Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Cat and Mouse



“Mate.” Ceran said squatting down while still standing a respectable distance away from Mrrew and taking careful measure to keep the blaster pointed at his head. “You just contradicted yourself. Which leads me to believe that you do in fact know more than you're saying.”

Still, he had more to go on that before. The name Benefactor implied something, most likely what the title suggested was that whoever took up the leadership of the Rebel Alliance was also funding them. Not many people had the money to fund a terrorist organization.

That description wasn't exactly much to go on, but couple that with the name he had been given earlier, it could very well lead to something bigger. He was sure that the name Mrrew had told him was some sort of scapegoat, perhaps a Rebel that was designated as someone to take the hit. If he could track her down and interrogate her? That could be another lead which coupled with the title could find him his target.

But Mrrews own words told him that he knew more than he was letting on. “So far you've told me three things. It's a woman, she's rich, and you've met her.”

That last one was an assumption, but it was a correct one if he guessed right.

“Now, I'm very good at my job. I tracked you down in two days, there were others in the facility, and I'll be tracking them down too. What you don't tell me, I will get from them, with the added benefit of telling them exactly how I got to them.” The implication was of course that Ceran would be sharing that Mrrew had spilled the beans, even though he had yet to do so. He couldn't imagine the Rebel Alliance would be too well pleased with the idea of traitors. “Of course, if you tell me the rest of what you know. There won't be a need for any of that.”
This time, Mrrew caught a break. He and a choice few marines had been the only ground force during the raid. He had gone ahead (if I recall correctly) into the factory before the other marines- they'd stayed in the forest. None of them were ever seen. And the pilots, of course, no one knew who they were either... He was bluffing.The Togorian shrugged, as much as he could when he was pretty much paralyzed anyway."I already told you- I'm no longer associating myself with them... And I've told you all I know about her. No one knows her name. She keeps her identitiy secure- to avoid situations like this." Mrrew's growl made itself known again, deep in his throat. "Wouldn't you?"

( [member="Ceran Moerelle"] Sorry for short reply, got to take a shower. )



Ceran felt a bit perturbed for a moment. Perhaps he was telling the truth, perhaps he didn't know more.

He had already gathered three massive tidbits of information, and though the description was loose, when it came with the other things he already knew then it was quite a large step in the right direction. He could make due with what he knew now, though something still plagued his mind even now. His lips turned down, and his mouth parted.

“I would, but then again I also wouldn't be a terrorist.” He paused for a moment, then stood up.

The Bounty Hunter pulled the Holo-display device from his pocket, tossing it besides Mrrews face. Part of him knew Mrrew still knew something else, but that would be taken care of by his earlier forethought. With slow steps he moved to exit of the room.

“The Bola will run out of power in 30 minutes.” Opening the door he continued. “The cuffs in 2 hours.”
... He knew [member="Ceran Moerelle"] was m,ost likely bluffing. He needed more information from him. Unless he'd rigged the room with explosives... that may be the case too. Either way, he could still milk any further oppurtunity out of this situation... Mrrew calmed the growling in his throat, and slowly spoke to teh bounty hunter as he left. He probably would never find the man. However, he could still make sure he didn't spread what information he did have all over the galaxy... "I'm suprised that's all you wanted to know..." He was,of course, hoping to be asked more questions. Becuase that means he could give more lies. Or, prehaps even more truths. He had decided he wasn't in any real dange,r other then prehaps some minor injuries. And this was the perfect chance to throw any hunters that may be after the leader of the Rebels off her trail... Or something better.



His head twisted back around.

“You've given me enough.” Ceran took another step forward out the door, but paused slightly as he did so, he turned around and faced the giant Togorian. “Unless you have something more to share?”

Perhaps his bluff of walking out had been called, after all for all intents and purposes Mrrew was still technically his captive, at least for another half hour or so. Though in truth he did actually have enough to take the next step forward.

