Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Castle To D-8

Taylor would stifle a chuckle as she finished her message to the next of the two privates, simply sending it to [member="Doska"] with a similar message that she wrote to [member="Victor Obrien"].

Private Doska,
Make your way immediately to my study, wearing your civilian clothing.
Room D-8, Officer Wing, One Sith Army Corps headquarters.
Signed, Captain Taylor Lannus.

The captain, immediately pressing send, would turn to speak with sergeant [member="Torin Trin"] ​a moment before addressing the private as well.

"Sergeant, your next private will be coming in shortly and I will be withholding his information for, educational reasons. Private, take a seat on the lounge, that is an order. And take the weaponry with you, my floor isn't your personal armoury."

"It will be good to see you in action Victor." With that said, Torin would listen to what Taylor had to say.

This move by Taylor would confuse Torin, why would he withold the information? A small test possibly? "May I ask why?" He followed suit and began to sit down awaiting the answer from Taylor or the arrival of Doska, which ever came first.

[member="Taylor Lannus"] [member="Victor Obrien"]
Victor Picks up the rotary cannon with ease in one hand "Yes sir." he says as he walks over to the lounge sitting down on it, placing his cannon next to him. He sits quietly awaiting the for the other.

[member="Taylor Lannus"]
He moved into the room, the heavy lidded eye's moving with an almost mechanical and sardonic nature to it. "Yesss.." there was a sing song way to his speech patterns, a way to how the tongue slid up and over the teeth in an almost unnatural fashion, giving his words a menace or alien quality. "This is our leader, how many points does he have." there was a slight twitch to his digits, the claw running rings on the palms of his hand's. "Not much I bet." his word's were like a low growl, the aggression so common in his species heavy in his voice.

He crossed his arms, the rounded bulbs of his elbows locking onto his raised arms giving a stern but bleak look, as much as one can next to a Dark Trooper. "You've made a poor choice, bet he won't last a week."

| [member="Victor Obrien"] | [member="Torin Trin"] | [member="Taylor Lannus"] |​
Torin would jump up from his seat at the sight of the Trandoshan. He was about to reach for his pistol but he took control of himself. He was the Sergeant, thus he had to prove to this lizard that he was incharge. He strode to where Doska stood. Torin had very limited knowledge about Trandoshan religion, but he did know about their weird scorekeeping. "Hello Trandoshan. I'm Sergeant Trin. And my points, well I had more points than you do now, when I was four."

Torin extended his arm towards the Trandoshan for a handshake. "And you are?"

Taylor would finish typing up some information before standing, a chuckle emitting through her helmets voice modifier. It would seem that the captain liked how [member="Torin Trin"] replied to [member="Doska"] and why wouldn't she. Still standing behind her desk, the captain would begin to speak.

"That is private Doska, he is your second private for the squad that you are able to look over. I believe it is comfortable enough for you."

She would then take a couple steps around the desk before giving a nod to private [member="Victor Obrien"].

"I will be clear, command believes the sergeant able to lead his own squad and I am his commanding officer. Unfortunately due to- Reasons, I have opted for the sergeant to have a smaller squad until later notice. As such, I shall be at the squad's side during any and all missions."

The captain would take a moment, allowing anyone to start a conversation or ask any questions, before she pushed on forward.
"The age of four." it wasn't a reply to [member="Torin Trin"], it was reply to himself. It seemed he didn't understand the sergeants remark, but the sergeant didn't understand what he said, that insult ran deep but so did his nail's. He'd adjust his arm's away from his side's to [member="Torin Trin"] sides, he'd begin to lift him up and towards his height, his claws running the length of his armour making dents and deformities. "Maybe I should help you cash in your score now."

| [member="Taylor Lannus"] | [member="Torin Trin"] | [member="Victor Obrien"] |​
This Trandoshan obviously didn't understand how low he really was in the food chain. As he began to get hoisted up off the floor, Torin would quickly reach to his vibrodagger that was sheathed across his left breastplate quickly drawing it, switching it on and placing it just at Doska's thoat. As he felt his armour getting damaged Torin spoke calmy, but the anger was building up. "Doska was it? You'd best put me down." His voice was stern, well as stern as one could be when trying to threaten a Trandoshan that was holding you in the air.

