank slammed to a halt. Nearly sending him up and over onto the turret. The whole column was at a standstill. The others had likely stopped as well. The vanguard had defiantly been hit.

Killing the transmission to Kain, and hoping the Mando got his request for aid, Mach switched over the command channel. "All forces. This is Solaire. I need reports on the vanguards and potential enemies. Have we taken casualties?"

"This is Vanguard East. We've got our two lead tanks out of action. They blew the karking road on us sir!" The man's voice was stricken. "Casualties unknown but ones burning. Orders sir, over?!"

"Right, initiate Bravo. Help those soldiers out and move forward. All forces I repeat. Initiate Bravo. Free fire on hostile forces is granted. Center and West Vanguard report your status!" Mach motioned to his tank commander to get going. Bravo was to have the three columns fan out and sweep forward as a growing half circle. Reinforced as they went by rearward troops while engaging the enemy. Initiative would be key here. Overall command would be less effective once they were all engaged. It would be up to General Howell to direct troops where needed based of reports the commanders fed him and his staff. Mach had the Center.

"Enemy sighted. This is Army Group West command. Our Vanguard was clear of the explosios. Bravo is go we're moving to formation and engaging. Command advise on artillery support? Over." Blasterfire and cannon sounded off. The Denonian Army would give no quarter, and ask for none in return.

[member="Kaine Australis"] [member="Livia Maddox"] [member="Beth Australis"] [member="Bradshaw Ku"] @Alkor Centaris [member="Tom Taff"] @Lady Kay [member="Gray Raxis"]
Objective 2
Family: [member="Caedyn Arenais"] [member="Beth Australis"] [member="Bradshaw Ku"]​
It was not hard for Gray to notice the way the two youngsters were around each other even without the aid of natural eyesight. The way they spoke, the sound of their movements, and the feel of their auras said it all. It brought an impish little smirk to his lips too. Things were going to get fun once Baiko was back on her feet after their kids were born. Between the two of them, she was by far the scariest. The worst Gray would do is throw the two together and tease them about it. But Baiko? She would have an elaborate plan laid out that covered all of their dates for years to come and their individual life paths. Actually she probably already did and had accounted for him needing to do some of her grunt work for her while she was a big, sexy watermelon. Definitely going to be interesting to watch it all play out in the end for Gray.

With obvious little glances shared, Gray just motioned for for family to follow him. He didn't know that much about Brad, but he was happy to have him here. From their little encounter he could already tell his oldest nephew was reliable. If things went belly up on them here he could use the help. He had no doubt that Caedyn and Beth could handle themselves, as he had trained Beth himself, but the two lacked a lot of experience with life in general. Brad not as much. He could be trusted to have all of their backs if need be. It was good to have family.

As they went along, the lower caste showed signs of just how bad and hopeless it was. There was beggers and loiters like before everywhere, but the further they went in the more criminal activity began to pop up. Spice deals, prostitution, and violence all taking place on corners and in alleys. There was even pickpockets roaming around, but they were just little kids who were orphaned and couldn't make it up to the more wealthy areas yet. One such kid bumped into Gray and went looking for credits or anything valuable. They didn't find anything though. Gray gently grabbed their shoulder and squatted down so they were closer to eye level with one another. He smiled and said, " Not a good idea to steal from someone with a blaster. Keep that in mind or they might not be so nice to you next time." He pulled a credit out of his hidden pocket and put it in the kid's hand before letting them run off. The kid didn't know what to think and was gone the first chance they got with their new credit chip. People around them eyed them suspiciously and seemed caught as off guard by the scene as the kid was. They weren't use to kindness after a pickpocketing.

A pair of drunks began to fight each other not far from Caedyn and Beth. The two shoved each other at first, which inched them closer and closer to the young adults, then began to throw fists around. This quickly got the fight on top of Beth and Caedyn. One of the drunks threw a powerful jab out which his opponent side stepped. The dodge put the fist heading straight for Beth and would collide with her if something wasn't done. The other drunk in this time pulled out a vibroknife and began to yell that he was going to kill everyone with lots of slurred curses.