Curiosity got the better of him however.
Mrrew shifted his weight as much as he coudl to more or less shift himself into a sitting position. This was exactlty what he wanted. "Of course I have more information..." Mrrew blinkied at hisc uffs, then back up to the Bounty Hunter. "And I might not know who the leader is, but I know who will. And I know where she is." The Togorian paused for a second, letting that sink in. He had to take this slowly, if you shove the bait in front of an animal, it'll only scare it away... You had to place it carfully, let the vermin sniff it, make sure there's no trap, before dropping the cage door shut. Unless of course [member="Ceran Moerelle"] just turned around and walked away... that would be bad.



Ceran waited for a moment, then let out a silent sigh.

He didn't exactly believe Mrrew, he had not exactly been forthcoming so far, and the fact that he was now so willing to share screamed of a trap. Still, even a trap could be useful, and if Mrrew wanted to give him more, than who was he not to listen. Of course, Ceran knew well enough that no one was coming for him, so if there was a trap, he would have to walk into it.

“Do tell.” The Bounty Hunter said still gripping his weapon rather tightly.
(*Realies how stupid I was lol*)

Mrrew frowned. Well, he wasn't as stupid as he was hoping. And he probably realized that Mrrew was giving the information to easily- he realized it himself almsot as soon as he said it. He was probably failing his attempt to set a trap miserably... Nontheless, why not try? "First, the cuffs. Consider this my payment for not leaving me here to nap for an hour or two..." Of course the numbing effect of [member="Ceran Moerelle"]'s bola would still stop him from attacking, or really doing anything with his arms for awhile, but he didn't paticularly liket he idea of just sitting there with a gun in his face. "Or you can chase shadows for a few months. Your choice." The Togorian chose his words carefully,. tyring not to give information to easily, while not seeming to hesitant about giving it either... This was getting difficult.


“I don't like freeing ten foot tall cat monsters when I have them trapped.” He scowled, no bounty was worth dying for, and no information was either. There was no way he was letting Mrrew loose from those cuffs as long as he was within a mile of him. In a one on one fight the Togorian could very likely tear him limb from limb, and Ceran very well knew that.

“Your payment is the type, Its the only thing that links you to a bunch of terrorists and cowards.” His lips turned down in disgust. “Now either tell me what you have, or I go chase my shadows.”

He was done playing games, mostly because he had a pretty good idea of where he was going next, and what he was going to do.

Bounty Hunters weren't all alone, he had resources, and he had friends that could help him. The information he had gotten from Mrrew, coupled with the Data from Tion was enough to make a large step forward.
Mrrew shrugged externally, but internally he was cramming his minds for ways to get the man to take the bait. Most people would be all to happy to let the bounty hunter go, so they could run as soon as the cuffs wore off... Mrrew wast ryingt o milk this for oppurtunity. What he said was true- he wasn't going to be publicly associated with the Rebels much longer... That was going badly. That was getting bounty hunters to his doorstep. But that didn't mean he wanted Genieve to get killed...

"Do as you like. When you hit a dead end, you can come back to me. I would look near fringe space." He was giving him a hint, but it was a vague one. Much to vague for him to follow. Without further information, that is... Of course, [member="Ceran Moerelle"] may very well find Gen himself- but the chances of that were slim. Mrrew hoped so, anyway... He'd have to contact her when it was safe.



This time he sighed audible.

Taking three careful steps back into the room, making sure he was still some distance away from the Togorian. Ceran pointed the blaster directly at the aliens skull. There was a distinct noise as the Maser was switched form Stun, to kill.

“The Bounty Hunters have a creed.” He began to explain. “In that Creed it says one can either capture or kill and Acquisition, not both.”

The Blaster in his hand was steady as a rock, the blue lights on the side showing that it was fully charged. He was sick and tired of playing games, and though he still liked Mrrew, he was no longer playing around. This man had information, and any information was good, but he wasn't going to play for it. “You are not an acquisition, you're a means to an end. Kill you goes against neither my creed, nor my morals. Tell me.”