"Private Victor, separate the two."

Taylor would firmly command to private [member="Victor Obrien"], once the darktrooper would do such the captain would simply keep an eye on both private [member="[/COLOR][/B][B][COLOR=rgb(105,105,105)]Doska[/COLOR][/B][B][COLOR=rgb(105,105,105)]"] and her sergeant [member="Torin Trin"].

"Glad that you two are now acquainted with one another, as it stands this is castle squad and unless we are given another, we shall be shipped off immediately. Unless, sergeant, you would be more comfortable having some training with your squad before hand."

The captain would say with a tone of amusement.
Standing up "Gladly." He would take a step towards the two grabbing the Sergeant by the chest guard to hold him up he would raise his hand to the trandoshians chest to pull/push the two apart. being successful he places the sergeant on the ground and stands between the two.

[member="Taylor Lannus"] [member="Torin Trin"] [member="Doska"]
There was a rotation to those eye's, a look that said he understood the situation. But there was another, a twist of his mouth a grimace to those scaled lip's. "Watch yourself." he said after being parted from [member="Torin Trin"]. "Where are we being deployed?" he addressed [member="Taylor Lannus"].

| [member="Victor Obrien"] | [member="Taylor Lannus"] | [member="Torin Trin"] |​
Torin nodded his thanks to Victor. "Job well done Private." He'd say as he was placed on the floor. He sheathed his dagger and eyed the Trandoshan.

"I think I would like to assess my squad before we go on any mission Captain." He look towards Taylor, awaiting her response.

[member="Doska"] [member="Victor Obrien"] [member="Taylor Lannus"]
Taylor would cross her arms in-front of her chest, there would be silence a moment between everyone; private [member="Doska"], private [member="Victor Obrien"] and sergeant [member="Torin Trin"], before she decided to speak.

"Do you require me to hold your hand and lead you towards the armoury and shooting range also, sergeant?"

The captain would wait for the sergeant to give an order of leaving the room, once one was given she quickly give an order for private Doska to stay back a moment.

"Private, sparring and testing one's strength is all well, and good, but remember that he is your superior and you are to follow the sergeant's orders."

She would then allow the Trandoshan to follow the rest of the squad before following behind.

The annyoance would flash through Torin eyes, but he bottled that up. He quickly saluted and began to walk out of the room. "I can find my own way. Privates, on me now." As they began to leave, Doska was held back. Torin quickly turned to adminsted his order to him. "Make sure you make it to the shooting range Private Doska. With all of your equipment." With that said, Torin would place on his helmet and lead Victor to the shooting range.

Upon arriving at the shooting range, Torin would collect his SE-14 Light Repeating Blaster and hold it at the ready. "Private Obrien, please stand at the line." Torin would gesture to the line that points to the targets down the range.

[member="Taylor Lannus"] [member="Doska"] [member="Victor Obrien"]
Stands up to the line with his rotary cannon in both hands he raise's it up to the appropriate height and fires down the range flashes of red exit the barrel at an extremely fast rate. He twists his upper body side to side aiming to hit all the targets in seconds. He completed the task by hitting all the targets in hardly any time.

After finishing he looks to Torin "Done."

The targets are all hit but not accurately since it is due to the type of weapon.

[member="Torin Trin"]
"Nerh.." his bulk moving down the line, aligning himself so he'd be adjacent with the near by table, his head would move from [member="Victor Obrien"], to [member="Torin Trin"]. There was a tremor to his mouth a movement to his lower jaw, one might expect the Trandoshan to be angry but telling from his appearance one might assume he's always angry.
Torin would give a nod of his head to Victor. "Good spraying Private."

He'd then turn on his heels, facing Doska. "Now Doska, take this and shoot the target down there." He'd pass over a DLT-20A Blaster Rifle.

[member="Doska"] [member="Victor Obrien"]

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