Caedyn Arenais

Objective Two: Summary above.
Personal Effects: Click Here.
Location: Umbara Commons.
Post Count: Four.
These streets were volatile at best which wasn't much to say in the way of Umbara's state of affairs; the conditions some of these people were living under was worse than anything Caedyn had seen back home on Commenor. [member="Gray Raxis"] seemed rather quick in catching a sneak thief who tried to pickpocket the man, only to turn around and offer him a credit chip to which caused the boy younger than Caedyn himself was to eye him suspiciously. The Force pooled to Caedyn and from it he could feel the scrutiny and distrust of those watching the small group. Fear and Paranoia ran rampant throughout the environment, the locals seemingly on edge and at risk of being set off at the smallest discourse.

It just so happened that, as unfortunate it was for the younger pair, a fight soon broke out that sent two older Umbaran's scuffling in the street, rowdy and aggressive, they pushed one another and threw punches that toppled their footing and ended up nearly tripping over one of the teenagers. Amongst the Chaos, Caedyn's instincts kicked in at the urgent need for action as [member="Beth Australis"] was place directly in line with the fist of an adult. Reaching out with his left hand, Caedyn caught the man's fist before it reached her and with his right hand he turned his attention to the other having pulled a vibro blade and sent a burst of energy that took him off of his feet and sent him crashing to the street floor before he could even think of getting close to one of them.

"Beth..." Caedyn spoke to her, his formerly placid tone of voice having run rather firm in his want to get her away from the Umbaran, giving her a sideways nod towards Gray and [member="Bradshaw Ku"] before turning his attention to the two Umbaran's once more. "Go home..." He told them in what sounded like more of a command than anything else. The first being released from the Telekinetic hold while the second kicked at the street floor as he tried to scramble back to his feet and they two set off in opposite directions not entirely sure what had happened.
[member="Macharius Solaire"] | [member="Kaine Australis"] | [member="Livia Maddox"] | [member="Beth Australis"]
[member="Bradshaw Ku"] | [member="Alkor Centaris"] | [member="Tom Taff"] | [member="Lady Kay"] | [member="Gray Raxis"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Objective: 3

The package wasn't a bomb, but with the toxin pouring out of it, that didn't make it safe. Thankfully [member="Tom Taff"] was right on it, stopping the little droid that seemed quite eager to get to them. Just what that was all about, Kay knew that Tom would get to the bottom of soon.

Her attention was soon brought to the Ministers. Even now they were divided, with some wanting to join the CSA and others that are not. This was not going to be easy, but there had to be a compromise.

Kay clasped her hands in front of her, raising a brow slightly as [member="Rahn Haaku"] informed them all that she was honouring them with her time. She didn't hold herself in such high regard, however she didn't make any move to correct him as his remark could in fact benefit them and their situation.

"As I have said, we have food and other supplies on their way to take care of the Lower Caste. And my society is not whitewashed. There is still order and structure, yet there is next to no crime because people are being looked after. Do you believe that overpopulation of the Lower Caste is one of the problems? We can help with that by inviting some to live on other worlds in the Systems Alliance. Then they will be out of your hair, so to speak, and you'll have fewer to cause trouble for you. We also offer free education at our finest Universities. Your people can learn invaluable skills and bring up your industry to higher levels that will put a lot more credits into your purses. It will ease the stress and ease the burdens on you, giving you more time for relaxed luxury."

[member="Livia Maddox"]
A family was an interesting thing to a Mandalorian - clans themselves were essentially huge families. People weren't related, but they still considered each other family. It was something unique and lovable about the Mandalorian Empire and the subgroup of Clans. In either case, Beth was glad that Caedyn and other CSA members didn't seem to hold irrational fears of the Mandalorians. It was nice to see people with a rational view. She had learned quickly how ridiculous some people were over her culture.

In either case, the path through the lower caste made Beth's heart sink. If she hadn't been in a similar situation years before, she would almost say it was unbelieavable the squalor these people lived in. It was easy to see the criminal activity that began to run rampant. She doubt there any type of law enforcement presence in the region, aside from standard vigilante justice. She glanced towards [member="Caedyn Arenais"] and [member="Bradshaw Ku"] hopeful that if the Commenori do take control of the system, they would bring a better life to the people. They were forgotten by the Umbaran planetary government - someone had to step in.