His voice could crack stone.
Mrrew considered his options. It wouldn't do much good to be shot. He hadn't played his cards right earlier- he made a mistake. He made [member="Ceran Moerelle"] think that he was giving him false information. If it just seemed as if he'd give the rigth information (and lead him into a trap) in the first place, this would've gone much differently.... Now what? He doubted that the bounty hunter would actually kill him. Mrrew had informaiton he wanted. Shoot him a few more times? Probably. Torture him? Maybe. Kill him? Not likely. But he still didn't much liek the idea of being tortured... Mrrew let fear show on his face, but quickly wiped it away. He had to play this carefully.

"You're not going to shoot me. If you do- you don't get the information I have."



He let his finger slide onto the trigger. Most people wouldn't catch that little hint of aggression, but since Mrrew was a disciplined Hunter and user of firearms himself he would know well that ti was a sign of intent. Ceran really was tired of these games.

“I already have enough, anything more is just a bonus.” His tone was cold, much colder than it had been previously.

It was clear that Cerans patience had grown very very thin. You could only push a man so far before he got tired of games, and Ceran had reached that point. His finger slowly squeezed down on the trigger, his arm stiffened, and his body became slightly more rigid.

Calmly he spoke a single syllable. “1....”
Perfect. His last mistake was seeming to quick to give information. Now it was taking being held at gunpoint- he would only hope that would make it more convincing. What should make it even more convincing is the fact that he was telling the truth. "Fine, fine,,," Mrrew stared anxiously at the trigger, growling deep in his throat- letting the anger that he had been captured, and the anger that he'd been tracked down as being associated with the Rebels, show in his voice... "I was telling the truth about it being fringe space. In the unknown regions. An uninhabited planet." Mrrew continued to stare at the barrel of the maser. "Put the gun away, and I'll give you coordinates..." Mrrew grimanced as he spoke.

[member="Ceran Moerelle"]


(Short post but i'm about to head to the grocery store!)

The tension drained out of him, and his finger went back onto the trigger guard.

The arm fell away and to his side, though noticeably he did not replace the weapon in his holster. The Togorian wasn't dangerous in his current state, but a Bounty Hunter who put his weapon away in such a situation would likely end up dead, and Ceran had no intention of doing so.

He looked expectantly at the Togorian, saying nothing more.
Mrrew growled deep in his throat- doing a fantastic job of appearing as he would rather jump in a pit of crystal snakes then say what he was about to. "In the unknown regions, a hex northwest of Rakata Prime. Large jungle planet- called Heklor." Mrrew stared daggers at [member="Ceran Moerelle"] for a moment- enforcing the look of anger on his face with the thoughts of what he would do if he ever found this man again. After he walked into the trap Mrrew was setting, of course. "Coordinates 589-436763. Near the equator of the planet. Western hemisphere." Mrrew stared at him for another moment, before gesturing to the cuffs. "Now take these damn things off..."

(The coordinates are just random numbers, lol... And yep, that's actually where the Rebel Base is. :p)



He memorized the numbers in a matter of seconds, a knack that he had picked up working on a smugglers ship where numbers were everything. For a brief moment Ceran wondered if it was the truth, if the rebels were truly there. He would have to check it out, very carefully. This could still be a trap, still be very dangerous.

Almost casually Ceran lifted his blaster and shot the energy cuffs, disabling them.

“Seventeen minutes. See you around, Hunter.” With that Ceran turned to go. His helmet sensors kept an eye on Mrrew of course, and his blaster remained noticeably out of his holster. The Energy Bola was more than suitable to keep the Togorian down for another quarter hour of course, but it payed to be careful. As soon as he was out the door the business man approached him, hands out.

Ceran regarded him, then gave him the rest of the money before heading towards the buildings exit.

(Fun thread! I'll be following up on the info soon.)

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