Beth handed out foodstuff and water to kids and elderly that clearly needed them as they walked down the streets. She didn't have a lot with her, so she had to be careful and judge who was in worse conditions. Of course, the small amount would only last them a day, maybe. It was still better than nothing, at least in her mind.

The next few moments happened quickly - her eyes caught a boy try to pickpocket [member="Gray Raxis"]. Gray, as expected, caught him immediately, gave him a chip stick, and sent him on his way. She sighed, her ears slightly deflating from their excited straightness from before. It was a depressing thing to see. Somewhat unexpectedly, a pair of drunks had begun to fight near Beth and Caedyn. One of the men nearly pushed into her, but she managed to dodge him as he flung himself around in some attempt of a drunken punch. Beth naturally prepared her one offensive Force ability, the emerald colored lightening glistening off her right hand for a few moments. She didn't have to actually discharge the attack as Caedyn had already frozen one man and sent the other man onto the ground.

She heard him say her name. She gave him a smirk, standing firm where she was but giving him a nod. If the man decided to somehow attack her, she'd be ready for him. She wasn't about to let Caedyn have all the fun.

The drunken men decided to scamper away though, so... He did get all the fun. Beth gave Caedyn a playful smile. "Caedyn, you were awesome! Thank you for not letting me get punched." It somewhat reminded her of the first time they had met - although, she could have actually defended herself a bit this time around.
Objective: 2

Here she comes to save the daaaaay!!

Okay well maybe not really 'save' the day. But she was certainly going to help! Lori swooped down towards the Commons, using her trusty jetpack Ol' Sparky to bring her in. Goggles were fastened over her face to keep her eyes from tearing up with the wind. Her long hair was corded into a braid to keep it from whipping into her face. Using the Force to guide her instincts, she flew low inbetween the buildings, lowering her altitude with each passing block until she was just a few feet off the ground.

There was a fight breaking out. Just what it was about, she didn't know. Yet there was a crowd. Lori narrowed her eyes and honed in on her target. She steered herself into the supergirl position, fist out front and went straight at him, punching the apparent bad guy right in the chest and sending him flying back into the others behind them. A mother and her younglings cowered in the corner, with what Lori assumed to be their father nursing a hurt shoulder.

She righted herself and shut off her jetpack, her feet lightly thudding the ground. Lori brought up her fists, looking to the other hoodlums that were just getting back onto their feet. Her eyes glared at them from beneath the goggles. "Alright! Who's next?!"
Objective 2
Family: [member="Beth Australis"] [member="Caedyn Arenais"] [member="Bradshaw Ku"]​
As the fight began to break out, Gray was ready to intervene if needed. It was part of the reason he was here after all, since he likely had the most experience dealing with sudden outbreaks of violence. But he didn't need to do a thing. Caedyn stepped in immediately as Beth was readying a counter attack. The drunks were dealt with quick and then fled at the use of the force. A story their friends and families wouldn't believe later for sure given their drunken state, but it would still be good. The scene with the kid had already gotten people's attention on the family unit, but after that display it everyone was very aware of them. A mixture of panic, shock, and even awe was coming off of the gathered crowd. There was so many people as well that it would be impossible for even Gray to distinguish one person's emotions from another right now.

With that in mind, Gray turned to Caedyn and said, " Good job, but it is quicker and easier to just punch them in the face next time. Cause less of a scene. Guess the subtle part of our mission is over now. Time to move onto the next phase." After he finished, he cleared his throat. A friendly smile crossed his face and in as projected of a voice as he could muster he said, " Don't worry! We are just here to see how things are and help!" Muttering immediately broke out in the crowd along with looks of suspicion mixed with hope and curiosity. One somewhat handsome man stepped forth and yelled back, " Are you Jedi?!"

Gray laughed at his comment. Another surge of muttering ran through the crowd. Gray responded back, " No! I'm Mandalorain and he," Gray pointed to Caedyn. " He is Commenori as well as my nephew! Lady Kay, the Queen of Commenor, is here to broker a deal with your government to come into her Alliance of systems! She heard about the troubles you all face and wants to bring you some relief from the misery the upper caste has left you all in!" The handsome man yelled back, " Yeah, but what about those Jedi? You know, the Silver ones! They have been flying around and talking to the upper caste too!" Gray smiled some more. It was too good a step up. " And that is exactly why we are here right now! Do you see the Silvers anywhere here in the lower caste? Do you see them making an effort to help out any of you? No! They are just here to turn you all into soldiers for their armies and labors for their ships! They don't care about you! But Commenor and Mandalore do! It is why we are here with aid! We want to help and offer you all a choice to get away from this life even if the talks with the upper caste fail!"

With that last statement, a debate began to erupt around the people. They were not sure if they could trust Gray. He said he was a Mandalorian but he wasn't wearing any armor and slinging a weapon around. But he was right that there was no Jedi around helping them either even though the Jedi's ships were easy to see flying around the planet. They were divided and unsure of any of this. It would be nice if what he had said was true but they had no proof. At least they didn't until the humanitarian aid finally started to catch up to Gray, Caedyn, Beth, and Brad. Word came in of supplies and aid being offered by Commenori people back at the entrance into the lower caste. Suddenly, there was some proof to fuel the hope that Gray had offered to them.

Macharius Solaire

Objective: 3
Location: Umbaran Capital
Post Count: 5

"Artillery is setting up. Talk to with General Howell's HQ for an eta on support. Keep pushing in the mean time and stick to the plan. Solaire over and out". With an initial setback on one front as he knew of, plan Bravo was underway. Spreading out as they advanced towards the capital. Macharius giving orders to his Center force while his tank sped up to the front line.

Macharius and his forces fought further north. Enemy resistance was light according to his other commanders. The Denonian's superior maneuverability and numbers on the open field was overcoming what they could bring. If this was the best they could do it was going to be over by the end of the day. Especially once their heavy guns were set up. Maybe that air support too if it ever came. Through the fog as the two sides exchanged blaster fire and cannon things seemed to change in the terrain. A few trees, if that's what they were had gone by. visibility was really reducing now. The fog of war was real.

"Commander Solaire this is Vanguard Center we've got a whole forest ahead of us. Other groups are reporting the same along our front. Shall we advance in sir? Over."

Macharius paused. Intel got it wrong. It wasn't an open plain then up the mountain. Well to be fair it was until now. But there was a massive, dense forest that surrounded the capital. Their real line of defense to hold them off he suspected. If one knew their history, not lost in the 400 years of darkness. They'd know during the Clone Wars the Republic had to fight a brutal campaign through this very forest. Macharius wasn't so much a scholar though as he was a soldier. He'd need to asses the situation himself up close to determine what he'd do next. Though he had an idea.

"Hold positions outside the forest. All Army groups heed that order. Keep the enemy suppressed and hold until further orders."

[member="Kaine Australis"] @Livia Maddox [member="Beth Australis"] [member="Bradshaw Ku"] [member="Alkor Centaris"] [member="Tom Taff"] [member="Lady Kay"] [member="Gray Raxis"]​

Caedyn Arenais

Objective Two: Summary above.
Personal Effects: Click Here.
Location: Umbara Commons.
Post Count: Five.
Caedyn relaxed a little as the men quickly moved to escape the boy's further intervention, seeing that [member="Beth Australis"] had been kept from being hit, he smiled to her in open relief and exhaled that his shoulders could be noticed as they dropped a little. Obviously, as pointed out soon after by [member="Gray Raxis"], Caedyn hadn't been thinking about the consequences of his use of the Force as opposed to keeping Beth safe, his personal desires having gotten in the way of the larger picture at hand soon appeared rather blatantly apparent now that he had the mind to glance around their surroundings and take in the expressions of fear and uncertainty upon the local populace while Gray sought to put their minds at ease with his speech.

What the Mandalorian said next came in the form of many mixed emotions, the first being surprise at the mention of the Silver Jedi Order, for Caedyn had no idea what-so-ever that they were visiting Umbara at the moment, let alone having anything in the way of concerns or bad impressions of them. [member="Asaraa Vaashe"], a girl he had met quite recently on his home-world had talked a bit about what it was like being in the Silver Jedi and she had done nothing but talk them up.

Moving closer to Beth as Gray tried to paint a positive picture upon the Systems Alliance, Caedyn leaned in a little so that she could hear his question clearly with how loud his Uncle was having to speak that the crowd around them could listen to him. "Did you know there were Silver Jedi here?" He asked curiously, his eyes looking to meet with hers and at the lock of their gaze his mouth curled to one corner in a half smile, soon averting his gaze to look back in Gray's direction. "I wonder if Mom knows..." He added, speaking his thoughts aloud and suddenly wondering if there wasn't some other reason for their having come to Umbara.

[member="Macharius Solaire"] | [member="Kaine Australis"] | [member="Livia Maddox"] | [member="Beth Australis"]
[member="Bradshaw Ku"] | [member="Alkor Centaris"] | [member="Tom Taff"] | [member="Lady Kay"] | [member="Gray Raxis"]

Objective: 2

The upstarts and trouble makers of the Lower Caste didn't know what to make of the goggled wild girl with the jet pack. She wasn't dressed like a Mandalorian, yet the ships buzzing the city overhead sure were. And if there was one Mandalorian, there were bound to be others...

So they turned tail and ran...

Lori powered down her jetpack to let it cool off. After she was sure that they had gone, she removed her goggles, letting them sit on top of her head and approached the small family huddled. She crouched down so that she was even less intimidating. "It's okay. I'm here to help. My mom's the High Queen of Commenor Systems Alliance. She's come to bring you all food and supplies. I think that some are here now. I can radio ahead and see. Did you want to come with? It's okay..."

The parents looked at her, studied her. The prospect of food was welcoming. As well as medical aid. Hesitating, the father nodded. "You don't look like a Princess, but you saved us. The least that we can do is give you a chance."

Lori smiled and got to her feet. "This way. It's just a few blocks down from here." She turned on her heel and led the small family down the street, feeling mighty pleased with herself.

Bradshaw Ku

Crown Prince of Commenor
Objective: 2
Post: 2
Nearby Allies: [member="Caedyn Arenais"], [member="Gray Raxis"], [member="Beth Australis"]​

Before he knew what hit him, Bradshaw found himself wrapped in a powerful hug by [member="Gray Raxis"]. It was a pouncing embrace that brought to mind his own surprise hug he’d sprung on the twins not long ago, except this time he was on the other side of it. He was not well acquainted with Gray, but his mother and their family had many great friends, family, and allies and he made it a point to remember who they were. Despite the lack of personal familiarity, Gray, being all three: a friend, ally, and family, his hug was not unwanted, and Bradshaw reciprocate in kind. Then the mandalorian whispered in his ear, explaining the matchmaker plans for [member="Caedyn Arenais"] and [member="Beth Australis"], and he warned him not to interfere.

The former playboy couldn’t help but smirk a little and chuckle at the thought. “Don’t worry, I think I’d rather arm wrestle a Rancor than try to stand in the way of a woman with her mind made up. I'm too old to fall into that trap.” He whispered back.

So, this was indeed the famous “girlfriend” of Caedyn, as Lori often put it, never one to pass up any opportunity for teasing her twin half. She seemed like a perfectly lovely girl, so Caedyn’s infatuation with her, as was clear from their slightly awkward, but charming, interactions with each other, was not at all surprising. The lad did well for himself.


As the group continued through the streets and side alleys of the slums, made all the more depressing by the planet’s gloomy atmosphere and climate, the others focused on the people lining the paths, giving what aid they could personally before the large transports made their way this far in, and thwarting and then rewarding young pickpockets, Bradshaw’s attention had been increasingly drawn further away. Making him more quiet than usual.

He could feel the coiled tension surrounding the planet. They were precariously balanced on a knife edge with war flanking them on all sides. Fighters began swarming the skies around the city and then what he’d been dreading became reality with explosive violence as an unknown target outside the city was leveled by an unseen ship in orbit. Dull vibrations moved through the ground with the impacts and far away bursts of noise rang out. He guessed it must be one of their Mandalorian allies.

His head dipped and he shook it in mixed emotions of disbelief and sadness. It wasn’t supposed to be like this. They weren’t meant to bring war and confrontation to planets, they were meant to bring with them peace but that now seemed increasingly unlikely as the military maneuvering escalated.

His mind was drawn back to the slums in front of him when a pair of drunkards fighting each other sloppily found themselves on top of Beth and Caedyn, putting them in the middle of their scuffle and threatening an errant punch or kick accidentally hitting one of them. Bradshaw’s hand instinctively inched toward his lightsaber beneath his vest. But before he needed to do anything, Caedyn had deftly, though unwisely with youthful haste, sent the two rablerousers scattering in separate directions with assistance from the Force. What little cover they might have had was now blown.

After pointing out just that, Gray decided to use the opportunity to do some recruiting. That was not part of their plan, at least, it was never part of Caedyn and his plan. The tactics he was using made Bradshaw’s eyebrows raise. He gave Caedyn a look. What Gray said of the CSA was true enough, but what he said of the Silver Jedi, threatening that they would draft the lower cast Umbarans into their military and use them as laborers, couldn’t be right. The CSA and Silver Jedi didn’t always agree, but Bradshaw knew they weren’t the sort to use forced labor, among other things.

Stepping up next to Gray when he’d finished his recruitment pitch, Bradshaw looked around at the gathering crowd and with confidence, spoke up.

“My name is Bradshaw Ku, I am the Crown Prince of the Commenor Systems Alliance. What this man said of us is true. We wish to help you all in whatever ways we can and we have many means to do just that. A sampling of those means is working its way here as we speak. But we can only do so much as outsiders. If Umbara joins our alliance, we can help raise you up in more ways than simple allocations of food, water, medical care, and housing.”

He started to walk toward the crowd and then slowly circle the border. “However, my mandalorian friend, ally, and family here, in his passion for seeing your lives bettered, has mistakenly embellished the circumstances you might find yourself in if you found yourself under the rule of the Silver Jedi. They are not likely to draft you into their military, unless you want to join, and you will not find yourselves in any sort of forced labor. However, I am also shore that we can and will do more for you than them. There is no guarantee that your circumstances will be bettered by the Jedi, but we can guarantee that it will be if you’re partnered with us.”

His circle brought him back to stand next to Gray, Caedyn, and Beth.

| [member="Loreena Arenais"] | [member="Macharius Solaire"] | [member="Alkor Centaris"] | [member="Lady Kay"] | [member="Tom Taff"] | [member="Kaine Australis"] | [member="Livia Maddox"] | [member="Yasha Mantis"] | [member="Rahn Haaku"]​
Beth, once she began to focus on things other than [member="Caedyn Arenais"] (especially), [member="Gray Raxis"], and [member="Bradshaw Ku"], realized how odd they were in the lower castes. The people were gaping at them, either in awe or in fear. A slight frown tugged on lips. People shouldn't have to live like this. Her mind, though, turned to Gray and Caedyn.

Regrettably, though, their guise was broken. It was very clear they didn't belong in the lower castes and were here for some reason or another. It wasn't every day that a group of strangers walked into a poverty-stricken slum and were trained in Force use.

Gray began to speak to the crowd that began to gather. Naturally, Beth stepped away from him and Brad and towards Caedyn. Her eyes met with Caedyn's for a second as she watched the small half smile appear. Butterflies. Nervousness. She broke their gaze, looking towards the ground momentarily, her cheeks slightly pink. After a few moments of a recovery, she nodded. "Yeah, I overheard on the way here. I don't know why, but it's probably safe to assume. The only stuff I really know about them is that they wouldn't let my dad save Yasha, and her kiddo, Adara when they were kidnapped."

That was... A depressing but kind of uplifting situation. Adara lived but was tainted. She touched the necklace around her neck as she thought back on what all had occurred. "I imagine someone would have told her," she gave an encouraging smile to Caedyn. "By the way," she gave him a wink, "What you did was awesome, even if it did blow whatever cover we had going on."

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